Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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Catching people is the hardest, especiallly when they play safe :(

Read their moves. Don't be afraid to man up when you have stacks on the mark ass nigga

Treat protector and io and my mains



You should try Renekton.

Until you can main a difficult champion.



Main support. I like Janna the most, she fits almost everywhere.


I main lux

Because Gripe-- oh sorry... Bubba Kush

Top: Pantheon
Jungle: Lee Sin
Support: Leona

>difficult champions
My sides

Rene isn't difficult. Need to be a lane bully, sure. But his skill ceiling is not as near as high a someone like Riven's.

People still play that dead game? Why the fuck would I play a game where the company just keeps making the game worse and worse, it's literally based on rng.

Ma boi

teemo op

Team: "I'm only good up until mid game."


Lux, Ahri and Akali

>You should main Renekton, untill you can main a difficult champion.

Doesn't mean renekton is hard. it means he's easy and you should main him untill you can play something harder.

Support: Morgana
Mid: Veigar

Only if you're a retard.

Many Dota players cant use Zed, Jayce, Elise...

Teemo and Rengar

twitch, jinx, sion

top: teemo
mid: urgot
jungle: malphite


he is kinda right u know. panth is just a one stun thing at the end. Everyone knows lee sin isnt good engame. Leo is good though

top: dindunuffin
bot: tyrone the nigger
mid: shaneequa the bitch
support: welfare
jungle: home

Weeaboo trash comp?

top kek

Team: Waifu 4 laifu

When pros quit the ranked scene I consider the game dead.
The LCS viewing has dropped, and League has already hit its peek. Pretty much declining from there on, now more than ever due to recent changes and game releases.

Watchu sayin nigga?

They do fall off, but if you know the champion and if you're not building some retarded full ad or assassin build on them, you're gonna do fine through the whole game.



>Tfw too poor to buy overwatch

Top: singed or panth, depending on team
Mid: lux
Bot: either varus or sivir for adc, and sona for support

I main the new draven


top: teemo
jung: teemo
adc: teemo
mid: teemo
sup: teemo

It's still the top game viewed on twitch

It still has the biggest number of people playing it

Old LCS players quit but new arrive, that's the cycle of every game

Plebs around me

Baww, one day user. One day.

Nice trips faggot.

On the other hand, calling the game dead while pro football teams are making their own LoL competitive teams is just being autistic.

Anyone want to carry me?

I'm a scrub stuck in gold 4

all twitch mains please rise

don't judge me :(

I don't like either so as a third party I can safely say your autism is showing

i main support too, but i use bard and braum



ahri is the best!

And, being mastery 7 on that new trash champion, do you even have a life?

KEK, implying any champ is gonna be better or more glorious than DRAAAAAAAAAVEN.

>on Sup Forums
do you even have a life?


I main opponent mom.


Nasus or Veigar
I just like stacking damage.


Garen only.
Top or bot.

so...hows that new queuing system working out, lads?

Pretty good, if you have some Friends

Nobody plays that shit

Thresh or Bard

league of legends. hahaha pleb

>tfw champions are behind paylock, so plebs have to pick one to "main"


I Main everything that can hook / pull.
Thresh, Blitz, Naut, Darius and Taliyah

Ekko and Velkoz


scrub getting carried by party right here, boys

The concept of a main must be so far over your head. I thought Dota plebs were clever?

I know, lol is shit, but this System is better than dota which gives you like 100 champs to choose from as a newbie

Dragonslayer Pantheon bitches


Typical friendless player who is crying for SoloQ because it's so unfair to play with premades

i would play dota if my computer were better

some of us didnt choose to be plebeian

Instead of being versatile in a game you play all day, you stick to playing one character in one lane so that you can brag about your elo
Kill yourself



kill yourself

kill yourself no one loves you

lemme guess, you only play melee champs top

I main soraka support

>master yi
kill yourself

What is your standard build?

nice urgot is may favorite

Fucking noobs
Dont Main a Champion, just play what is in the Meta. Got me from Silver to Master in this Season.

whats the point of maining a champ besides climbing?

even then you sacrifice fun and gameplay for a rank.


he's still fucking annoying

are you saying 5 random people against 5 players with voice communication is not unfair?

thresh/supports main


Thats not how it works.
You can play Solo with 4Man Premade and the Enemy Team too.

did you pay for skins to earn that or by unlocking chests?