OK So after seeing countless fucking threads of people being cringey as shit I'd start one...

OK So after seeing countless fucking threads of people being cringey as shit I'd start one. This one being about me and my best friend, who is still my best friend to this day.

Let's title this shit "user tries to be a fucking alpha"

Also General Cringe Thread.

>Best friends with this 8/10 grill since like.. 7th grade, 6 years at this point.
>Junior Year
>Im a somewhat fat, 6'4" nerd who spends most of his time buried in a book/playing vidya/writing erotica and ignoring everyone else
>Grill and I have no secrets between each other, talk about everything from vidya to comics to even fetishes
>Find out that she's a submissive, and im more of a switch, but i lean more towards submissive. (this comes into play later on)
>Problem is, she's got a girlfriend (bi)
>Girlfriend is an abusive cunt, yells and screams at her regularly, forces her into sex on a regular basis.
>girl I like has problems with some other cunts in the school, such as one who was a brony faggot and actually grabbed her ass. (we're talking Sup Forums fedora wearing neckbeard cringey)
>she and I hang out a lot, playing vidya, watching movies and shit
>we're watching Grave Encounters 2. Its near the part where they're trying to escape the place, a little after the guy with the elongated limbs chases them. I remember this perfectly for this whole thing.
>Im painfully attracted to this girl, sexually and emotionally, and, being the cringey faggot I am, think to myself "Hey, maybe I can get her to stop seeing the abusive girlfriend she has now and make her something much closer to me than she already is"
>at this point, we're best friends with no barriers and even rely on each other for our cringey high school angst and depression bullshit.
>we're cuddling, which is something we found ourselves just doing on a regular basis while watching movies.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Mull over in my head about all the stories Ive heard about people becoming Friends with Benefits, decide to try and make a move before I lose my nerve
>Attempt a sultry, yet masculine voice, like bond trying to get a girl back up to a room for a romp or some bullshit
>"So uh... would you like to be something closer maybe? Like... Friends with benefits?"
>she has no fucking idea what i mean. I did come out of fucking nowhere with it all.
>"l-Like what, user?"
>"well..." I say, as I pull her even closer, rubbing her side, still doing the whole sultry voice bullshit. "Like maybe I could be your master or something~?"
>She fucking bursts out into laughter. Spaghetti falls out of pockets. I quickly start laughing to try and play it off as a joke, fucking terrified that I fucked up the entire relationship we had
>She turns it down politely, saves me the embarrassment of outright rejecting me.
>Anyways, we're still best friends after this
>I wind up in the hospital for my depression, come back a couple weeks later into school
>she had told her girlfriend, but I didnt know until math class, the only one I shared with her girlfriend
>Middle of nowhere, while we're having a break, girlfriend comes to me, kneels over next to me, while Im writing my bullshit eroticas again (i think it was some stupid fucking homestuck fic)
>Whispers to me in a fucking deadpan tone, fucking GLARING at me. "You try that shit with my girlfriend again, and I will break every bone in your body."
>I just fucking nod, choking back tears. Im fucking terrified, her girlfriend is that type of no-shit taking fuck-your-shit-up cunt.
>She goes back to her desk. I start fucking bawling into my sweat shirt.
>end up leaving that school later that day
>dont go back for weeks
>Wind up in a school for truant and delinquent kids, patdowns, metal detectors, cops, uniforms, the whole 9 yards.

Still friends with her. We talk all the time and its like she completely fucking forgot about it. She wound up turning into f-t-m trans and I still have hard feelings for her. Every time I see her I think of that and I die a little more inside.

You're literally the epitome of autistic faggot OP. Well done for living up to it though

but hey i got trips so thats pretty cool i guess?



nigga why would you do this.

I honestly dont know. I was a fucking faggoty, horny dumbfuck
