Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong...

Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.

Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?

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There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little ATHEIST BAIT thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic” ATHEISM guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fucking GIRL FROM THE NEVERENDIN STORY. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic ATHEISMfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “WHY CAN'T ATHEISTS DEFINE ATHEISM?” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

We can't prove that a God/creator don't exist but we can prove that mythological Abrahamic God don't exist.


You're just giving this faggot what he wants. He won't stop until people just completely ignore him, which will be never because newfags keep filtering in every day and taking the bait.

God I hate this website.

There needs to be a channel for this post since its always up, and then anyone posting on it in Sup Forums gets banned. This troll is old and annoying.

Also, isnt a carpenter from Bethlehem 100000 times more believable than a few numbers added together to make a THEORY that a big bang happened?!?! LOL STUPID FAG ATHEISTS!

Why is the burden of proof passed onto the religious? When we suspect terrorists of having a bomb we make them prove the dont/the bomb isnt real! DOUBLE STANDARD ATHEISTS!

Unless you have GOD in your life you can have no ultimate purpose. You're just a bunch of atoms slowly decaying without meaning and . What a depressing life that must be.

Instead you can accept the TRUTH that JESUS CHRIST offers through HIS UNDENIABLE word. The BIBLE!

God might be great and all, but can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

Can God make a burrito so hot, he himself could not eat it?

Most atheists received no love as a child from their mother and father, therefore cannot find it believable that OUR TRUE FATHER is out there and loves us more than anyone can imagine.

Atheists are just so boring.... That's why they always argue about this stuff.

Why don't we all just accept that we are merely energy, intertwined with eachother as one cosmic entity, our neurons phase locking at precisely 180 degrees to tune into the background microwave radiation of the universe.

Just love eachother and accept that there is a being that is bigger than you. No need to be so arrogant to think of yourself as better than the universe. Don't cave to the worldly material things that people try to push on you, like vaccinations.... instead be still and listen to the vibrations of the universe. Peace

There is a God multiple in fact it's just that they don't do anything and are works of fiction to describe things that happen

typical atheist faggot

Typical religious cuck

Typical forum bullshit

Haha ok you delusional cocksucker! Hope you enjoy yourself in the afterlife in the pits of hell while I'm chilling in paradise.


Typical why am I still wasting my time in this thread anyone not taking the b8 of op are creating b8 themselves and I could be doing anything else right now

You ARE just a bunch of particles that came together from space and your choice to believe in religion is only cowardice in the face of that fact.

Dubs! Confirmed, The atheist IS a faggot.


>If there is a God and a heaven don't you think God would rather have a kind athirst over a religious dick


yet, in betting on a god existing due to consequences being less dire, you're not able to truly follow in faith, because you're only following a god due to a punishment. Following because of legitimate faith is different from following because of "being on the right team"

>That's why they always argue about this stuff
>OP is a religious cucklord faggot

It is up to me to respect and enforce the laws that I have been given in the good book. By doing what I do I will not be punished but be empowered.

Typical gullible atheists. God said that you would be blinded by the world. You just need to open your mind and accept him into your heart. Is it really that hard? The bible PREDICTED people like you! Surely the fact that prophecy comes true should satisfy your criteria for evidence? God provided the following prediction and it's come true in this thread:

2 Corinthians 4:4 "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

Who the fuck is this girl? And why do you always post her? Having an obsession with children is unhealthy as fuck.

Go see a psychiatrist you fucking pedophile.

Pascal's wager bets on the lies of organized religion to be true. However, some religions condemn heresy. With multiple religions having a promise of heaven, to faithfully apply Pascal's Wager you must follow all of these religions. With multiple religions punishing those who don't follow their religion, applying Pascal's Wager means the opposite: You're best off following no religion.

for god to exist it requires objectivity to judge people. it doesnt need to judge its nonbelievers any differently. embrace yourself and head towards the light. you have the gift to transcend to a different plane.


I see atheists are not as educated as they would like to believe. Yet they claim to be masters of science.


A god or gods may certainly exist, but pretty much everything in the Bible that can be debunked has been debunked (Adam and Eve - genetics, 6000 years of human existence - archaeology, The Flood - Archaeology, geology, genetics, The Earth being "a circle" i.e flat - cartography, space travel, physics), everything else is just unfalsifiable crap. The Bible is objectively not "the word of God" or even "divinely inspired", unless God is a fucking retard who would fail 6th grade science class.

Nigga you can't spell

The Christian God certainly does not exist and has constantly been disproven, but the theory of greater power(s) still stands , there's a good chance some sort of third party was involved in life on earth

What video is this from?

What video is this from?

>Unless you have GOD in your life you can have no ultimate purpose. You're just a bunch of atoms slowly decaying without meaning and . What a depressing life that must be.

It's better than believing in a load of crap because you're terrified of your own mortality.

My spelling in impeckable sir. You are a atheist faggat.

If quads then god is real

Alright encyclopedia brittanica. Suck mah dick

Touche my sir

Eh, were you there at the beginning? NO! The only person who was there was GOD! And he told us that Adam and Eve are the origin of humans, that the Earth is 6000 years old, and that there was a flood. Unless you were there you can't say that it didn't happen! The only entity that was there was God, and he always tells the truth

The Never Ending Story.

Like this thread.
It's always posted.

OP, are you gonna post nudes of the girl or not?


Also when did i ever imply i was an atheist?

Actually, I'm abandoning this thread.

god isnt a person you fuckstick, now get off of Sup Forums and go read your magical book of fairytails

Another atheist throwing his toys after I try to engage in debate. Same old atheists.. Always cucking.

Video killed the radio star


Ah well, it wasnt his plan to come out this way.


If singles then God doesn't exist.

Your absolute lack of understanding is reflected in your lack of understanding of the big bang and Christian theology. The big bang does not conflict with Christian beliefs --- it was suggested by a catholic priest. It was infact initially mocked because it was seen as a proof for God, hence the name "big bang", an originally derogatory term.

But what if God is actually Allah and you're praying to the wrong guy? What if you get up there and there aren't 72 virgins? Or what if you pray real hard and then wake up in the next life as a pair of underwear? How about being randomly eliminated because being boring is the death penalty? WHICH FUCKING GOD, MAN?

Nice meme, meme man

Hello everyone, this is God speaking. Please refrain from denying my existance in public. My book would sell less (Bible), also my fans (priests, nuns, etc.) would have a hard time making money. I'd appreciate it if you all would say "not verifiable" about my existance. Thank you, God out.

Thank you. And fuck this thread.

Allah isn't real! Here is a picture of a galaxy showing the cross PROVING Jesus is the only way to everlasting life. Explain that Atheist!

Why do you even post anymore. Become an atheist, stop posting, an hero or all of the above. I've literally seen you make these posts for at least a month. Go outside you fucking faggot.

LOL! OK then atheist. Instead of reading man made corrupt websites perhaps you should read the unedited word of God and then come back to me with your stupid theory.