Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,

It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.

We are finished with your child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Reddit? 9gag? No, no.
Tonight at 12:00am Pacific Time Sup Forums will officially come to an end.

"kek u cant do sh*t"

Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous, aside us.

You're probably all thinking


There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Moot and Heaven here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things disgusting things from your website.

As of now, you have 3 and a half hours.

The clock is ticking, gentlemen.

We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

- The Leader

Edgy as fuck.

Its 12:00 a.m. fag.

It's past your bedtime little kiddy.


Rekt thread now?

Totally not b8.

Dear 4chin sekrit club
Its this pasta again

Repeat that in English please


What few people seem to know, though, is that Time Warner, one of the largest media companies in the world and parent of Warner Brothers, owns the rights to the image and is paid a licensing fee with the sale of each mask.




can't make me unsave
time for some pizza


anonymous would never use such foul language


OP if this is a cringing troll

which it is

you have made threats against government installations

you will be visited by one of President Elect-Clinton's Security Team
inb4 troll faggot b8 etc
ya dun goofed OP
Neckbeard faggots like you need to realize there are limits in cyberspace

>9gag by your side

rip Sup Forums may you be forgotten

oh ok


I'm spooped

Annon is the people. No one would claim themselves to be the leader of one was to be so humble.

Everyday i wake up i eat my cereal and drink my milk i come to fourchan and i have to sit through this shit, i just want to kill myself now


12 pacific time, you turd


isnt it like 11 in los angeles

i will be here when the steerouk of the witching hour.