Why is Sup Forums better than reddit ?

Why is Sup Forums better than reddit ?

We don't steal
your dubs were stolen by reddit

check um




You have my permission to roll dubs.

thank you man


here come dat dubs!

i will use it wisely

The lame m'lady/tumblr shit has and always will be on Reddit....I hate having to go to some obscure sub Reddit because I'm looking up a very odd task to complete and someone actually useful on there has made a good how to on what I need but all the lame fucking vanilla/instagram/Facebook/unoriginal "memes" those faggots spout back and forth to eachother makes me want to vomit it's just has bad has sitting in a room with 13 year old kids trying to be funny


Sup Forums is always better than reddit.

And check these.

Check what...

Reddit is a place where hypocritical people gather.

They want to say that they like something that's fucked up, but ultimately say that they're disgusted to get approvals from other redditors.

Reddit is fulla circlejerking preppies

Deze nutz


Reddit thinks 9gag memes are funny

I was just wondering why Sup Forums sucks so badly but then I got doubles
