Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

Teemo and Shaco

Is it possible to carry with Shaco? Does he fall off?
I've wanted to try him for awhile now but I'm not good at the mind game shit with his ult.

Supp blitz
Adc jinx
Top...garen when I wanna win easy, teemo when I wanna have fun.

I try to avoid mid and jg.


>I try to avoid mid and jg
but they will carry you to victory and beyond

there are ways to carry with shaco, but it isn't direct.
If you go AD shaco you'll have a great presence early to mid game, and the ability to pop any lone target late game.
Caveat: you cant team fight or force objectives unless you have gotten your team very far ahead or have lots of dragons and play stupid smart.
Personally, if im trying, i go AP shaco.
you suffer a slight mid game depression, but your early game doesn't suffer at all, and 3/4 abilities scale hard with AP and you get full CDR for mroe decieves and boxes.
you can safely pop anyone with just a few daggers, your clone exploding is an AOE monstrosity. Outplay power is just a lot higher.
So you suffer a weird power depression in the semi-mid to mid game, but your late game is horrifyingly strong.
go ad for fun or if u can easy stomp the team if ur ahead early
go AP if u need to carry or dont have a strong sustained AP damage threat, or not great peel for your backline, if they have divers,
AP is just better.

>playing LoL

i main mcgee

Riven 45%cdr

I'm the noskillz guy who always goes garen top in blind and prays for riven.


these guys know
now is the time of overwatch
overwatched official ranked will eventually be a become a huge thing.
although i hope mccree isnt ruined by the upcoming nerfs.
I'm a hanzo/junkrat/fill primary for defense
tracer/genji/fill for offense.

Singed best champ without a doubt

Top main:
1. Gnar
2. Nasus
3. Renekton
4. Gangplank

syndra main here, i stomp everyone if mid. top is pretty shit and i cant syndra adc or support either. so yeah... ama


Yasuo but honestly it's getting demotivating playing against this cancer meta so i just roll with irelia or some shit and get freelo

Banner of Command + Zz'rot portal Heimer
Balls to the wall, full AD no armour or health Yi

Lissandra top regardless of matchup.

r8 my luck

Sirhcez is my bae

Bronze IV detected.

does banner of command upgrade ulted turret?
why zzrot? i've seen this in normals once or twice but idk what makes it viable

Big question:
would league benefit from the overwatch system of telling you what roles need to be filled?
Perfect league team ex
taric supp, jhin adc, gragas jung, maokai top, carry midlaner.
why? two hard frontline cc tanks, high damage ranged cc catch out adc, carry ap damage mid, strong support.
has teamfight catch out and ojbective control. etc.
however, REAL league of legends tends to have 5 squishies because your top wanted to kayle
mid wanted to leblanc,
your support is sona
jungle is kha
and your adc is twisted fate.

What makes it viable? Top lane can't even fucking touch you, the wave is so strong you win by just placing down turrets and watching as your ZZ minions and bannered minions push the towers for you, tanks can't deal.

not frog face lucio
not firefighter mei
not sprays youre gnna ever use.
You have made no progress.

>REAL league of legends tends to have 5 squishies
So this is what normals are like. Try playing ranked.

the real is the reference to dunky
my usual play area is my smurf at plat five because holy fuck que times too high higher up/
in ranked people will routinely pick dogshit teams
unless you play with 5 and do that shit (which is fun i highly reccomend)
but again, its hard to have my team of 5 on at a time.
real league is real selfish people picking shit comps because they want to play their character instead of win, yet still are in ranked, and often are on bought accounts.

hockey fan
cute mei

Twitch in normals, anything that fits our team/counters thier team in ranked

just had the shittiest game in a long time
rengar jungle (full ad + statikk shiv) 4/8/6
morgana supp 4/4/11, never ONCE shielded anyone at the right time
vayne adc 3/9/2
yasuo top 3/7/2
syndra mid (me, i went liandry, rylai, rod, protobelt, rabadon, boots, because nobody bought a SINGLE health item) 11/4/5, beat cs count of my other allies by atleast 80

=> A/A
stock is up .72 today
your luck is officially 72/100
i needed a little more from you
the luck of the skins is balanced out by the pure dogshit of the sprays combined with public opinion.


so im hearing i was right hahaha

bronze faggot detected

Sucks being the only one with positive k/d, cs count, proper build and not winning the game. i'm trying to be postiive and give advice to teammates but they refuse it because "i don't need help from a fuckin bronze" while my score is around 11/2 and they're at 1/7


whats the core item on sona for you?

Awesomenauts? I haven't played in ages. Damn good game though. I always played the plant barfing dog thing

Sure i bet that happens alot, bronzie
Give in to the dark side and start flaming

faggot i've got 3 perm banned accs all 3 over plat elo, you're not talking to a newfag here cunt


>2. Nasus
What's your average cs with him?

Hoping this is a troll, but kek nonetheless.

No one played a tank, including you. Of course you lost. Just as much your fault as anyone.
-but muh stats

fiddle, before the rework. i'm d5 but i mainly smurf around to play with friends.

Yasuo main

you're running into the same problem i did a few seasons back. Now after the nefs to khazix's ultimate (no longer 40 percent dmg reduction inside it) and turrets stopping isolation, larger isolation radius, change to Q, etc.
you could no longer 1v5 solo win games.
What you're running into is win lane lose game, and assuming that advice helps.
The normal LoL player hates unsolicited advice. Telling them theyre wrong is toxic. 'helping' them is toxic.
Theyre all children.
If you want to win, you need to learn the macro game. You have clearly mastered the micro if youre going that positive. Good.
Now you should focus on what wins games, not lanes. Learn about rotation times, wave control, and shot calling for objectives and TP ganks bot.
Stop picking champions that don't roam well or support other lanes well because you aren't with a team of five that can handle you not helping them. You need to pick twisted fate, zed, ahri, katarina, xerath, ziggs, and other roamers/globals and hard carries.
Once you learn how to do the macro game, youll end up winning about 75 percent of the time.
Also, just fucking dodge if the team comp sucks, but only once a day.
You'll lose 3 lp, but thats better than 20 and 20 minutes. Versus that next game u will have a better chance for a real comp and can win. it's just statistics. IT feels shitty to do so, but it's worth it.

Why is this so damn believable

sona supp or sona mid?

Jokes on you, I've never played ranked. faggot.

>No one played a tank, including you.
Read the items again and tell me if that wasn't tanky enough for an ap caster mid. don't give advice if you aren't atleast diamond. please.



Although it appears that I've got a CURSE on me that makes it so I can't leave bronze!!!!

nothing, LoL is for faggots

Then you'd fit right in.

League is 2 much of a bitchslapathon when it comes to combat.
I play Dota 2.

also, things to remember
this isn't a high enough level where farm is going to define your effectiveness.
I routinely am behind about 100 farm from my laner
however, i am up 4 kills, and their botlane is routeinely behind 150 farm from mine and has died 4-5 times.
THis means they lack the damage to deal with my tanks at every other stage, and can no longer contest any objectives or pushes.
So while my laner is effective, he's now fighting essentially 4v3 best scenario(if your toplaner got shafted) and that's still pretty fucking impossible when those 3 are fed out to shit.
So yeah, my advice to you is to use your dodge per day well and dont be afraid to use it, and to master the macro game because that's how you actually win when your team otherwise wouldnt: using higher level strats and organizing a team against one that won't be.

This is the only quality post in this thread.
Others are either faggots trying to advertise Overwatch or fuckers who suck/never play ranked.

Health on a mage is not a tank, dumbass. Kek at that don't give me advice shit while a few lines up you whine that your team members won't listen. Such cancer.

>shot calling
you don't get it, do you? nobody ever listens to advice that helps win the game. i did my part, others can't do their parts.

This. Macro is so important because people are totally unaware of it at lower elo. Just tell your scrub-ass teammates where to go and what to do, and watch the enemy team fall apart against your unstoppable strategy.

If you really feel that way:
1.) Create a new account
2.) Level it to 30
3.) Played your promos
If you get bronze again you deserve it

Troll? No troll here friendo

Nice dubs btw

im ganking both toplane and botlane aswell with syndra, successfull ganks, always hitting my stun.

l2p, thats all i gotta say.

>Space Butterfly Prophet
More originality than Dota, League, and Overwatch combined.



Top - Renekton, Garen, Trundle
Jungle - Master Yi, Gragas, Shaco

Gold 3, on major tilt at the moment and have dropped from Plat V mmr in Gold 2 to Silver 1 MMR in Gold 4 and just back up to gold 3 again, but mmr still sucks. Honestly I think it's because Renekton isn't in as good a spot as he was in the early season and Yi has been shit on and is still finding a new identity.

Oh, shut the fuck up. That's such a noob mentality. Your teammates just want to win. If you can be charismatic enough to prove that your shots are called correctly, you'll be fine. People are really touchy when playing video games. To start, congratulate them on things they do well. If they think you have a high opinion of them, they'll be more open to your ideas. But if the way you actually feel about them carries over into your communication with them (which is likely), then it's no surprise they don't listen to you.

Don't bitch about your team when it's obvious to a baby that you picked a hugely flawed comp. And don't whine about other people not listening if you are too pussy to listen yourself.

Yasuo always fucks me top lane, even though I play Renekton and used to win against him it seems like recently he just shits on me because of his early poke

Trolling aside, its a pretty good game. 2d Moba. Worth it on sale I'd say. Provided anyone else still plays it

league is tons of fun but the fact that its a team-based game makes it hard to climb


>i did my part
If that's true the game will recognize such.
Quit blaming your team and focus on how YOU can do better.



youre literally head butting into what i just said
if you win lane, you did about 1/4 of your part as a midlaner.
The other part is carrying your team, shot calling, and ojbective control.
There is also a correct way to shot call,a nd i get the vibe you do it in a way that makes people not want to listen. Watch some soloque pro streams and watch how they go about it and copy them. It'll work, trust me.
The big thing is you can't come froma position of being better than them. Everyone hates that and will fuck you out of spite.
to be fair sometimes they wont listen, but if they were smart enough to comp well and youre the midlaner and roaming well and doing stuff right, you can totally ruin everyone and climb
Possible issues
>ganking top
dont do that, top is an island where tanks build cheap effective tank stats. If you kill a maokai top 4 times, he's just as effective as if he's 5-2 or 0-0. It's very inefficient.
She isn't a hard carry in this meta. SHe lacks strong mobility, and doesn't provide a lot of utility to her team. Winning game's honsetly requires S tier picks and playmaking picks. I addressed this with better picks
>roaming bot
are they dying? And are you taking the kills?
as syndra, you don't want those kills. The kills will be far more efficient with your adc, as their damage is hyper scaling and ishow you kill tanks, push turrets, and provide threats besides yourself. Your pick can't carry with those kills in general (sometimes yes).
Also her lack of mobility creates large time wasting issues, and he play making is low. An issue here is your pick, mostly. ALso, when u gank botlane, if u kill, are you taking dragon and other objectives to press your advantage?
if your team has ezreal/lucian you will suffer fall off, andnot closing/pressing advantage means theyll outsscale and beat you most of the time if the game goes past 30 (which it is now designed to at lower levels)


"hurr durr you did everything perfectly but you should still focus on how YOU can do better"
fuck off with your bullshit preaching, i'd love to destroy you in a 1v1 mid and feel the silence after you realize how hard you'd get rekt.

That explains why you're having butt issues.

singed :^)

Ez is love Ez is life


you're either toxic or a troll.
pic related

Draven is the only right answer

The funny thing is I bet his teammates were throwing this exact infantile shit at him and it obviously got him salty as hell. Some kids just haven't learned to observe themselves critically.

Nobody cares if you can "destroy" some rando 1v1 in a TEAM game. l2lead, you fucking scrub.

You obviously have no idea how hard syndra can carry. If only people with a great mind had seen how good syndra is. it's only a matter of time until syndra is a must-ban.

Hecarim, Shaco and Tryndamere.

With that attitude you aren't going to climb, and even if you did higher elo players aren't going to take your shit any more than low elo players.
I'd suggest working on bettering your attitude for when you want to get serious.

are you even trying?

ITT : new players to league trying to act like a coach

yo, elise main here, spiderbros represent even though elise winrate has been going down dramatically for some reason.

main is another word for i can only play one hero

lolfags cant even find their way to /vg/ what can u expect when everyone thinks its easiest game of the century


Stay salty, babby.

-muh stats