What hairstyle attracts the most girls?

What hairstyle attracts the most girls?

Definitely not that one.

the one that is on top of a rich and famous guy who is in shape and good looking


Shaved head. Just as a stats game. More girls will be OK with it than any other haircut.


>be me
>get buzzcut
>every woman in the office comes over to touch it

only the first part matters:
..on top of a rich guy.

He can be fat, old and gross. bitches will be there as long as he is rich

this one


>attract girls

Fcking gay,

>Tell them your nuts feel the same

I admit I like man buns/pony tails

That one is gay as fuck though

Not horrible and fitting of one's head.
That being said just go to a stylist and give them free reign, you can always hack at it with some scissors if you change your mind later.

bald guys ftw

(keep in mind that Vin Diesel is 11/10, if you are 2/10 no haircut can help)

Buzz 3 top 2 sides.

If you need to think any harder than this then you've already fucked up, faggot.

This or bald

Mullet and a can of Coors Light. If you own a boat, you could be headless and still get bitches

this kind

How much you weigh and how tall. And do you have a vagina.

I have dreads and a beard and have to beat women away with a stick when I'm at the bar. I literally don't even try and have game anymore because I don't have too.

wrong, it all matters, all that women care about is status comparatively to other men, the want the most important guy

they care if you better looking, they care if your better dressed, they care if you're more talented, they care if you have more money, they care if you have nicer things, they care if you are popular/famous

nothing is more attractive among simpletons then confidence, plain and simple, because it is an indication of better standing among men, a lack of confidence shows you're likely on the bottom rung, girls want to fuck the top dog, that means generally speaking good looking attractive celebrities who are rich get line ups of women interested in sucking them off, and few men of great status get more opportunities then the majority of the rest of men combined because women tend to be hypergamous

Heh, my missus detests them

If you look like James Dean, you can keep your hair.

To be fair, depends on the guy's face.
A haircut ain't getting a man laid

None matters they like to fuck. The end.

Don't you cut your own hair?
There is literally only one way to cut it.
>don't rely on other people to maintain your body

$10 on clippers; Do it yourself retard.
I have spent $10 in 8 months on haircuts, most retards spend $250 by this point.

Means you're cheap.
cheap = no puss.

Fucking Kek

Fuck my shit up

Funny, every non autistic girl I've met fucking hates them

he never said where he got the buzzcut

That is the most mexican haircut that I've ever seen. More mexican than fake bullets on cars, purple undercarriage lights and pink houses with puke green trim all put together, almost.

I have no social relations, dead parents, dead family and the best part is I'm not fucking stupid enough to overpay some untrained asshole to potentially give me staph every time he cuts my hair.

There is no discussion. Shave your head, it grows back.
Also I have hypertrichosis so doing this any other way would be dumb when I'm growing an inch of hair every month.

Or you could try getting a job

what the fuuuuuh...

Well that's your own personal problem.
Sorry about the rest too.


This one.




I was never a normie but recently decided to try and be one. Got a normal haircut and the bitches have come.

Because I should pay 300% on the same fucking thing?
Are you able to critically think?
You do realize you're going to get staph going to the barbers. You do realize that you can inexpensively own your own hair cutting gear right?
You wouldn't use another man's razor but you lack the wisdom to understand that's what you're suggesting I do.

Barber shops are fucking filthy. But have fun. I spend 10 minutes once per month, $0, you spend 2 hours and $25 and risk serious infection.

>conair clippers $10
>your barber uses the same thing

but mate he was right

Not that user, and I don't have a vagina, but I'm 6'9" and 255 lbs and I think most guys looks improve with long hair. Most looks improve from facial hair too, especially guys. A good mustache is all that keeps you from being unapproachable if you look like Vernon Dursley. But yes, a very many men I've seen/known look or would look better with longer hair.

Bitches love buzz cuts. Just don't fucking miss any hair, run over it 10 times.

>all that women care about is status comparatively to other men

I really hope you don't think so.

Not that wagon burning non sense, lel.

How often do you buzz your head and what #?

I've just started doing my own and have to do it twice a fucking week

I was hoping for puss...

But yea i sorta agree. I wonder why that is though. Is it because it's sorta a trend right now? Or is it because long hair and a beard cover up some features.

They care about it subconsciously but yes I do think so. They want to the best genes they can get for their offspring.

Yes... but assuming you don't go to a shit hole you'll notice stuff soaking in liquid.

Also, I can't see the top of my head without using a mirror. A barber can. The argument that it saves money is no saving grace when the majority of people would fuck up even a buzz cut on their own.

Anything but that.

youre fat

cocksucker's lips

Yeah but not when you look like your pic relate. That dude looks like a fat greasy faggot who plays dungeons and dragons. No, doesn't even just play it, he looks like the diving dungeon master lel.

Go to literally any barber and get a medium fade. Typically costs under $10

You look like you should be selling tickets at a fucking carnival, there's no way you're straight.

>most mexican haircut

>like the diving dungeon master lel.
>diving = dick diving

bald looks good with a buff body

Luis Guzman: The early years

Pompadour is a timeless style, but it helps if you go for an older looking fashion

He's the only white guy that looks good bald

This, and you have to have a face to go with it. You don't wanna shave your head and bring attention to your ugly mug.

looks good man

Bare blade, once a month, run over it as many times as you can handle or you will miss shit and end up looking dumb anyways.

>undercarriage lights
>underglow you uncultured fuck

Dude got roasted so bad he deleted his shit...

I don't know man. From an evolutionary stand point sure it makes sense. But "Subconsciously" It's way more complicated than that.

a neatly trimmed bush, flashed confidently

00, no guard, twice a month. I have cut my own since I enlisted in '92. Wear a goatee and mustache now though.

Probably a bit of both, but I also think it's because it's more natural. Having short cut or buzzed hair is unnatural. It may be more of a subconcious thing.

>688161881 digits

I dont think so. I honestly think the science of human interaction is just humans taking themselves too seriously and thinking that they are much more special than they actually are

You know we all saved that right? You'll be the next r8 or faces of Sup Forums hero...

No idea, i am in my 40s and I have grey hair, it's a total mess.. Don't give a shit... Used to shave my head but looked just like every other fucker, these days it's long on top, shaved - i don't want to look like everyone else.. Never had a problem getting the ladies

I have to shave. Hypertrichosis = 300 infected hairs on each side of the face per week. Fucking nightmare to pluck every other hair that grows from my face but the itch is real.

Too bad there is literally 0 awareness of this disease. Just pluck a hair from your mustache and multiply that by 1200 times a month, subtract 12 hours from every month you live and you'll get it.
I don't think it's leprosy. Doctors offered me antibiotics for this hereditary disorder, I burned the prescription soon as I walked outside.

I have short back and sides with long on top

Has successfully kept me sexless in a relationship with a girl that doesn't wanna fuck me and I'm severely depressed I mean what HAHA undercut though.

I have Undercut fade with long top tapered length back from the fringe

I'd post a pic but I don't wanna get torn to shreds by you meanies

somebody repost this :(


This gets pussy instawet

If you have dark hair you should get it lasered, problem solved

But people evolve and so does the way we interact. I'm no scientist and by no means am i smart, but if our bodies and mind are so much more complex then everything else here, surely the way we interact is too.

Buddy of mine fixed that type of thing with acne stuff in boot camp. Made his face red as hell for a couple weeks, Retin A or some shit.


Good thing my hairs long then. Now i need to find a way to stop being asian and grow a beard.


yep, very cool

Luv me bby

Using those words was enough you flaming faggot. I don't know what most of them meant and it sorta read like "I wanna suck dicks".

Not yet, it's too fresh to be funny. Just imagine Luis Guzman 15 years ago and gayer...

I think we are only self aware. Arent there a few animals that have the same potential brain to body ratio that they should be capable of comparable intelligence to humans, Dolphins and Octopuses if I recall.
Imo its just really hard for us to see human interaction objectively since all of our actions and thoughts are in some way influenced by the very things we are trying to understand

I have those. Very rare but they show up on the jawline. It's like two hairs merged together and became twice as thick, weird shit, high rate of infections in them.
The rest are pure white, I use a light at an angle and a mirror to spot them, they are fluorescent. Very common. Very painful. Always infected.

Explain how lasers can pew pew me out of this nightmare please?


just tell the barber "just fuck my shit up"

look at this faggot ahhah !

They kill your face hairs at the follicle and they never grow back

Ya, I've noticed it's really sparse 28th the Asians. I have a friend who has Mongolian blood, but looks like the whitest kid you'd know, and he can-t grow more than like 15 hairs on his chin. Its pretty funny but kinda sad too. Hell, I'm mostly Celtic and I can't get a full beard to grow, which shames me, but I think that's more cause I was pretty chubby thru puberty.

Looks kinda tough to me

Looks like a keen hunter

fuckin checked

Quads checked

What's you being chubby thru puberty got to do with facial hair