I already listened to Kid A, Hail to the Thief and pic related, and the only one i liked was pic related...

I already listened to Kid A, Hail to the Thief and pic related, and the only one i liked was pic related. Where do i go now?

to a better board

Ok Cumpooter and Da Benz


Lol keep listening til it clicks

Vampire Weekend
The Shins
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Sufjan Stevens - Carrie and Lowell
All of the other albums on display at Urban Outfitters

Thats pretty much how to Sup Forumscore in general

Listen to Coldplay.

If you liked In Rainbows, A Moon Shaped Pool is similar

back to plebbit

And it's worked for almost every Sup Forumscore album, (I can't enjoy a bush walk without the glow pt2 playing anymore_ but kid A has still failed to do shit, I may have been innovative at the time but I can't get past how fucking boring it is.


Pablo Honey, like the plebeian you arr

How do you walk in a bush?

AMSP is basically a less accessible, more patrician IR

How is Kid A boring for you?

mac demarco too

In Rainbows is so fucking overrated

Listen to OK Computer.

Then re-listen to Kid A.

Repeat until both click.

Then listen to hail to the Thief until it clicks.

Listen to Hail to the Thief again, it's their best album

I loathed Kid A upon first listen.
It took me several listens to really appreciate it.
Not even memeing. I used to balk at listening to an album until it "clicked" but Kid A has been a proof of concept for me.
Great album. You're missing out if you don't listen more.


Kid A didn't click with me until my gf cheated on me and I was strung out on heroin afterwards. It's easier to bond with it if you're at a VERY low point in your life. Not necessarily as low as I was, but you have to feel a sense of hopelessness and will for recovery.

Amnesiac. Same recording session as Kid A, don't skip it

I was the same. I first listened to it expecting something better than OK Computer and I was actually irritated that this boring bleep bloop garbage was compared to OKC(my thought process about four-five years ago)

It took a while and I don't listen to Kid A often but I can now appreciate that everything about that album is brilliant. The only thing that sucks about Kid A is the plebian cult around it that it's the best album of all time as well as the most innovative.

trips of truth

Only plebs think it is innovative, but for a fairly mainstream rock band to go of the deep end into thom's rdj fetish was kind of unheard of.

if you liked In Rainbows the most, check out A Moon Shaped Pool, it's the most similar IMO, and my personal favourite (In Rainbows is second).