Hello Guys. Welcome to the first and only FASCIST AND RASCIST HATE Thread. Here you can tell me and others, why you hate those fucking Nazis and can get Insulted if you are a Fascist/Racist.
>. Inb4 OP is fag for being ANTIFA >: Inb4 All Nazis are Bastards
I'm sorry to hear you're a coal burner. An hero, right now.
Jace Reed
Oh shit, it's b8 time !
Nathan Howard
Dominic Murphy
Heil Hitler and the National Socialist party
Camden Gomez
Lucas Johnson
Get ready to feel the Bern, you neo-Nazi Trumpcucks. There's a storm coming, in the form of millions and millions of disaffected Americans sick of having the American lie shoved down their throats by racist, homophobic Nazis like you and the mainstream media. Don't like what I'm saying? Go back to Faux News. Capitalism has to be the greatest failure of organised government ever- but it came with the greatest lie ever told as well. Everything is fine. Keep consuming. Keep producing. You are what you own, and if you don't own anything, you are worthless. The capitalist Ponzi scheme is falling, Sup Forumsrothers, just a little later than Marx predicted. It is coming.
Jason Green
Stale pasta is stale
Joshua Nelson
Ayden Diaz
Kevin Sullivan
Zachary Myers
Robert Evans
fuckin' commie
Jonathan Perry
Have an image I haven't seen posted in a few years. ^.^ 14/88
Owen Scott
Wow, what a bunch of nigger bait.
Adrian Rivera
Are you muslim?
Wyatt Bell
Adrian Kelly
Jaxson Johnson
Xavier King
Brody Long
+1 Comrades! Never forget who did the Holocaust and all these unbelievebel crimes. Right. Nazis and Racists like these bitches up here. Behind theyr Computer Screens they might seem powerfull, but in Reality they all are some ugly Pigs who blame People with less education or less money for theyr very own Problems.
FUCK NAZIS. Forever Antifascist. Good Night White Pride
Leo Watson
How this should read: "Get ready to make America great again, you socialist feefee state berncucks! There's a storm coming in the for of millions and millions of disaffected Americans of all colors who work hard and are sick of striving to achieve the American Dream only to have it ripped out from under them in the form of social programs to keep the lazy lazy and then get called racist for trying to provide for their family by trans enablers and ghettotrash lovers and the mainstream media. Don't like what I'm saying? Go back to CNN or Washington Post articles that make sure to include the race of all involved in a shooting unless it's a black cop that shot a white guy. Capitalism is great for those trying to work hard and earn a living but it's been pulled farther and farther down by welfare leaches and those that think a burger flipper deserves to be paid the same as a skilled tech worker. Everything can be fine if you work hard. Consume what you can afford and don't expect handouts. Produce what is needed because we are a fruitful society with plenty of opportunity for hard workers. If you work hard you will own things and people will know you aren't a lazy welfare leech. And if you are lazy you are worthless. The socialist Bernie scheme will never work here. History has proven this and the present is not showing any difference. Nothing of value from socialism is coming"
Adrian Moore
a dead fascist is a victory for life. fascism and racism are fear based beliefs, that try to appear strong.
Aiden Kelly
Nope. I dont have a Religion. Because fuck Religions.
Matthew Thompson
Caleb Green
>hates fascists and racists >spreads hate toward a group
that's really a way to change the world, isn't it?
Ayden Anderson
If racist or facial meant anything these days except disagreeing with a democrat, there might be a point. Otherwise we got gendefluid other kins antigun people talking about murder fantasies againt the majority of the planet. No thanks idiot.
Austin Powell
Cooper King
What say you?
Joshua Gutierrez
fck nzs ? nzs ae col dde
Noah Edwards
Absolutely. All the fear and misbeliefs of them is just so emotionally crippeling. We have to stay strong and keep those Nazis down!
Jaxon Carter
ok, so being serious. I hate everyone who thinks he's superior to others because of race / gender / religion / nationality / or any of that sort. Every human has the same potential (ok.. nearly - there are some potatoes) and their upbringing and socialisation decides if they become a racist, thief, vandal, and whatnot. I also don't like vandalising left wing people, who think it's ok to burn down policecars because hurr durr we so united and ACAB, cause there also are some good cops and militias. Kommunism & Anarchism both have a bad rep. sadly.. that's because most people never read mayor works about it, and can only repeat what others told them "hurr durr commis are baaad". Most ppl are stupid and can't think for themselfes, that's why populism works so damn well.
Isaac Miller
Stop talking shit about my BF
Charles Howard
How to make Sup Forums go completly ApeShit 101
Top Kek OP
Nathaniel Williams
so what if it is "fear"? We want safe and peaceful society, without evil non-white faggots, aka natural born criminals, parasites etc.
Logan Sanchez
Eli Russell
Kill yourself antitfa faggot
Christopher Morgan
Jayden Peterson
The White Race and Koreans, Japanese and Chinese are clearly superioe than all others, if you dont see it you must be blind.
William Williams
Best thread ever. Cheers, mate!
Brayden Wood
Sebastian Jackson
Actually I personally dont put Fire to Cars and/ or scream ACAB at Demonstrations. I won´t vandalise People who aren´t my so called "Enemy"
Jason Bennett
Joshua Lopez
Angel Martinez
Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
Fucking nigger lover
James Jones
not op but yea, you got a point there.. that's one problem I've always been thinking, and why I stepped back from the ultra left punks. But how can it be solved? simply ignoring racists and if the time comes and they've spread their beliefes and come to power.. what then? (i mean, ofc riot... but most probably they will be better armed and won't hesitate to shoot a leftie)
Gabriel Roberts
real anarchists arent some left wing faggots, real anarchists can be White Nationalist as well.
Michael Robinson
accurate kek
Grayson Wood
No, as long as there are People who think like you there will be Crimes and Ahit. All we have to do is sort out the misbeliefs, strengthen our Friendship and stop all the Discrimination so that all People have the same chances of achieving something.
David Scott
but its better to be a bastard than a fag
Alexander Davis
shut up stupid you newfag
Noah Watson
I've talked to right wing people & when I talk to them face to face, most of them are worthy for a discussion and nice. Problem is group behaviour mostly
Chase Jackson
I beg your pardon?
Brody Russell
Liam Anderson
Robert Myers
Yeah. The Idea of fighting Hate with Hate sounds a little bit off, but I cant stand the thought of seeing Nazis spreading theyr Propaganda any longer.
Jaxson Collins
btw.. u're german speaking? watch the series "Familie Braun". It's quite fun & shows something that quite often happens.. as long as people have little contact to other ethnies they tend to believe the propaganda. but if they get into contact with others, they tend to change their opinion. It's mostly fear of the unknown. (Look at votings.. mostly right wing people living in places with little to no refugee centers) at least in austria
Joshua Cook
Jew faggot
Owen Russell
>for months >complains being called newfag newfag
Cameron Rodriguez
Ja. Ich bin Deutscher. Wohne sogar in der Nähe der Östereichischen Grenze. Ich werde mir die Serie mal ansehen. Danke
Andrew Walker
Jacob Price
William Turner
Ayden Gutierrez
First thing: Im not called Heaven. Second: You are a Newfag. Even I am and I browse Sup Forums daily for about a Year and a Half now. So fuck off. Third: Even if I love "Niggers". What you gonna do about it? I´m a Human myself, so I can do what the Fuck I want.
Carter Watson
Tim Enalls Philip Emeagwali Anala Beevers
should i go on? it's upbringing and education, if you don't see this ur stupid, sry
Logan James
le old fag since january
Lincoln Fisher
Aiden Sanders
thanks for trying to inject some sanity, bro
Gabriel Cook
Only because all the whites despicable enough to commit rape are also fascist dickheads.
They probably think they will catch a desease or something.
My ancestors are smiling at me imperials, can you say the same?
Logan Murphy
Oh my fucking god. I despise sjws, but you are actually retarded.
Fascism is being pro national socialism and being racist/homophobic. There is a lot of grey area between that and being an sjw to take a middle ground.
Luke Jackson
National socialists are just emotionally weak sheep ready to get fucked in the ass by the government.
Ryan Howard
Hitler was a great man
Eli Hughes
the cake is a lie
Oliver Foster
+1 Kek
Xavier Gomez
Hah what a sheep.
Please spread your asscheeks for the government more. Your emotional immaturity and fear makes you ripe for manipulation by dictators.
Mason Anderson
I fucking hate racists. They always attack white people at Trump rallies and try to steal guns from cops. Then they burn down their cities and blame it on white people. Racists are sickening.
Aiden Allen
fascists reporting in sieg heil from Lithuania
Benjamin Kelly
kek, i feel some truth in that haha
Grayson Moore
Are you trying to say the American Dream is a lie?
Matthew Hill
My ancestors would be very proud of me. My german family helped to hide jews and russian soldiers who where wounded and my wholefamily is a left wing family, because they are from the DDR. Get teached Fackboi
Ayden Torres
Well, on average yes. But that is no excuse for racism as there is plenty of intelligence in other races as well, just rarer.
Dominic Perez
Luis Collins
These days the people who call themselves"anti-fascists" are in fact the biggest fascists around.
Christian Stewart
Gabriel Anderson
Keep believing in that my Boy.
Juan Hill
My great-grandfather was in the red army, Kursk Battalion - was fighring Nazis until '43 :(