Should i smoke a bowl?

Should i smoke a bowl?

Yes it's time. I'm bout to.

Cheers dude :)

no smoke five

Of fucking course.

Sadly om running low on dank so only one for today :/

I'm not a fan of weed to be honest. First time I smoked it was alright. Second time I smoked I had awful fucking muscle spasms for like 3 hours. I smoked again last night and ended up throwing up a few times. 2/10 not fun. What the fuck am I doing wrong?

either u smoke way too much. Or the weed u have is literally shit. And to be honest some people just shouldnt smoke weed


Nä fy fan :O /op

Threw up from weed? You sure you aren't drinking as well?

It's my first lot of weed i've ever had. I had one good experience and that was after I had about 4 or 5 drinks first. The next time with the muscle spasms was me just purely having weed... about 2.5 average bowls. The time I threw up was after having 7ish drinks. It just made me feel like shit. I can handle my alcohol just fine, but after having just a smallish bowl I was fucked and getting HUGH fucking head spins.

Just got a big bag of some strain called Head Block...not gonna be a very productive week

this is my double header, for special occasions. not OP

the question is why dont people smoke weed

I replied to the first reply. Check that one for more info.

Dont ever drink and smoke, it can give u massive spins. and also when u only smoked. u smoked 2.5 bowls. thats a whole lot for a beginner toker

Alcohol is your problem. Especially after that many. Try just weed a few times. The spasms and anxiety and shit go away after a while

i've never experienced it. Seems super weird.

Um yeah bro lol i have a doctors appt today and i dont llike smoking before i go because my heart rate is way theyre always like wtf lol but fuck it i smoked anyway

Was the throwing up from coughing too much? Because that occasionally happens to me, I cough really easily

That's the spirit (y)

and this is case, preroll so i can just take them out like a cigarette and in the right places i can even smoke them in public, but its south africa so weed is basicly alowed

No probably from drinking alcohol

I just don't want to try weed again man. Those spasms were the worst. I hated every second of it. I saw no reason why I should have been anxious at that point in time.

Okay question about the whole anxiety thing with weed. If i'm not currently feeling anxious about something at that point in time; however i have something in my life causing me anxiety through out the week, would weed tap into that and bring that out? If so maybe that's why.

Looks like fun

Not I didn't cough at all. I learnt to control that shit really quickly.


box is a dispenser, pull the lever and it pops put a joint for u

weed causes/brings out anxiety, Yes

but its kinda fun anxiety, ive never enjoyed paranoia so much

Weed snob

Try just smoking like half a bowl for a while. Without alcohol, and slowly work your way up. I remember when I smoked too much once, you're right it does suck. But I would suggest just a lot less for now

>idc that smoking weed before going to the doctor gives them inaccurate results i need to get high lmao

This is the pothead way

Currently in Croatia and fiending for some good weed. Help a Sup Forumsrother out

Weird, it treats mine

You should try LSD if u haven't already

absolutely if you are stressed out from something weed is going to intensify that feeling, even if you aren't aware of it.

we are stoners, we occasionaly buy high quality equiptment for no reason

i meant it CAN. it helps with mine aswell :)

costs a fortune in my country, but yeah i was planning on saving, tell me if i still stay in control of myself and leave my room(basement dweller)

Nice, I love feeling calm after I smoke a bowl

when you are first starting out, yes. after you develop a tolerance it starts helping your anxiety

Uhh well fuck... looks like i'm not trying weed again for a while. Fuck I just want to relax for once in my life. I just need to rant to someone about this problem fucking hell..

Are u asking if u can controll urself while tripping? if so. I would say yea, but u might get a panic attack and maybe do some stupid shit XD

try taking a xanax before you smoke next time it will help with some of the negative side effects.

You should. I can't control how much I eat when im high. got high 2 days ago and wasnt paying attention, ate a fuck ton of food to the point i threw some up...

good, i plan to have 3 tabs my first time, if its gonna be the most intense experience of my life may as well make it really intense

i would advise u against it bcuz holy shit u will freak the fuck out maan to the point of tears. if u do take 3 tabs please buy through a serious vendor/dealer and get a tripsitter

yeah it's pretty harsh how much you want food. since i started my eat every other day diet i got some willpower to hold out on food when high

Have a friend to watch over you, at least

Why can't you type like a normal human being and not a ghetto 14 year old?

To smoke or not to smoke? That is the question.

Why do you even bother?

just smoked. no longer a question for me anymore.

For the love of dubs, yes.

every other day? damn dude sounds rough, is it working for you?

Step your game up next?

Weed doesn't do shit. It just taste like grass

Time to smoke. Have a good one /Op

Did it yesterday, too drunk to even realize I was baked. Eyes were red as fuck though.

My eyes never get red anymore.

you don't smoke enough

Yeah you're probably right. I don't hold my hits in like I used to. I took a break for 2 years or so. When I came back I always choke trying to hold my hits in.

smoking too much, probably smoking it with tobacco which makes you feel ill

it was hard first but adapted pretty fast. the diet is: eat every second day. on the day you eat, eat whatever you want(i keep it to 2 meals mostly and maybe one treat).

Pic of the weed ?

is it right that weed in europe is stronger than in africa ?

What is your preferred method of inhaling?

Through your moms ass

typically through my nose and/or mouth

What would yoshi do, dogg?

>evens yes
>odds later

This thread is almost an hour old get outta here


Wow, rude.

Yeah sure man. This is the best photo I could get of it, shitty phone camera.

shitty b8

Looks good, bruv

looks good, put less tobacco in your joint it could be only better, sometimes tobacco almost made me puke

in wht country are you user ?

in what country are you ?

I have never had tobacco before, so by extension I have never mixed my weed with tobacco. I'm in Australia, what about you?

mmmm ok, i'm in France, weed is expensive here, if i don't mix with tobacco i'll spend all my money in aha

Does weed make any other Sup Forumsro lazy

>smoked 1 joint of mid this morning
>been lazy all day
>don't want to do anything
>used to go to the gym
>just want to sit here