Rank, main role, when you started playing.
>Diamond 2
>just after beta
Also if you're on NA and want coaching, lessons, or boost let a dude know.
Rank, main role, when you started playing.
>Diamond 2
>just after beta
Also if you're on NA and want coaching, lessons, or boost let a dude know.
Other urls found in this thread:
>past 2 years
teach me senpai how to carry
bumping with some nudes of my ex. ayyyyy
ADC/Mid/Support (can't fucking into top lane or jng)
>twoish years ago
Don't bother; I get a case of The Rage at my own inadequacy, even when my friends are telling me I'm doing OK.
Just don't be bad idk man. That's very vague
well S3 so do math :3
teach how to carry games teams heavy or i make stupid choices cuz tilted
> plat 1
> jg/top
> right after jinx was released
bronze 5
mid as zed only
season 6
>Gold III
>Just after Vi came out
Try and remain calm. At silver elo teams throw hard almost every game. The team with the lead before 10 mins is almost always the losing team anyway. Just focus on yourself, and help when you can. Throwing out a GJ! never hurts either.
Beginning of S3, right when Nami came out.
Multiple b& accounts, highest was Gold V. Absolutely hate the game now, with my lvl 10 account that I probably won't get to 30 before getting banned, again. I have lost passion for the game that I wish didn't vanish.
Any tips op?
>Plat 3
>Jungle / Support
>Near the end of season 1
btw i am chilling in
talk io /boost
if anyone wants to live chat questions or ask about services
Gold 1, Top, in beta phase
yeah, stop being a fucking toxic faggot.
> Gold I
> Top/Adc
> S3 Before Aatrox released
Main Support, top every 30 games (some dumb shit like Poppy/maokai)
End of season 4, started rankeds immediately and hit silver 5 after end of season rewards were given out already.
Idk how people get suck in silver tbh, I did the onetrickpony from Silver IV to Plat IV this season, 80% winrate.
Once you get into offensive playmaking in lane with braum it's a cakewalk until you get to platinum
>Plat 5 last season, Gold 3 currently
>Xerath patch
Impguardsman if you're plat and want a support main to play in NA right now. Probably gonna play for a couple hours then sleep.
silver 3
everything but supp and jung
season 4
i play ranked exclusively. i'd love any kind of boost, but i want to know most is what i'm doing wrong.
To add onto that, try and not let yourself get caught up in your teammates mistakes. I get that it can be unbearable, but just let it go and focus on your own problems. Figure out what you did wrong and how you can improve on that. Flaming your teammates will not help you in the next few hundred games you play.
The only thing I can't figure out, is how high diamond+ players keep their CS perfect all game. In lane np, all game is ridiculous.
>season 4
>plat 5 (61% wr, too tilted to continue)
>Primary jungle (Udyr onetrick), secondary top (Shen)
Bronze II
Beginning of Season 3
I need coaching on better decision making
op here, currently boosting an NA silver account if you have another to use and want to duo on some retards.
to add on to what i just said, what would you say is the ratio for winnable/unwinnable games in silver?
like i try to carry every game but at some point you just can't carry a team where everyone's doing badly.
always be thinking about money. If you are walking through the jungle, kill shit.
if you are in a lane, kill shit.
having a higher GPM than your opponent will carry you to at least gold
They know their priorities
talk (dot) io /boost
How do that?
>Silver 2 (Gold 5 S5,4)
Gold 5
Start of s2
I know I could probably be higher rank but I got to g5 fast and kinda stopped. My issue is that I don't know who to play. I'm pretty good at pretty much every champ at my rank, but I here having a small pool is better. Should i pick mains or just play whats op?
the USR of the account im on is "Uhleesha" ill wait 5 mins then im queueing
Tbh I'm Plat 2 but csing has just always been my weak points. I'll try to keep that mentality though Sup Forumsro, thanks.
just dont talk. lol
Gold 2 in my promos right now
Top/Jg I'm the Wukong god
In the middle of s3
I don't understand how it's possible but my bot lane manages to go 0-20 every game. I do not understand
Morde onetrick carried me from silver 5 to gold 1 and i still can continue
Just rush hextech revolver and max your q
No problem brother
If anyone wants to duo, I'll be on tonight. Kalminious is my Summoner name. I'm in NA. Gold IV, in promos.
literally too cocky for a game like league
Kalminious ill hit them promos with you babe
S1, i think ill be able to climb higher since i fixed my dc problems
Jg then top
Just before azir
>Bronze 5
>Start of Season 2
Fucking supports, man.
Platinum 2/1
Since the end of season 2
Plz help me get diamond plz
silver 4
mid (annie 1 trick kappa)/jungle/adc
end of s2
i know what i need to do, just too lazy to play more ranked, or league in general. it's not appealing
if i kept playing i could get into gold easily, but i have no desire to play more than 1 or 2 games a day
>Platinum II
>Adc or Jungle
>Season 3
I'm from LAN
dont blame your support. be a better adc.
I find high plat complete aids and Idk what I am doing wrong to not be able to hard carry it :D
plat is literally the most cancer shit ever bro I'm so sorry haha. Everyone just thinks they are god and plays like they are silver 4 and blames and flames. I charge extra for plat accounts for that reason. Shit gives me a fucking headache
Just bumping with some hots
stop playing adc
Alright good :D would you have any tips for someone who REALLY wants to make it to diamond?
>Gold 2
>season 3
I gave up, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
>Bronze 3
>Around season 1 (Really started to play 6 month ago, at level 15)
play a lot like a lot
silver 3
Support / jungle
season 4
Really? I just feel like I get super tilted after 2 losses, and I don't wanna go demoting back to plat 4 or 5 lol. I already demoted to plat 2. Like how many games should I be putting in?
>Top & Jungle but mostly trolling with 4 friends
>The patch Ezreal came out so 7 years or so iirc
I don't play too much anymore.
Started in season 1, got gold in s3, currently silver 2.
I main jungle/adc/support.
kickop is my main.
Tryin to start playing more and get better but don't have any friends that really play anymore.
THE bronze 5 mentality xD
Is this a joke
Or are you actually trash
Riven only
plat 3 rn anyone wana carry me to diamond?
triggered neckbeard
friends and family alpha, dont play anymore
>fucking toxic faggot
confirmed either 12 years old or a leafykid
Real? I am kinda curious, what's ur IGN :O
well today i played like 10 ranked games and i didn't get tilted at all
>Bronze 2
> Mid/Jungle/Support
>First season was S3, quit bc bronzie, started playing MMOs. Started back three days ago, playing norms only. Game changed so much holy fuck
Wow, how in the hell do you manage that lol? I mean I am assuming you didn't lose too many of them :p
My key to victory is that I simply don't rage... At all.
I'm at over 1000 normals and about 150 rankeds this season, never ragequit, somehow got a few reports for offensive language (honestly no idea why, I feel like the game always tells you to improve your language when you get reported, regardless of reasons).
Just stay calm, never surrender and believe in comebacks, even if it's 1/10 games where you have no inhibs and still win, it's till worth it.
I still won a game where we had not a single tower standing for the last 15 minutes, we won 3 teamfight before we could leave our base afterwards. Got a quick baron, won another fight in our base and finished afterwards. Calm those tits and play something easy with high impact (-->Braum)
the guy who is answering you is not op just saying. come to talk )dot) io /boost im in there
Gold V but silver 3-2 mmr, lost a lot lately.
Started in s4, ended silver 1 last season.
mainly play kassadin mid or lose if I get top
take breaks in between. if you lose 3-5 in a row, give yourself time off from league for few weeks or days or play norms, aram
this. don't rage. control yourself and control your emotions
Another faggot who thinks that dia2 is good?
Top0.25% of entire playerbase not good, you drunk? Not OP
Any tips on being a better support? I ward and peel but i feel like dont help out enough. Barely silver 1 but holy shit I lose my mind whenever we Throw an easy game.
play alistar and braum and engage the fuck out of the enemy. force fights and take objectives.
Silver ll, Top main, Early s4
Depends on what champs you play. Build support items.
>Top main in the beginning, now adc
> Started playing mid-late Season 2
Watch the map amd help all lanes pinging them when they get ganked, try to predict enemy movements
>Platinum II
>Lee Sin patch
hehe xd
would be easier as the jungler, but yeah if you can get your map awareness up, youll improve.
> D2
> coaching
>Gold 1
>Start of Season 1
I use to play alot during S2 and S3 but I've played maybe 10 games in the past 2 months... prolly gonna derank but I fucking hate the game anyway so whatever
> Unranked (do not play ranked)
> Support and mid (although I play top too a lot)
> Umm....I think season 3? Might have been season 2? It was a while ago, I quit for a while (like 2 years) and just cam back at the start of season 6.
I mainly play Taric, Kayle, and Annie.
Mostly Janna, Lulu and Naut. Sometimes Nami if they pick janna
I feel like my map awareness has improved. Use to have tunnel vision like crazy
Diamond 4
Last week of s3