God-tier vidya soundtracks
>pic related
>nothing has ever even came into the same ballpark tbqh
God-tier vidya soundtracks
>pic related
>nothing has ever even came into the same ballpark tbqh
Other urls found in this thread:
you must be 14 or something cause there are atleast 100 better osts I can name off the top of my head
go ahead
>implying anyone has the time
literally katamari damacy, any silent hill ost, any metroid ost, most zelda osts, ftl
any fallout game
paper mario
dark souls
any final fantasy, mostly 6 through 9
the simpsons hit and run
undertale (shit "game" decent songs)
Not the best but it is fucking amazing. Top 50 objectively.
Hotline Miami. Both games, especially 2. God-tier.
I will never not post this.
Is there for real a remake on vr or is Google pulling my leg?
Forgot pic :/
>100 =
Never played the game, but pic related is great.
The I Am Setsuna soundtrack is really long but it's comfy as fuck and is really solid.
Machinarium is the only less-obvious one I know of.
Obvious ones: Bastion, Transitor, Hotline Miami.
Very mellow and relaxing.
is there any better chill vidya music than the Animal Crossing OSTs?
I didn't think so
Nothing comes close to how great and weird this soundtrack is.
The entire ost is pretty goddamn great, especially Klaymen's theme and the Neverhood theme.
Gotta agree.
Earthbound is the only video game with good instrumental music.
And a few here and there silent hill and drakengard tracks are good
make way for best ost
Also EVO and Actraiser II
just listening to this makes chills run down through my spine
I guess it must be some sort of subconscious reaction from my childhood
yeah it's the ultimate fedora choice but it's still fun
This comes pretty close tho
i fucking love this one.
dude that's great. Gonna play that. Kinda reminds me of Off because of the visuals
all shit
i thought you were linking something good like majoras mask ost or some final fantasy
good idea man
>Earthbound is the only video game with good instrumental music.
>i thought you were linking something good like majoras mask ost or some final fantasy
make up your mind friendo
i can allow some mm or ff to pass through though it's obvious that such musical tastes must allure to someone with an immature (or very mature) mindset
what you posted is very childish i bet you want to fuck your sister
I'd fuck my sister if I had one
Objectively god-tier:
Valkyrie Profile
Tales of Symphonia
Chrono Cross
typical vidya ost-listeners are into incest
what's wrong with incest?
>chrono cross
>not chrono trigger
Literally nothing. It's the most pure romance and god-tier fetish in the world.
Chrono Cross is just an improved version of the CT soundtrack
not even memeing
There's a few games, like Rez, Wipeout or Jet Set Radio, where the game seems to have been constructed around the music. Those soundtracks are worth listening to, but usually even the best soundtracks sound incomplete without the context of a game.
I put up with Nier solely because of its soundtrack, maybe that makes it god-tier.
it's alright. fits well in the game though
lack of tony hawk in these threads always makes me wonder