Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums.

Can I practice my english with all of you?

I'm from pic related. You can ask me things about my country.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a welfare system

What do you think about Humor Amarillo? Is it still being aired?

What is your opinion of portugal

Why does your country smell like roasted shit?

is it true that spanish people eat bull's balls and dick and after that you guys throw away all the left over ?

Oh their fucking language appears in most of the bricks in Spain.

Do you still living with sheeps?

why do you guys translate that bad ?

Not all Spanish people are "Taurinos", who the fuck eat bull's balls.

Taco paella olé gringo


Do you guys like mexico, or are they still a heeping pile of crack

Tacos are from Mexico.
Tortilla, paella, toros, flameco viva el rey y viva España!

Okay, no.

I smell good.

I think.

Are the police/justice system corrupt?

Do Mexicans have a different accent and do real Spaniards find it either attractive or dumb/offensive(like the britbongs do about us)?

That was a TV show.

Mexican accent is fucking annoying to Spaniards, but there's people who likes the "papi" shit that latinas say while fucking.

Viva España viva el rey viva el orden y la ley ole

I've never been to Spain.

Does Spain have tons of Muslims and Arabs ?

Guessing you sound more cultured? What about the rest of CA & SA?
Who's got the accent you find the most retarded?

Mexican Spanish has more speakers than Spain, just Like more U.S. Speakers than in Brittany

Mexicans have a different accent, but is very similar to our accent.
There are a lot of stupid memes about translations and bas dubbings.

The film Fast and Furious is translated to "A Todo Gas".
The correct translation should be "Rápido y Furioso".

Britianny is in france you uncultured swine

>implying that I said that
I said annoying, not retarded.

Why does basques sound funny? What is unemployment rate in Spain?

I meant ( great )Brittan

Don't talk about basques...

Not necessarily the correct translation but a literal one

What is your opinion of the US

Well, I'm English and the American accent sounds retarded to me.
Apologies for suggesting you, as their mother country, would think likewise...

Gora Euzkadi maricón

Which one. The alabama deep south cousin fucker, or the downstate plebs in brooklyn

More facts:
Spaniards hate catalans.
Catalans want to be independent, and they say INDE, INDE, INDEPENDENCIA!

Referendum when senpai?

Latin america is a shithole

It may sound retarded to you but more people worldwide like it and understand it more than some of the Scottish or Irish accents

It's ok, I can understand that. Anyways, accents are just different. not worse, not better, just different. If you're not used to it maybe it sounds retarded.

We're not as fucked as Latin America, but the government steals from us.

I like the Southern accent.
Boston & NY sound unintelligent.

Not OP but spanish too.

Fuck yes, there is even an Islam center near my neighborhood

There is a diffence between the upstate master race, and the new england/brooklyn accent

We have some muslims (we call them "moros", which is offensive) but at least we don't have niggers.

Nope. Catalan.

OTOH unemployment is indeed Spanish.

I'm catalan and i fucking hate that independence shit. Literally 2/3 houses have an independent flag in their windows.

The unemployment rate is high, but young people are lazy bastards who don't care about working


Doncs si, sóc un català que també odia la merda aquesta de la independència

We laugh at them like they laugh at us, but we don't really have a problem with them

>but at least we don't have niggers.
You are the niggers.

This gets blatantly obvious when you see S. Italy as Spain Jr., while the rest of Italy (and Europe) sees them as niggers.

Its from valencia faggot

What part of Spain are you from?
Is it true that spanish people are very chilled and take work easy? I mean siesta is something I don't understand in our modern times.

I'm german and Spain was the land I was each two years as vacations y hablo un poco de espanol.

What happened to Josemi from Aquí No Hay quien Viva? Why is he a Junkie?

>pretending to be catalan

If you were catalan you would want the freedom of your nation, don't pretend to be catalan you filthy spainiard


They speak Catalan, not Castillian. So still Catalonia.


>spanish people are very chilled

A euphemism for lazy Hans?

Do the Spanish girls like it in their awesome asses?

He made a music grooud called Los burlaos (shitty trap).


Habrá que ir en masa a Cataluña, la PURGA se acerca.
Catalanes, judíos de España. Parásitos.

Is he muerto?

you're probably a cuck who agrees to pay 10% of Catalan GDP to Spain so southern spainiards can continue to do siesta and sit on their asses all day

Do people sexy sexy your country?


It doesnt work like that, Valencia is a "state" you could say, diferent to Catalunya

No they dont

What is you favorite kind of chorizo?


Spicy one


I'm not talking about "countries" but cultures.

A la larga, la independencia solo nos hará perder dinero, soplapollas

P-pero soy catalán y no apoyo la independencia

we don't do siesta

Siesta was something the old fruit workers did, they woke up at 6 am but in Spain from 12 am to 5 pm the sun is completely heartless, so workers took that time off and then kept working till midnight.

What is pata negra?

can u tell me y u not killin som catalonians to Make Spain Great Again?

why havent you genocided the catalan yet?

Honestly fam I'm done - can't find anymore, gonna assume you're right here.

its a type of ham

Its a language, not a culture, they have nothing in common apart from the language. I am spanish btw

i went to spain a cupple of years ago and one of the things i remember the most is that every one drank chocolate milk is their still a do people still drink chocolate milk

El problema ya no es que apoyes o no la independencia, si no que, se ha genereado un odio, por parte de los catalanes, que cada día, se acerca más a lo extremo.
Normal será, deduzco, ver agresiones a catalanes cuando éstos deambulen por territorios de toda España. No trates de comprender, simplemente asume que así debe ser, por lógica.
No sería de extrañar un boicot a nivel nacional a todos los productos catalanes, con el fin de la quiebra y posterior reubuicación de empresas en el resto de España, para incrementar el paro, hambre y pobreza de los catalanes, como represalia por sus ofensas, como castigo a sus pecados.
Yo puedo comentarte que, entre los comentarios que se escuchan sobre Cataluña en donde yo vivo, la mayoría están cargados de odio.

We still cant, only from Madrid up can you work from 2/3 to 5/6, here in the south we have 35 degrees already, and they are going up next week

I mean... I guess children drink "Colacao" but I didn't know that was weird


que los sudacas hablan con un acento parecido? de que parte de la peninsula eres?


the second one you can google, the first one is because their other language, euskara, is completelly nuts

això no es veritat com no siguis d'un poblet de girona nen

de pensar que no es normal, explícame por qué así lo crees
crees que sólo habrá agresiones, quema de banderas, pitidos, insultos...de los catalanes al resto de españoles?
cuéntame pues

haznos un favor y muere escoria falangista

the one you have up you ass

fuck man try to do something usefull from 2 to 5 in july, you might as well sleep since it's like 40ºC

Anota los nombres de las familias que ostentan dichas banderas y compártelos con las fuerzas armadas cuando comience la gloriosa reconquista del territorio catalán de las manos de los judíos catalufos.
Haz de este modo y demóstrarás tu fidelidad al Imperio. Podrás ser reconvertido.

Visc a Poblenou, i sempre s' escolten nens petits cantant I INDE INDEPENDENCIA.
Jo no entenc com algu pot ensenyar aquestes merdes al seu fill

Pienso que hay problemas mayores que el sentimiento nacionalista que tienen tanto los catalanes como los españoles. La solucion es un referendum, ya se ha visto en las elecciones que no va a salir la independencia, pero tendremos el argumento de haberles dado una oportunidad de elegir, y que la rechazaran, con eso se acbaria cualquier disputa.

exacto, el problema es que a los catalanes que queremos quedarnos en españa no nos dan demasiados motivos para hacerlo, entre la mayoria del PP y los comentarios super nazis hacia los catalanes que hacen algunos, e vez de extender una mano amable