Ok Sup Forums, what's the gayest thing you've ever done?
Ok Sup Forums, what's the gayest thing you've ever done?
start a thread on Sup Forums
I opened this faggot's thread.
Hanging out at friends house.. got dared to fuck his little brother raw (he was gay).
I managed to get my head in before i chickened out.
Let a non gay man put his dicktip on my knee
Story time faggots.
>Be me on my 17th b-day
>out with a bunch of friends
>best 4 buddies remain after the other faggots leave
>decide that i'm buying them shots
>go to bar
>order about 50 euro worth of shots in an hour
>go out of bar and start walking
>friend gets in club, we lose him
>i go to bar and drink 1 more shot and a long island
>after this point i have no recollection of the night
>apparently i was completely wasted and groped a bouncer
>dude was 6'2'' and ripped up
>oh no.ogg
>almost get beaten up
>pass out and cop wakes me up
thats about me faggots
When I was 13, one of the neighbor kids stayed at my house over night and We jacked each other off
Had sex with a man.
That's pretty gay mate
Used to shower with my father, and he would ask if I wanted to clean him as well after washing me. Didn't know any better so I did and he would get hard. If I made him "pop", which I most often did, I could have any ice cream I wanted.
That was 14 years ago.
Nigger what the fuck
did he 'pop' in your mouth?
That's fucked
Life ain't easy
touched balls with another man
Was my older brother and his friend's sissy slave for a few years.
I'm not proud of it and it was a dark time. Very, very dark time.
he ever deep rinse your ass hole?
so his friend was a nigger?
story time.
I grew up in a dysfunctional family, which got destroyed for obvious reasons and moved from one foster parent to the other.
If you want that shit to be good material for your fapping, by all means.
Yes. Yes, he did "rinse my ass hole" along with many other things. Enjoy your fap.
No, both white, german descent, I don't know what his friend was. He was white.
I'd rather not, sorry. I shake and get PTSD writing about it. I'm already having anxiety right now. I'm not gay but that whole experience left me broken to where I can only cum now from extreme dominate gay porn and being tortured. Women aren't harsh enough for me.
I watched that movie.
for a good fap I would need details
Was it good?
I've sucked the cocks of a few traps... Compared to the faggots in this thread I'm straight as an arrow tho...
Now I need to know more
can someone tell me what fpbp means?
been seeing it a lot recently and have no clue what it means
inb4 newfaggot or w/e shit.
did they have smaller cocks than you?
First Post Best Post
Lurk moar summerfag
>i sucked a man's dick
"i-i'm straight though guys"
ty m8
Every one in a while I watch porn for like and hour and then I prop myself up on the wall and jerk off and cum onto my own face.
Unfortunately yes
No I'm a faggot, bisexual if you want to get down to details... I just meant compared to you
Ride a dildo until I came
now its definitely green text time
Brush my hair for more than 2 minutes.
looked at this thread
sucked random trucker cock in a restroom while wearing pink panties
list 'many other things' in order of gayness
and explain why you think giving daddy a soapy fap was the gayest
fucking queer
I grew up with a brother who was put on hormones since puberty to become a girl. Extremely feminine features, decent size tits also. We were really close cause he went through school as a girl, no one knew.
When we discovered masturbating...wow. No porn I watch comes close to what we did.
Gave myself multiple enemas so I would be nice and clean and I could shove all sorts of stuff up my ass. Practiced deapthroating on a sausage.
Took a bath with a school friend. Both male. It was weird
Clicked on a trap thread by accident.
I guess? What exactly do you want to know?
What tf did you do?
came in my own mouth and swallowed.
>there's no way you're gonna regret that in 0.2seconds
details ffs
Because that was when everything started. From innocent showers with dad to that filth.
As for listing other gay things, aren't they all the same in concept? Once you've crossed the line, one thing won't be "more" gay than the other. It's all gay.
explain you faggot
I use to get naked with a friend all the time. We took showers together and would always have to pee together. I am circumcised he is not. I would always pull his skin back. We were probably 9-10 when we really started playing around.
>Be 13, summer break
>have hyper macho redneck stepdad
>he gets wasted and sleeps on couch almost every night
>in tight boxer-briefs with huge bulge poking out
>All you can handle stepdad dick buffet
>spend hours with face pressed against his boxers
>at first Im shy and gentle, get progressively ballsier as weeks go by and I never wake him
>jack myself while sniffing and nuzzling his manhood almost every night
>at first he usually only got half-hard. I still thought his cock was massive with just a rubbery halfie.
>But by the time Id pop his cockhead out for a quick lick he always got rock hard
>like I said, this progresses over weeks
>by July Im pretty sure he half-knows at least
>gets even more drunk more often
>Every night I worship his dick until its pulsating. Suck it through his boxers, lick the bare head, pull his nuts, generally breathe all over and rub it with my face
>Every night he starts making weird strangled moans and kind of pushing it up at my face in half-humps
>every night right before I think hes's gonna cum he suddenly rolls over onto stomach
>Never opens his eyes or wakes up, but I always puss out and flee when he does this
One day I was walking down the street with my best mate. The footpath was pretty narrow and we kinda had to squeeze up a bit to get around a family of slowpokes. Our hands brushed up against each other. And in our rush to pull away a couple of our fingers kind of intertwined. So embarrassing. Still freak out about it to this day. Physical contact with another male, especially a bro is just gross.
so him going ass too mouth is as gay for you as him filling your large intestines with a billion unborn siblings?
Alright, here's one of my favorite things we do
>be a few years back
>15, she's 14
>parents aren't home
>horny as fuck, just playing PSP, she's watching TV
>casually ask if she's horny
>"kind of, are you?"
>"yeah, wanna help me out?"
>"yeah sure"
>asks what I wanna do
>something easy, no getting naked, parents could come home
>we settle on sitting on the couch and frotting
>frotting is where you hold two cocks together and rub
>she has foreskin, I don't (dad snuck her away while mom was in shower, she was mad. didn't allow for me to have it done)
>literally just rubbing and moaning, kissing but super casual
>would occassionally just rub and watch TV, constantly listening to our surroundings
>we'd wait for the other to get close then come together, kissing heads and mixing cum, then taking turns cleaning the other up with our mouths
I'm not that great at detail, but I did my best. On phone also, so slow to write. Parents never caught us or anything, still don't.
>feasting on stepdad's crotch as usual
>he snort-snores and shifts, spreading legs even wider
>Im used to slight shifts in position, dont panic every time any more
>hover over him and count 200 missisippis in my head
>settle face back onto his bulge. He's still rock hard & snoring
>Im furiously jacking while I nuzzle him but Im at an awkward angle
>with his legs so far apart Im basically crouching over the one that hangs on the floor
>realize Im in hump position and he's asleep anyway
>Im going to town on his throbbing meat, pressing his cockhead against my eyes, cheek, forehead, mouth, kissing on it over and over
>he's soundly asleep with loud drunken snores to prove it, like always
>let tip of my bare dick touch his leg, in the instant of contact I cant believe how great it feels
>the second my steely hot prick touches him stepdad almost leaps off couch
>He turns it into a "sleep" cough like he was almost waking and THREW himself over onto stomach
>No way he couldve slept through the intensive full-face crotch massage and then woke up when my dick barely grazed him
>Think all this in 2 seconds while still crouching over the couch, staring at his muscly bubble ass
>Decide FUCK IT, HE KNEW, I had nothing to hide now and wasnt going to run away
>Lean forward and press my hardon imbetween his juicy melons
>actually feel his asshole twitch against my dick through his boxers
>Stepdad throws himself over onto his back again and coughs louder (knowing those are the things that usually scared me away?)
>Immediately mash my face back onto his dick. Hear him gasp, out of character
>suck his fat cock as hard as I can through the cotton
>In 5 seconds flat he has a grunting, snorting, "snoring" orgasm
>sperms my mouth right through the thin wet material covering him
>I cum in my underwear as I swallow stepdad's cocksnot
>Run off as he gasps for breath, still "asleep"
In the end my fathers load got emptied, the path towards it means no more than the other.
You're welcome to ask, but be more specific as I do not wish to put too much effort into re-living too many moments.
>she has foreskin, I don't (dad snuck her away while mom was in shower, she was mad. didn't allow for me to have it done)
what in the seven planes of hell
Just watched trap/shemale vids, also text some trap/sissy boys every now and again
Every fucking time. i think for myself yeah this is the day i will gargle my cum and love it as i swallow it down, but midair of cum flying in my mouth i change my attitude and cringe in shame and tilt my head away.
i want and dont want my cum
Wow I word saladed the fuck out of that, sorry. Waiting on a bus. I meant she has foreskin, I don't, my dad snuck me away to get jewed, my mom was furious and didn't allow my sister to get it done.
I have been told that guys taking the sex change drugs couldn't cum after hours of rubbing the cock. They have to stop taking it for a while and its no likely a 14 year old trying to suppress male puberty would be able to stop taking the drugs.
prostate massage most likely?
Got fucked in the ass.
Had anal sex with another man, who at the time was my boyfriend. I was always the bottom.
No homo, though.
post pics of your sisters boypussy then
fuck another man
>be new into fitness
> be high school
>lose 80 pounds and muscle up
>suddenly attractive to female's and don't know what to do so still no sex
>just go to gym everyday
>bunch of football jock dudes
>decide to try track
>sprinting and discus
>go to gym with friends
>cd player for music
>stop the heavy metal
>put in personal disk
>whole gym eagerly awaiting some pump up work out music
>What is Love
>baby don't hurt me
>don't hurt me
>no more
>proceed working out to that song enjoying it rather throughly when it stops
>jock takes out and steps on it looks up at me
I use to love listening to final Fantasy soundtracks as well. Lost my virginity at 18 to a sexy lil cheer leader Mexican grill.
Everything went better then expected.
>that song is still on my workout list on my ishuffle
never mind
you never did anything
its pretty obvious now
Back in 2013, crashed at a buddies place. Went to a bar at like 7 p.m, a buddy of mine tagged along. He drinks heavily at the bar and we go back to his place to hang out with a couple of other friends of ours. We got to his house at 11 a.m. more liquor and a few games of beer pong later I'm trashed.
3 a.m. rolls around and my bro buddy is trashed throwing up on the floor and is saying how fucked up he is.
Black out drunk I pass out on a bed, I think.
Wake up at 8 am in the morning and I'm the big spoon and my buddy is the little spoon and naked.
My ass didn't hurt so we couldn't of had sex. My mouth didn't taste like anything so I don't think any oral happened.. and nothing was leaking out of him either.. I only can assume nothing happened that night.
I have a crossdressing fetish. Every now and then I'll masturbate to the thought of having gay sex, but I don't think I'd ever want to acually fuck another guy. I've also put a sharpie in my ass, but that didn't really do anything for me.
Is it though? I'd be more concerned over the one who blatantly writes in full detail about traumatic experiences.
Figured I'd open up and try to share, even if little, at least something.
You stick with what the underage faggots have to write about their fantasies and jack off to that. Good choice.
Let a friend jerk me off.
Like, one or twice a night, every weekend for a year or so.
Jerked off to zardoz
Taken requests for b to post pictures. I ended up with 6 sharpies in my ass.
Sent a gay friend dic pic in return for a dic pic. Pic very related
you talk a big game but don't say anything
so the fantasies seem to be yours
you probably wish your dad had noticed you enough to fuck you if at all before dropping you at the orphanage
I think I was in that bread
>post picture
Prove it faggot
At school my friend who I spent all my breaks with confessed that he was curious about guys and asked if we could try it out
he was the rich kid as well, having that GameBoy Advance SD that I always got to play on
after school we go to his house and chill in his room. that shit was as big as my living room at the time, i loved it
he brings up his curiosity again and asks me to undress
>wtf thats weird tho
said i could borrow his game boy if i played
i undressed and he did after me
we hold each others penises then jerk
he asks if he may lick mine, sure why not
both got hard and he was sucking, i wanted to do same so i said its my turn now and i started to lick his balls and work way up to suck
user, I'm a reclusive person.
I do not considering my upbringing to be a time of joy. My wish would be for him not to have fucked me.
I considering this gay though because despite the trauma, I did enjoy our moments just as much as I hated them. This shit fucks up mentally.
I'm not after to please you fappers by sharing my story, rather just to talk about it, hence why I'm open to questions rather than writing a half-asses greentext about when my father fucked me.
I'm transgender
>stepdad dick buffet
people gonna fap to it anyway you put it
caring about that is just a waste of effort
this is Sup Forums after all
stage one two three or oh mamma?
Fucked a cheeseburger until I came and ate it afterwards
Fucked a man in the ass.
I mean, it doesn't get gayer than that, does it?
taste better or not?
I expect no less, only saying my aim is not to write a tacky greenstory just to blend in. I'm offering instead a conversation format ask&tell about my experiences.
I get to share and unload (no pun intended) my weight, and you may fap if you so please.
Both parties gain from it.
Got really drunk and made out with my gay boss and grabbed his dick. Also made out with a gay trivia leader on a cruise ship.
I'm straight, btw.
Went to a gay bathhouse and got a few bj's then fucked a guy bareback.
Ask me anything. Can post story if wanted
Straight guys don't go on cruises bub. Straight guys don't dick gobble either.
That cruise was fuckin awesome though. I got it for free