How do you deal with your girl cheating on you?
How do you deal with your girl cheating on you?
Other urls found in this thread:
cheat on her and leak her nudes everywhere
Embrace your new cuck lifestyle and admire her bull
never talk to her or any woman again
Break up with her calmly and never talk to her again
Take care of your own emotional state and get over being hurt over time realizing it isn't easy but that you'll be fine with time
Dump the bitch! Only men are allowed to cheat.
just leave her
cheating whores are cheating whores
nothing you can do about that. why waste your time with someone who does that shit?
most of this board is young. you have so much more time to get with other women you have to be an actual retard to stick with it
Fuck the dude she cheated on you with and send her pics of your dick in his ass and your cum on his face. show her who is boss. then find another slut to put your penis in at night. they are just dumb hoes.
monogamy is not natural in humans. the reality is that a vast majority of long-term relationships deal with indiscretions on the part of both partners.
your parents probably have both cheated, but chose to stay together.
So you just have to decide whether what you have with her is worth throwing out over a mistake
Never talk to her again. If you were a good boyfriend, it'll eat her up inside for the rest of her life. You were the one that got away, and you deserve much better.
get her hooked on H
Better yourself
Meet new girls
Have open relationships
I haven't cheated on my current gf but she's mentioned that she would be okay with me banging another chick so long as she knew about it beforehand. And yet I still don't want to cheat on her. What does this say about your situation?
My relationship will last and yours has already failed. Move on bud
Realize that your special sweet love is not special. But just another woman, and that there is plenty of them.
I didn't do anything. Sure, it hurt, but the other guy was her husband, so I felt like he had more right to be upset than me.
Hatefuck her one last time real good n dirty, get it on cam, then immediately afterwards start throwing her shit out the front door with your nut still dripping off her face.
With any luck she'll run outside to grab something barely clothed and that's when you lock the door.
You then call her mother/father and tell them their daughter was cheating with a 40 yr old nigger in your bed when you got home from work, get creative, tell them to come get her or she'll kill herself, hang up.
Then call the police and tell them your crazy ex and her parents are threatening to burn your living space down.
After its all said and done upload the video and sell it for some shekels.
Dump her
"You cheated, bye"
Cheating is the WORST of the perfectly legal things you can do to someone. I mean, stealing their shit, harming their pets, beating up their family or straight up murder is obviously worse. I mean those things are criminal level shit. The worst social/relationship act is cheating. It's all the bad things rolled up into a fucked up series of things that are insanely damaging to a person
If someone cheats, they can't set the bar any lower. If someone is willing to cheat on you, they've objectified and exploited every positives a relationship offers.
Fuck em. Anyone willing to hurt you that bad is beneath gorilla nards. Cereal.
I watch and fap while she does it. She will usually suck me off afterwards.
I'd fuck the guy she cheated me with. Marcellus-Style.
At what point in your reply did you start tipping your fedora? I kinda feel at some point you got too distracted by the fedora tipping to make a good point
Unless he fucks her so hard that she passes out
I dumped her and met someone better
yeah thats why we have the choice to leave a monogamous relationship. Natural desires does not excuse making bullshit choices that result in the hurt and possibly even injury to others.
Leave that fucking hoe op she probably wants you to leave her.
aint that revenge porn
Considering I am married and Ill be damned if I get divorced, the answer to your question is liquor, 1 .45ACP round and a shovel
This is now a cheating/cuckold thread
murricans are such so gentle
where im coming from women dont cheat because it would be the last thing they do
post nudes
Its no biggie. I fuck around from time to time as well. Keeps life fresh and interesting. As long as the kids are well taken care of and I get what I want when I want, I could care less. I don't own the bitch.
Lynch them both, you fucking idiot
Lynch the both of them, you fucking idiot
^ This guy!
Lop her fucking head off with a kitchen knife then chop that bitch up into pieces. Hide them all of your city for the win!
I would need a girl for that in the first place
I have a friend doing this
>got back with his girl
>got her doing a shit ton of coke
>fucks the shit out of her all the time because she still feels bad about being a sloot
>plans on dumping her in a couple of years
it's really sad desu. chick used to probably be in the top 10 hottest chicks I've known personally, her face is already thinning out from the coke and i'd feel bad for her but he told her several times he would do this.
My wife has been sending selfies to other dudes, i just go with he flow and steal the pics form her phone to post them on here
This. Break all contact if possible, accept that she's a cunt who has disrespected you and don't look back on the positive parts of your relationship which will make you want her again, accept shes a cunt and thats who she is now even if she was a good person before.
she wouldn't be my girl.... why do you men even fuck around with unfaithful stray dogs?
This. Thank god there are reasonable people here
dump her ass
>>this level of samefagging
Had that happen to me
My ex cheated on me
I just kicked her out
Not entirely sure but I think the bitch is still homeless because she passes everyone off after a while and the only reason I tolerated her was because she was really hot.
Also she was unemployed at the time
like little bill
Bruh, Got any nudes?
She looks hot as fuck
I couldnt tell you, because I dont have one. Perks of not having one, I guess. Fml.
sure do
i love her tits
Thank you
damn im really jealous
Start to fuck shit up
You're not pissed?