Sup Forums is full of people who, admittedly, have mental problems that make conversations with them almost impossible

Sup Forums is full of people who, admittedly, have mental problems that make conversations with them almost impossible.

Coincidentally, Sup Forums likes Trump.



The problem with Trump is that he lied. He said he's not racist, but he said that a judge treats him unfairly simply because the judge's parents are Mexicans. This is the definition of ethic prejudice. You look at some guy and say "The *real* reason you're against me is because you're parents are Mexicans." What the actual fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

you're not wrong about any of this.. and i wouldn't waste any breath defending this worthless glob of orange skin, but it is actually possible a judge could be prejudiced against him because of the racist shit he's said about Mexicans.. however, in this case the judge has correctly ruled regardless of weather or not he thinks Clump is a piece of shit. Chump "University" was a classic scam and he's going to lose this most of the lawsuits over it.

With Drumpfs tissue paper thin skin and his massive ego can you imagine the election day meltdown and temper tantrum he's gunna throw when he recieves a double digit ass beating?

It will be glorious.

Trump 2k16
Make America Great Again!

OP is a fucking nigger




donald trump is one of the dumbest people i have ever listened to. he routinely flip flops, both out of political expediency and because he just has no idea what his policies are.

he flip flopped again today on libya. this is his second time flip flopping the issue. and we all know how he will react when confronted with the blatant reality of the flop flop - he will deny it, call everyone stupid and sleazy, and threaten to sue anyone who discusses his own words.

Mexicans. Especially the ones around here in border states, have many family members who are or know illegal immigrants. Their hatred for him can be easily connected to that simply because they don't like the thought of him actually deporting everyone or a decent sum of people they know.
I know mexicans I've talked to them this isn't ignorance this is experience.
The truth is they are scared shitless that he will actually win and make it ten times harder for them to be citizens which really would be holding them to the standards that should've been in place from the get go. They then turn that fear into anger and resentment.


how did he flip flop on libya?
i don't know what he said today but i know his opinion is that hillary fucked up on the situation, which she did.
deposing Gaddafi was a mistake all around




Right. So, what you say is that racism might be true. You say that maybe the guy is right. Maybe that judge really unfair to him because he's Mexican.
But still, racism is stupid an incorrect most of the time. Can't he have some class and let this shit go?

I said
>Sup Forums is full of people who, admittedly, have mental problems that make conversations with them almost impossible.
Some of you are desperate to prove me right.





relax fella, i don't feel like having much of a political discussion right now so i posted support for my favored political candidate
if something so trivial upsets you so much you need to rethink your life





I wasn't upset, just enjoying myself as a fucking faggot on my favorite website. Did you know that I have no fucking idea what animes are, and I have never been on Sup Forums?

Now let's dance! HOPA!


first, his opinion back in 2011 when we were deciding whether or not to invade, was that we should invade because it was the right thing to do
>“on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives."

then, at the debate in dallas in february earlier this year, he flip flopped and said we should not have invaded at all.
>"I never discussed that subject. I was in favor of Libya?” Trump said at a Texas debate in February. “We would be so much better off if Qadhafi would be in charge right now."

today, he flip flopped back to his original position in support of assassinating qadhafi
>“I didn't mind surgical. And I said surgical. You do a surgical shot and you take him out,”

>"You are going to vote for my dad in November, right user?"


I'm not a berniefag but that pic is a lie, he didnt said that


well that's a surgical shot user. taking out one bad guy but not fucking an entire nation in the mean time? sounds like something really presidential and not something that crooked hillary would suggest. in fact we saw exactly what she did
she also wants to fuck up assad as well

no thanks

yes he did



Wow those tits make me feel dislexic

so you admit he flip flopped on libya for no reason (other than his own incompetence)?


nah man he didnt


she needs another nose job, her current nose is way too high. makes her look like she had fetal alcohol syndrome.

trump should sue whoever he paid for that nose and for those tits. whole thing is a disaster.


it doesn't sound like flip flopping at all. he is talking about two different things user you just don't understand





The whole appeal about Trump is that he never gets Trumped by the media. It's insane, I know. The whole "who you goin' to believe--me or your lyin' eyes" bit comes to mind.

Trump on tape saying something, then played back in front of him, and he says "it wasn't me"...A N D W E A C C E P T I T. Are we all domestically abused wives or what?

in 2011 he said we should surgically assassinate qadahfi

in february he said we would be much better off if qadahfi were still in charge

today he agreed with surgically assassinating qadahfi

is there a way to assassinate someone while keeping them in charge of a country? no. then he flip flopped.




I can't tell if this is photo-shopped, but it looks like it and the kid is the background is scared of niggers.




>in february he said we would be much better off if qadahfi were still in charge
that's called hindsight... have you ever heard of that word? and in retrospect he is 100% correct
it's not a flip flop son. and i am sure he will recover... unless you are a #cruzmissile now

>Coincidentally, Sup Forums likes Trump.
Sup Forums doesn't like anything, dumbass



the mental gymnastics someone has to go through to be a trump supporters looks exhausting. especially since it is so late past your bedtime.

do you have point or something?
maybe if you supported a candidate who was a real winner you wouldn't be such a cry baby






i already proved my point. trump flip flopped. your only argument is

>n-n-no he didn't! b-baka!

which isn't an argument. so there is no point in pretending you or your views matter. you are a pathetic waste of time, just like trump.

your man fucked up, and nothing you can say will change that. go cry about it somewhere else.









The fuck are you talking about, OP? Sup Forums is torn between Trump and Sanders if anything.

>leftards playing the pseudo logical card while omitting a sea of factors so that it fits their narrow minded vision of the world better







Also this family seems lazy and uneducated.

Is that real or shoop?

im not having islamic take over user, please kindly take your gibs me money and other retarded shit back too reddit.

Too dumb to warrant further response, moving on.

Stacy Dash for MAGA & Trump

>mfw Trump becomes president and stomps out liberal degeneracy

nope, $anders is just racist!




>trump flip flopped
changing your mind based on current events is not flip flopping, kid

i would marry that girl

Fuck Off OP. You Hillary supporters need to start addressing the man as "President Trump" or The Donald.


me 2

ewww she a nigger lover

I'll be glad when the elections are over.