Feels thread. I've been kinda sad. If anyone cares, i'll post why

Feels thread. I've been kinda sad. If anyone cares, i'll post why.

I'm here for you

Do you just copy and paste the same posts for hours to try get attention from strangers? That's pathetic dude, even for Sup Forums.

It's about the boy isn't it...he's in a better place now


I know.

Kinda sad

Try coping with an existential crisis. That morose joyride makes being that fucking pout-y look like a vacation.

Oh man, you've had it soooooooooo rough and soooooooooo hard. Oh lordy. What happened? Did you finally figure out you were gonna die someday? Fucking baby.

i'm happy the little cunts dead

death not painful enough imo.

As if our mutual expiration is enough to be truly unsettling.

Try on the impenetrable dichotomy of humanity striving to find a purpose in an immutably indifferent universe. In fewer words, it's not that we perish, but that our existence is completely pointless.

Fuck it I'll share my shitty feels while I'm here

>be me
>finally having friends for the first time in my life
>these people actually care about and encourage me to improve my life
>birthday coming up
>haven't had any form of birthday or "gift giving" type day with friends or family since shitty childhood
>all my friends are artists
>I've never been given anything for my birthday, maybe I'll just get a "happy birthday" and a small drawing or two?
>Birthday happens
>only one friend acknowledges and says Happy Birthday
>other friends ignore me like the plague

I seriously thought my life was getting better but now I just feel like a piece of shit. I'd be fine with this except I see them all draw shit and acknowledge other people's birthdays and shit. People they don't even talk to. Are they actually my friends? Am I a douche for wanting something on my birthday? Or am I just an attention seeking whore that should shut his mouth and learn his place? This has been fucking me up so bad the past few months and I just don't know what to do. I haven't spoken to any of them about it because I'm worried they'll just tell me to fuck off and not worry about it.

Bravo you killed the threads

All I need to say.

We're all stranded at sea in a sinking lifeboat and whether we choose to acknowledge the circumstances, we're still all doomed to begin with, and no one will ever know, no one will ever even notice.

I thought too I had friends. I thought too I would have gifts for my birthday.

I wouldn't be so hung up about it if I didn't see them all acknowledge each other's Birthdays and give each other gifts. It's like every time they do, they're just twisting the knife further into my chest

If you don't celebrate yourself you can't expect anyone else to bother. That being said, Happy belated you silly cunt.

Just because someone has it harder than you didn't mean your pain dosnt count. People often insist of judging human suffering on some sort of spectrum and their own arbitrary ideas determines what is good enough to be sad about. To a certain extent this is good but it also can breed apathy for when we can't see a logical reason people are down, despite the fact that there very well could be one. We don't tell a man who has lost a leg to suck it up because another has lost two, so why do we tell someone severely upset to suck it up because someone else is probably worse

They are not your friends. I know it's hard to accept but if you were my friend I would draw you something.

Great friends are hard to come by. I don't use the words 'best friends' to describe anyone anymore otherwise it's proven by the universe quite quickly why those people aren't deserving of that title.

It's like what Owen Wilson's character said on 'Are You Here', "That's the thing about friendship. It's a lot rarer than love, 'cause there's nothing in it for anybody."

Emotionally speaking, I'm quite lonely, but I've simply chosen to accept it as a part of my life. It's definitely made me much more cold-hearted, but I'm a lot happier, because man does it still beat the constant disappointment from others.

I feel like this is where I went wrong but it feels so wrong to draw attention to it if that makes sense? It feels like I'd just be saying "HEY LOOK AT ME, PAY ATTENTION TO ME, GIVE ME SHIT" Which I guess is sort of true in a sense but I don't want to accept it?

Ugh it's really fucking hard to explain this shit. Even speaking to a fucking counselor about this shit did nothing. All they did was just tell me that everything was fine and I didn't need to worry

If you're going to try and write emo poetry with big words, go somewhere else where people care. Just talk straight, you won't impress anyone by using as many fancy words as you know.

>It's definitely made me much more cold-hearted, but I'm a lot happier, because man does it still beat the constant disappointment from others.

Fucking this.

I've been like this for most of my life but I finally had friends so I thought "You know what? Fuck it, I'm going to have some form of expectations for the first time in my life"

Disappointment hurts so fucking much. Especially when I go out of my fucking way to help my friends. Like for fucks sake I even bought and built one of them their computer a week prior and all they did was say thanks one and just forget whenever someone else brings it up

This helps me through. Basically, to sum up Albert Camus' philosophy... Fuck everything, do what you have to do for you.

You don't need a reason, that's society's brainwashing you into thinking you do. Does a lion need to know why it roars? The answer is no, if it gets the urge, it just does. Likewise, Albert Camus theorized that human beings just need to question less and do more, and ultimately we'd be happier.

Hmmm you might be on to something there user. Thanks for the advice

Not really feels worthy. But I had really crappy sex today. We were both sick and it sucked, she was dry and now my dick is all raw and I have a sore throat. Never had sex where nobody cums before.
Was a bigger let down than a surprise period.

Camus was a fuckstick.

At least you can have sex

Don't you die on me Feels

You can never kill the feels, the feels always kill you in the end

Is the helium tank a real method to kys or a meme?

It's real. It's just suffocation but the body accepts the helium as if it were oxygen so you're suffocating yourself but your body thinks everything is fine.

Just don't pull it off once you've started it or you'll fuck your brain up

how do you fuck up your brain if you pull it off

Well if you're halfway through depraving your brain of oxygen, brain damage has already occurred depending on how long it's been on. The helium is just used to mask the suffocation. Your brain is being suffocated and shutting down, pulling it off before it's done and you'e dead will just make your body realize what's going on and freak out.

oh ok thanks for the info, so if i do this method i can change my mind half way throw

I dont wanna read any of the other faggy shit but
This is why you dont tell people its your birthday ever and never celebrate it, its the best course of action

if you want to turn into a vegetable, go right for it

ok thanks again

Yeah I did fuck up on that part. I guess I let the thought of having friends for the first time in my life get to my head and mess with my judgement.

So you need a helium tank, a mask and tape

Well he did fuck around. A lot.

read this
then read it again

Man I'd take a surprise period over a late one

I'd take any period.