Sup Forums I have a question. My fiance will go out once a month with her gfs drinking and clubbing etc...

Sup Forums I have a question. My fiance will go out once a month with her gfs drinking and clubbing etc. She drinks with heels, G-string, short dress etc. I usually chill at home smoking weed and she ubers home around 4am.

The question is, does this sound cuck? And if so how should I handle it?

How old is she? britfag here and my housemates 19 gf does this also and she's really devoted to him. i think girls just like to go out mate.

She's probably not fucking. But giving th ol' gooey fingers while clubbing and blowing select dudes. I wouldn't worry about it. You could always follow or gos her if you're really uncertain.

I wouldn't like it

sounds normal. chicks go out.

if you wanted to go out with your guy friends, would she care? if not, she's not cheating.

She's 24
Fuck you

I'm insecure as fuck, I wouldn't let my girl go clubbing. Girls go to the club to get hit on by guys, that IS the fun part of being at the club.

You don't sound cuck, you sound autistic.

Everyone wants to go out with friends too.
Do I go out without my gf? Yes
Do I dress up for that? Yes, ofc

Does this mean I fuck other girls on the side? Well in this case yes but...

Whoa, chill bro. You asked. I gave an answer and got the ol' gooey fingers.

As long as she isn't hurt and you trust her, there should be no problem but I'm not you or a licensed counselor so don't take my word for truth

she cucking you

Don't you think about the question you just typed out?

So what should I say to her?

She may just want to have fun or she might be trying to see if she can find someone better. If you try to stop her though it will ruin your relationship. It's a risk you must take if you are want to stay together.

depends on how much you consider as cucking

Don't be a retard, she's just going out. If you really are doubting her, just talk to her about it.

Tell her that it makes you uncomfortable, if she isn't down then she is cucking you anyways. If she isn't cucking you, she will stop going or at least try to put your mind at ease (phone calls etc, only on birthdays). And your not being cucked, she might just not be interested in you. Women are hypergamous and afraid to be alone. So they cheat from relationship to relationship.

She's 24 and dating a guy that would rather sit home and smoke weed than go out for an adventure or otherwise enjoy the remainder of your youth. (There's plenty of time to sit around when you're dead).

If she's smart, she's shopping around. You guys wouldn't seem to be hugely compatible.

Fuck you man. Just cause she likes seeing her friends and I like to have a smoke and use Sup Forums is just us. We've been together 7 years

loool what do you do on these adventures? Drink beer and stand around? I'll agree tho, doesn't sound like they share the same values.

OOOOOO FUCK 7 YEARS!!!! Shit man... she shoppin around.

>go out for an adventure
you have to be 18 or over to post here
going to a club isn't an adventure, it sucks balls and good on OP for not doing this kind of degenerate bullshit

What if it's a weird situation where she's completely loyal the whole time she's out. To front her friends that she ain't a hoe. But always fucks or blows the Uber guy.


It's about getting out the house and having fun. Maybe you like hiking, or riding motorcycles, or fuck maybe you guys go do a couples pottery class. Maybe you actually go dancing together...salsa dancing is hot as fuck. Take a trip, make some memories, etc etc.

People change and grow. She's been with you since she was 17, so she's your high school sweetheart.

You know, those relationships have a pretty bad track record the past few decades. Nothing wrong with wanting more out of life.

She goes to the club to release endorphins, get attention, in general feel a release and feel better. If she can't get that boost at home, she'll go where she needs to for it.

>club is degenerate
>petrifying in a weed-induced stupor is classy

yeah okay.

She looks like Penelope from The Amanda Show.

Yes, please!

Holy shit he has autism because he stays inside and smokes weed. Jesus fuck, I am tired of all this,"you must have autism because bla bla bla." I don't even think you know the signs or symptoms of this word. Degenerate lurker.