>mfw a euro or a meximelt wants me to be mad about an irrelevant child's sport
Mfw a euro or a meximelt wants me to be mad about an irrelevant child's sport
Greece is USA's best ally
That's not untrue
kys okay m8
>30th football thread today made by an amerilard
The obsession is real.
This is more than just the stupid sport. This is about rooting for the USA
That's why most Americans only care about soccer when it's the national team
>I absolutely have to make a post on this board to tell all of these CUNTS that I LITERALLY DON'T CARE AT ALL!!!!
>Right what picture would be best to emphasize my absolute antipathy??
I didn't know Mexicans liked baseball
international soccer is the best, dont be ignorant
>the self-awareness of USA
>literally and unironically caring what some anonymous schmuck in another country thinks of your awful sport
You really have no idea how this works, do you?
>w-we d-d-dont c-care
This must be some of that famed english wit you hear about. I have to say, I don't know what the fuss is all about.
>United States of America
can any decent american lads explain this response mechanism to us? I don't understand what aspect of your culture in particular allows some of you to shamelessly bypass the thought process necessary to stop you from making this mistake
>"I don't care!"
>"And I'll make a thread about it to prove myself!"
don't get upset, it's soccer, OP
now back to /mls/
Ain't got time to be ashamed, Mohammed. We've got planets to explore and atoms to smash.
Must be painful seeing all these football threads on american imageboard.
Stick to your 3 threads that are dedicated to irrelevant american sport.
Git cucked m8.
>even the pepe is overweight
Tip top lel m9
What's the point in trying that when India (space), Europe (LHC) and China (Space) each lead in those areas of science and will continue to do so in the future? Just wasting money on it.
When you had to tick 'I'm not a robot' did you have a moral dilemma?
>being this much of a fucking melt
football > sucking dick > american """sports"""
Memeth European jousters, begone.
scored a goal have we?
pipe down you fuckin monkey otherwise wooney and the lads are gonna dunk yas in the next round