ITT we pretend Trump has won and we're now free from the spics, mudslimes, chinese and niggers.
ITT we pretend Trump has won and we're now free from the spics, mudslimes, chinese and niggers
>Comparing Trump to Hitler
Kill yourself, you autistic brainwashed libcuck.
There is literally nothing wrong with being like Hitler.
haha ur trying to imply that usa is going to get crushed as a buffer state between england (again) and the red beast (this time played by china? - if only sinosoviet block was go).. 20 years too late new friend(faggot). just like what happened in wwii.
couldnt think of a more stupid cunt in terms of understanding reprecussions of mass interaction with new tier comm tech multi data points cunts still alive and fucking it all up agian electromagnetics can read ur thoughts
tell that to your parents little kid
We move on and liberate Europe from the Muslim and leftist disease
not gonna happen europoor Its make america great Not save Eu faggots
Feels weird not having anyone to hate anymore, I don't like it.
Trump will have to clean up the mess left by Obama