What music streaming service do you use?

What music streaming service do you use?

Google Music.. i have the family plan. 6 people for 14.99

Spotify and p happy with it


Only because my sd card is only 64 GB tho

Anghami. It's pretty good and free.

Is it worth it?
Is it better than Spotify and it's family plan of 16 bucks?

Getter a better sd card then pham

I have a galaxy s4.
64 GB is max

Spotify premium

>I have a galaxy s4.
>64 GB is max
Getter a better phone then pham

Spotify but might get Apple Music because share plan

>Get a better phone then
I'm not made of money

>Get a better job
I hate my life enough as it is i don't wanna make it worse

>Get a better life

I've been using TIDAL cause I fell for the FLAC meme

Its cool. No need to change dood.

>Flac meme
>Share plan
Wut plan is that?

I like it. I use last.fm and stuff and I can change the tags unlike Spotify with their dumb tags. Song Title - Remastered 2016 Version.

Ohh they let you modify the tags? Dam dats noice. Wat else would you say they do better than Spotify?

I really don't know if I actually hear a difference or that I convinced myself through a whole placebo effect that it's any better. I'm not an audio pedophile but I listen through decent studio monitors and just bought a new DAC cause other one broke

I think flac is better than mp3 because of the lossless audio that's it really.

Been using apple music since it came out and have been pretty happy with it.

hmm. i don't know. it's hard to say. a lot of the streaming platforms are so similar. i will say it comes with free "youtube red"- where you can stream through youtube also. i also believe there's a free trial out there. i say give it a try. the app isn't for everybody and runs sort of like ass on my phone but it's all i've used for 4+ years.

oh and you can upload up for 50,000 songs from your own library for free. that's a major plus they have over spotify

>it comes with free "youtube red"
Thats definitely a plus
>the app isn't for everybody and runs sort of like ass on my phone
Wat kind of phone you got?
>you can upload up for 50,000 songs from your own library for free
Noice would definitely check out


moto x pure. i don't think it's just my phone. the app is just sometimes a little slow.

I use Spotify premium because I like being able to dl albums and their recommendations are pretty on point; I've found some cool releases. It's also good for friends and parties because everyone usually has Spotify and I can find tracks from them, send them stuff, make playlists, etc. Plus the $5 student discount is clutch.

I use the Droid Turbo 2 and Spotify works just fine. Don't know how GP would behave

Unless you're paying $20 a month for Hi-fi you're only getting 96 kbps.

I recently switched to Google Play and there's a fair trade off with the relative gaps in their catalogues.

Using the hifi service

I use Plex. It streams music I've downloaded from a computer (in my case, my desktop and seedbox) to almost anything (console/phone/laptop/tablet/Chromecast/Roku/Apple TV/etc.) It also works for TV and movies. It automatically fetches metadata like album art, cast/crew for movies/TV, and it can scrobble. It has basically all I need and there's no cost to use the "basic" features, which are more than enough for my needs. The app is $5, but the server program and streaming to another computer are free. Pic related is my seedbox, which only has a few albums on it now.

have you looked into google music? you can uplod up to 50k

>oh and you can upload up for 50,000 songs from your own library for free.

So, I can upload 50000 pirated illegal songs and never go to jail? Noice

yes lmao i uploaded all of mine 4+ years ago. they don't care. i don't think their system can tell the difference between DRM or what.

Spotify, for a while I had Sprint and I got a discount for it so it was an easy decision to make.