What does Sup Forums think about drug use?

What does Sup Forums think about drug use?
Where on the graph would you draw the line?

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Kek, my thoughts exactly. I smoke weed regularly. Grew up where everyone smokes weed but I used to not. I think the fact that I wouldn't wrecked my social life. Now ill take some mdma shrooms or lsd if I can get it, but that's rare and fine by me.


bump again cmon guys

I don't really see why alcohol is so high in the social harm scale, it should be much further to the left around weed.

Anyway I personally draw the line at the yellows, don't do much more than psychedelics anyway. But others can do as they wish.

It's from a scientific study in Scotland.

Drug I've tried. I want to limit myself to psychedelic drugs, in the future.

For a country stereotypical of drunks that just makes it seem even weirder.

>cannabis being the least harmful drug on the chart

Get the fuck out of here with your pseudo-scientific nigger-loving weed bullshit. You fucking faggot-fuck.

smoked weed fairly regularly for a year or so, haven't for about the past decade
drink alcohol daily (homebrewfag here)
take dexamphetamine daily for add/adhd
smoke cigs rarely, maybe once or twice a year on average

that's about it

so what is?

duh, heroin you idiot
everyone knows cannabis is the worst thing of all time

Are you kidding me? Do you realize how many people die from alcohol, directly or indirectly? Overdoses, drunk drivers, accidents, not to mention all the violence and rape that happens because someone get drunk.

Alcohol is far more dangerous to society than weed.

It's up to everyone to decide for themselves. I wouldn't draw any lines, even if I personally wouldn't touch them all.

If the society we have build can't sustain the freedom of choice in personal matters such as the consumption of drugs, that system deserves to go down, or it has to change in order to being able to sustain it.


Zero tolerance. Don't want to burn my brain and mess up my face.

Yeah, my never use list of drugs is short-
>heroin! morphine, fentanyl
>krokodil, bath salts

So I guess I draw the line just left of crack on the personal harm axis. Trying I quit nicotine too because it's stupid.

Oops not pop. PCP

>inhaled solvents lower on social harm score than nicotine
What a stupid fucking picture.

True, but the only reason it's so high on that list compared to fucking MDMA or paint thinner is that it's so common. Alcohol isn't as bad for you as many of those drugs, it's the fact that we allow it that causes so much harm.

It means the combined total social harm. Tons of people smoke cigarettes so the cost is high. It's a stupid edgelord study.

>effects of drug
Looks more like the effects of makeup

Stay away from the heroin kids. Eat more paper.

i draw the line beyond soft drugs
if you google
soft drugs
ull get exactly what i mean
sort of disagree that mdma would be considered both hard and soft id say they took mdma as mixed exstacy pills rather then pure stuff that use to be distrubuted to couples with marital dispute (instead of beating up the wife and acting like cringey autistic cunts they'd make love and laugh instead)

that doesn't mean this isn't bullshit.

alcohol has been part of every human society probably since we were monkeys eating fermented fruit. so we have basically evolved with the concept of social bonding over a drink.

also fuck off with weed at the bottom. yeah, because drug cartels are super healthy for society. if we had people sucking down thc gummies instead of drinking budweiser, you absolutely would see the effects in car crash/violence/whatever the devil water of alcohol is blamed for.

MDMA is one of the most harmless drugs, alcohol is a very hard drug.

>weed cartels

Not that user, but this graph is still pretty bunk. MDMA has the potential for serotonin syndrome (especially in combination with other drugs), but LSD is almost completely harmless, physically, as you would have to take far beyond recreational doses to do any damage.

Not to advocate PCP but it's not quite as bad as people make it out to be. It's not harmless by any stretch of the imagination but the whole peeling faces off thing are quite few and far between.

Nice trips but perhaps they factored in self harm while being intoxicated. I would imagine with LSD, there's the whole...
>I jumped off a building cause I thought I could fly

Methadone seems to be conveniently much safer than heroine on you shiny government commissioned drug chart there friendo.
LSD and everything 'below' that. maybe coc' when I'm famous. Alcohol and nicotine are unavoidable, but I avoid them.

In small amounts you are correct. In large amounts, it almost feels like you aren't in control. When I took too much I was lucky all I did was attempt to smoke weed and fucking roll around on the floor. It's hard to explain but you are not the master of your own destiny like you are with LSD et. al.

100% propaganda.

Not really. I have thought some outrageous things while on 10 hits of acid and have been totally immersed in hallucination. On high doses, it's very dangerous without a sitter. And People injure themselves while intoxicated all the fucking time and that's why the alcohol scores are so high.

>Govt commissioned
>"Funding The research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors."

Try fucking reading the link before trying to be an edgy fag,

Outrageous enough to actually believe you could fly? If that is the case, you are in the 1% minority with probably pre-disposition to psychosis, and even those cases, they don't think they can fly, they just lose it and go absolutely anxious. That's not to say they wouldn't be ready to end it by jumping off a building, but that's a different thing to actually believing you can fly.

Can't say that I ever thought I had actual superpowers but I did speak to Jesus even though I'm not religious at all. Not that huge a leap for me to think that on a different trip, I could have some other, more dangerous hallucinations. And I've walked into walls and tripped over random shit while totally immersed in hallucination. Also, I had a buddy who climbed a 50 ft rock quarry on acid, something he would never have done sober without being harnessed. He was totally fine, but that shit was super risky.


I'd draw the line when it stops being fun

Jesus this bait is poorly done, I literally wanna cringe

No. Fuck you.

No one says that.

Psh you guys know nothing about the thug life.
I just drink my Strawberry milkshake with straw glasses, middle of the party and play pokémon on the 3ds
Bitches are all over my shiny charizard.

I have done most of them, so I can't really tell other people where to put the line.

What would you recommend for someone a beginner who has literally never done anything except caffeine? Asking for a person I know who really likes thinking about the meaning of life, is depressed, and likes feeling energetic if it helps.

And it's super addictive with one of the worst withdrawal symptoms of any drug (if you develop a dependence).

weed. try sativa.

LSD. If you take a small enough amount you won't even trip. It's a great high.

crystal meth less damaging than heroin. what?
ive been on medical morphine and diamorphine for over 5 years and im in good health, besides the obvious side effects of developing a tolerance / getting addicted my body literally has suffered no harm at all

All depends how intense an experience you want.
I stepped up from weed to acid drops, so my first "hard" drug was an insane experience.
If you panic easily, I reccomend starting slowly like most, a bit of weed, a bit of shrooms, maybe a half tab of lsd.
If you wanna feel jumped up at a party, cocaine or meth can be worthwhile in moderation.
If you are heavily depressed like I was when using all this shit, you actually don't care what I say, you are just gonna take whatevee you take your hands on. So long as you are smart drugs are harmless, so enjoy everything user, I hope you make it through.

Also, don't take LsD and become spiritually enlightened or some shit, that doesn't happen to anyone with half a brain.

I'll be sure to tell him. He wanted to try cocaine last time I spoke to him though. Thoughts?

Fully depends on your state of mind, psychological condition and preference in what kind of trip/space/high you want to achieve

Re-read your post, dont smoke weed. Try mdma(xtc) or shrooms if he's not a 'weak mind or soul'

Weed is good, magic mushrooms are good, acid and other RC psychedelics are good. Opoids are good in measured doses. Just took a hydrocodone left over from my wisdom teeth surgery and I feel delicious.

Weed I think is probably the best drug there is, nicest feeling, etc. It makes the world feel so much more beautiful and friendly. Makes you feel like a kid again and the music in your head is heavenly in aesthetic in the strictest sense of the word.

>Alcohol as harmful as cocaine.
Chart confirmed to be bullshit.

You're right mushrooms are much safer

Not really a line

>me and guy were best friends in middle school
>we went to different high schools, so we slowly stopped talking, until eventually we never talked
>last year, after 5 years of not talking/hanging out, I ask him if he wants to hangout
>he says sure, I go to his house
>he literally just finished shooting up (bear in mind we're both 20 and he lives at home)
>I knew of his problems, but it didn't hit me how bad it was until I saw him
>later he told me that he had 2 close friends die from ODing (apparently it was cut with something? idk drugs)
>I have mixed emotions; on the one hand, he used to be a good friend, so I'm worried
>on the other, I haven't seen him in so long and I don't want to get involved, so I rather get the fuck out
I chose the latter. I have enough shit in my life that I don't want to get involved with heroin addicts. but yeah, heroin is fucked

More like the effects of hormones. How would drugs give you acne?

Agreed. Indica is a shit, hybrids are great. But sattiva makes you feel like the world is incredible. I wish the world felt that sharp and ordered all the time.

Ecstacy should be higher on the graph. I think people underestimate how dangerous it can be.

That graph fails to factor in the potential for addiction. Yes, alcohol has the potential to cause more harm than most drugs on the list, but it's much more possible to use without becoming addicted than most of them. You can't just go out with the boys and do some lines of coke on Friday nights without developing a problem the way you can with alcohol.

Break on through to the other side!

I don't know why codeine is so low since it it's just as addictive as heroin but it was to awkward to draw that out. I've tried the benzos but they are shit and not worth it, wouldn't do them again