You Sup Forumsros got any other Sup Forums approved youtubers?

you Sup Forumsros got any other Sup Forums approved youtubers?

Other urls found in this thread:

sein' this face is enough pain for 1 day.

Who the fuck is that irregular looking mong

>He doesn't know Kwebblekop

I'm dutch and my youtube page keeps getting spammed with this guy.

He's irritating and obviously trying too hard.



You can always ignore if you don't like him

MrDoodleburger. It's a few years old but still funny as shit.

Sup Forums approved? This guy is so fucking annoying


Not really

literally Sup Forums the youtuber

kwblecancer, literally makes me wanna kill myself.

I like how he has to brighten up the screen to overshadow the fact that he's as ugly as the average Sup Forums tard.

Whos thay


I can't even tell which one is him lol. What an inbred fuck.

gtfo faggot how new are you this kid like's 12


look at those filthy ear can pads.

We should start a campaign where we harass and stalk Leafy fans.



It's suede fam. They aren't dirty; the fibers are just facing a different direction.
The dude is absolute scum though. Autism to the max.

Another hack that just screams into his mic and makes turning on his PC the biggest achievement. Who the fuck would approve this?

I always knew Sup Forums was full of 14 year olds. this thread is 100% absolute confirmation. Fucking summer makes it 10X worse.

OP don't be a faggot



*tips fedora*


Go to reddit you fucking faggot. Thats where you belong.

Truth. I don't know who any of these 12 year old youtubers are nor do I care. I guess Sup Forums is now just the edgy faggots from youtube. Who ever is posting in this thread just now you are the cancer that killed Sup Forums

>muh secret club
fuck off kid

These guys and Jontron are alright.

Grand Illusions - Guy in picture (Tim) goes through his toy collection. Once you watch one, you seriously can't stop. He's very charismatic and entertaining.

Is that jelly? He's annoying as fuck

>not posting videos

You are all imbeciles.

Not videos

Hate to be the one the one to tell you but Sup Forums has always been cancer.

KIll yourself you underage faggots

nah it's kwebel crop, fucking jew. disapproved by Sup Forums

this guy is literally a Sup Forumstard.

Relevant for most guys here:

Also has a pretty good ten part audio book:

No there never was this many children here.


Brote Ampill for president


wew must have took you a long time to do that faggot

your life is worthless


That guy is a supreme faggot. If he's Sup Forums incarnate, I don't want to browse this board anymore

that guy is entertaining

Kill yourself small dick faggot

kanker op vieze kanker mongool ga je moeder neuken ofzo




Now go fap of the thought of being cucked you stupid children, better get used to it

You're fucking braindead if you like any of this shit.


I will definitely agree on that. Personally I think Facebook and ironic meme pages have a lot to do with that, kids being raised almost completely on the Internet normally associate Sup Forums with edgy memes and migrate here though with that said Sup Forums has always been pretty bad. I mean it has its moments but they are few and far between.

My dick is probably thicker than your pencil wrist lol

Continuity ruined.

12 yr old detected



true, he's fucking cancer

ITT nerdy virgins who will never get laid

Stonemountain64 (transitioning to cancer)
Internet comment ettiquite (redditfag but acceptable)

That's literally it unless you're down to watch shoenice kill himself slowly on camera.

He's actually 20 you faggot





This loud asshole who just screams into a microphone is not "Sup Forums approved"



Fuck you

check em



And he makes content for 14 year olds gtfo newfag

This guy makes good content

>6 million subs


Says the cuckfag, kys


Hory shet

This is now a GET thread and my doubles only serve to prove it.


You guys are literal peasants

24/7 Sales & Support (480) 624-2500

I miss Joel and spoole. Still best channel

obviously b8.

I hate this fucking Youtuber so much, what a typical screaming twelvy retard fishing cuntbag I want to kill him so badly............

Papa Franku




This guy for sure

Bro, is that AYOfficial? Hear he's working on Beatbox THREEstyle, I'm so hyped! Lol!

Yeah dude! He's the best!

fuck this kid wtf fuck you for even bringing this little retard up

I want to die, haha!