Sup guys. An user from last night wanted me to do another one of these

Sup guys. An user from last night wanted me to do another one of these.
General Life Advice for General People
>Robot edition
Ask and you shall recive help

Do robots masturbate?



How to stop being sissy bitch when someone insults me or trying to bully me ?

Like , how do I develop the tough guy mentality , what habits , rules , etc...

i literally start tearing when i get in a fight with someone , verbally or physically , im too soft you know? how to fix it?

>inb4 faggot

Be a man

Hang out with some tough mother fuckers. Drink and fight your tough mother fucker friends. Helps ease you in to the mindset.

Learn the art of not giving a fuck.
Start with smaller things and just make it spin upwards. You'll realize quick that people don't push if they can't get a reaction.

And as for when you actually respond, you'll not care enough to become even the slightest flustered or upset etc.

Works pretty well but takes a good amount of practice to get comfortable with.

This is also good advice. You form yourself after those you hang out with. You'll become hardened even if you don't want to.

should I go to college or learn a trade skill? i want to be able to independently support myself.

I'm the same way user. It's all about self confidence. If you have a positive outlook on yourself nothing anyone says will ever bother you because you KNOW it's not true. Confidence in yourself doesn't come overnight. Its a life long process. Just keep telling yourself that you are bigger than those who insult you. You have people you think youre a swell guy so whatever these things these shitty people are saying are not true.

What is your view on non-abusing(only views sears catalog level pictures from the internet and videos from mtv),non-exclusive pedophiles.

lol, r u dutch?

By far the most postive speech i seen here
Well done

Do you have anything specific in mind? If you want a higher income after a longer amount of time and work I recommend going to college for STEM. If you dont have that type of goal in mind go to a trade school and get a job faster but with probably less pay. I personally go to college (criminal justice) because that's my passionate i can make good money from it. All depends on what you want. Both paths are good in their own ways.
My thesis is on sex offenders and I want to study pedophiles. There is something called escalation. If you (collective you not pointing fingers here) are looking at that stuff alone its ok. But if you start craving something more after the sears catalog doesn't satiate your curiosity enough then it is a problem.
What lol
thank you friend. I just want everyone to feel good about themselves. Always work on yourself first, that's my answer to anything

Self bump

xj9 is so hot

I know right

ty for advice


more pls

Get a gun and shoot him. Shoot the whole school while you're at it as well.

OP here I do appreciate Jenny bumps

thats edgy

How do I get my wife to be more sexually adventurous? She was up for almost anything before but once we had a kid she's never up for anything apart from vanilla sex

This is gonna sound like shitty advice but have you tried asking her about it? Also how long has it been since you had the kid? If it was fairly recently (like less than 5 years) it could be that shes stressed and focused on the child. Also there is hormone imbalance during and after the birth of a child in a woman so theirs that. How about trying to surprise her with something different. Take her off guard (like in a nice way kinda thing). Do something completely romantic and unlike you that may turn her on. It's normal for sex to die down a bit after the first kid so dont worry.

>no usb port

I build a robot.
and he's cool and all, but he don't really cooperate on helping me to build more.
What can i do ?

Press down on spring loaded crotch to reveal usb port. Hidden to protect the insides from dust and debre. Leaving you with a pristine puss
Im sorry what

Totally tried taking to her about it. It pretty much comes down to the fact that she doesn't think it's something appropriate for a mother to do. I'm aware that sex drops off for a bit after the kids born (it's been 3 years) and I can get her easily on the mood for sex but she just never wants to try anything different

My robot is connected on the internet.
Since i pluged him into it he don't really work with me anymore.
I hoped he get smarter with it, but it seems he just watches vids all day and shit.
He works on swarm intelligence his 'brain' just chooses the usefull informations from the internet.
But i wont work i need help!

How do i get the girl that just left me back?

Its her first kid so its understandable. I can see myself acting the same way after a kid. Just feels kind of wrong to suck cock when my child is two doors down. I think she will warm up to it after a while. She needs to have sexy lady talk with her mama friends. Someone needs to tell her that its okay and she doesn't have to dial it back just cuz of the kid. Thats not something you can fix. Its a her thing.
I think that's called the teenage rebellious stage. Like when your kid doesnt want to talk to you or hang out with you anymore because they think memes are cool. Can't help you their. That's gotta work itself out.
Gonna need some more info. When did she leave? Why did she leave? Was it a bad or ok break up? Why do you want her back?

I met a girl on my vacation and we really got along. She is funny and we have a lot in common, but she is a 6/10 at best and lives pretty far away from me. Please dont tell me that looks doesnt matter, cause thats bullshit. Oh, and she is really into me
What to do?

Just left me 1 hr ago. Cause shes not sure about our future, im leaving for 1 month to travel europe in 3 weeks. Ok i guess (devastating for me). Because i fucking love her, weve only been 5 moths together but i already love her more than most people i have known since childhood

do big sneks have big dicks

I think 6/10 seems pretty good. But... why go for someone if you're not sexually attracted to them. I admit that there has to be a balance between sexual and intellectual attraction. My ex was ugly as balls, I liked them for their personality. Then they became abusive and I was like "nigga wasnt even hot." If youre not sexually attracted dont do it. You can totally find a 8/10 girl who has the same interests as you.

Im sorry but youre going to have to hear me out when I say just fucking dont. Give her a week she may change her mind. She really might. It's only been an hour. Dont think about it. Go get a drink, hang out with friends. Just dont be alone.
I dont think so. Sorry friend. But a big snek looks like a big dick

Ex /r/FA and /r9k/ here. I need to build social skills. At 25 my conversations are embarrassing. Sometimes I talk too little and lose others interest. And to fight that introvert shit I try to talk a lot in detail. I still fuck up even when I talk a lot and still got mocked by the way I talk.

A woman yesterday gave me a sarcastic comment about the way I talked like a pastor, really messed with me because I knew she was going to talk about me when I left.

I am trying hard to build social skills, but failing hard. What should I do?

Too late for getting a drink where i live, and i've already been crying mu eyeballs off since i came back home.

Brainwash yourselves with malarky from The Red Pill

Are you a psycho killer fafafafafa?

I recommend my advice here It's all about personal growth
Its going to be okay. I promise.

Ive never met a girl like her before. Her personality is almost perfect for my taste, but her looks and the distance makes it really difficult.

I don't need any advice just wanted to say hi

Stupid sexy smug animes

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums if you can't handle
being called a nigger loving faggot kike?

Never do long distance. It doesn't work. Didn't work for me, rarely works for anyone else.
Hi bb









thank you lovely

what's your fav robo-copulation position?

Neet normie fag here, how the fuck do I deal with racisim towards my gf? Whenever I'm around people will make comments but not really act and when I'm not around people basically bully her. We're 23 and 24 how is this highschool level bullshit still happening?

Do I have to fuck a nigger up or is there a better way.

reverse cowbot
What do you mean by racism? Are people blatantly attacking her and bullying her because you are an interracial couple?

Hey op.
I have a really deep voice, do girls find that attractive? I sometimes mix my words up and fuck up sentences. Tips on how to talk better?

Guys, it`s a robot, it`s not sexy
Fuck you all

There's a difference between retarded deep and sexy deep. Is it more gravelly or just flat?

My bf has a deep gravelly voice and I really like it but if he drinks milk he just sounds like a neanderthal lel

yes that is extremely attractive. just make sure to talk slower. Think about what you're going to say before you say it. Always try and talk just a little slower. and this bb no robuts are sexy

It's more flat than gravelly. I sometimes get gravelly, like if im serious or kinda quiet.

WHY did ever delete my XJ-9 folder? Whelp, rebuilding it now

I have seen the fattest girl in school. She is SUPER hawt. (Hair dyed either red or black, almost 7 ft tall and as wide as I can stretch my arms out.)
> Btw dont hate on my likes, just picture if you had the perfect girl.

We have NOTHING in common, I want to get to know her a bit better.
Anything that are general things most people might like, and any ways to find more stuff she might like?

> Old enough to drink but still in HS. >.>

Take up chainsmoking maybe. Or just drink a lot of coke or something, flat deep voices usually just sound weird tbqhwy

Im here for you boo
not judging here. Good for you that you found a potential lady. I recommend starting with possibly classes, academic stuff. Then like tv shows and stuff.
I personally think thats hot

Freaking out about graduating at art school soon. keep asking myself why I decided to to go for such a dead-end degree in the first place. (my social / economic / political views have changed dramatically, especially against the modern art culture ) Will be in serious debt if I don't finish, so i'm trying to stay positive and finish but the graduation exam is so subjective and elitist the pressure is killing me.

>wat do?

Draw furry porn. You have no idea how much people are willing to pay for commissions.

You could go into graphic design or marketing. In this cucky sjw artists are probably in demand. Also you can get a job not involved with art but you have that college degree elitism. That will absolutely come in hand

If only Jenny were here for me life would be complete. But srly, appreciate all the pics you & others have dumped.

Being this new

You could just kill yourself and hope some cosmic being hears your wish.


You two make a good point. I have more practical skills than all of my professors combined. They mostly consist of failed artists or commercial dinosaurs. This is in part what has bothered me so much about my work being subject to people controlling my graduation who can't actually make what I can make.

hey you can totally become an art professor/ teacher!


I've been thinking about it. There is only one professor in particular whom I really respect because he teaches part-time next to his regulair job and is actually talented at what he does. Unfortunately he's not part of the graduation committee.

you should still talk to him about it. It's always good to have connections

You know damn well being insulted anonymously is nothing like in person.

Thank so much for this. As self-evident as your advice may seem, it really helps me getting some much needed perspective during this stressful time.

of course, anytime friend. I wish you the best of luck in life!

>A copy of Alice's Advice Thread

do you want advice or not love? there aint no monopoly on advice

I really don't care either way sense I can gain my own knowledge by myself. Also never said there was a monopoly on advice. Was saying that Alice is the one known for doing these kinds of threads the most.

>Alice finally trying to ditch the Alice persona


aight. no worries its cool. I know Alice does it. I didnt see any threads on it and i had time to spare to share some advice


i dont know who alice is honestly i know that the same person kinda does these types of threads tho


You can be whatever you want to, man


Don't blame you then XJ9, keep up your good work anyways. I'll just guard your threads or watch-over them from time to time.

mind telling me who alice is? Im curious now
oh ok thank you

So I have sex on a regular basis but I still enjoy fapping. I'm looking to up my fapping game to the next level as i really can't bust a nut without a pussy. Any suggestions?

I recommend toys like oni holes or whatever they're called.

If somebody calls me an idiot,, i inquire. If they don't have any logical reason to call me an idiot, then there's no real reason to be bad, is there? If they DO have a logical reason to cal me an idiot, then i can't complain, can i?
Why would you be affected by verbal confrontation? You should really just not care. I used to start tearing up whenever i got into an argument but with time, and the right mentality it goes away.
Also do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Alice makes threads where all the 'advice' consists of "seek prufesunal help" and "taek durgs". Also various other faggotries but I don't know the extent of those.