yfw you realise one of these teams will play in the final.
Yfw you realise one of these teams will play in the final
i hope it's not Belgium, they don't deserve it in the slightest
Croatia and Belgium are final worthy teams.
would be ok if italiniggers didn't throw
Yes, that might be true, HOWEVER...
even if they reach finals they will be ass blasted by a big team
Croatia, Hungary or Poland pls
The Round of 16 will be the best stage of the tournament. Every match-up is interesting except Germany-Slovakia. It's all downhill after Monday
Why is every portuguese poster an apologetic cuck? Sure your team is playing like shit but have some enthusiasm at the least.
Belgium or croatia
Indeed, Slovakia has this one in their pocket.
While I agree there is simply too much asspain from you and your countrymen.
the only team i couldn't see making it to the final is norn iron
meme tournament
>wales or northern ireland in a quarter final
First I was rooting for belgium, but now I'm scared shitless that they have as much trophies as us at the end of this tourney.
Time for a quick annex I guess.
Will you kindly explain why we should be asspained, exactly?
>final Norn vs Iceland
What happens when two teams park the bus?
>NI vs England in the final
Croatia will go to the final
with wich army? lol
> Wales and England
Damn, Croatia are facing Portugal. I would have said that was in the bag for Croatia, but based on today's game, I'd say it was pretty even
Easy Croatia Germany final.
Because we stole a lot of your men to work the mines obviously. Ye olde grudges, it's disgusting.
Say that again when this comes rolling towards you I fucking dare you.