Are there any flat-earthers here? you people are retarded. here's what none of you can explain:

are there any flat-earthers here? you people are retarded. here's what none of you can explain:

WHY THE FUCK does the government even care to "cover up" your stupid flat earth theories? makes no sense.

I yield back the balance of my time.

Can't tell if rant, or bait.


they are too stupid to explain.
sadly, smart enough to breed

The earth is flat and the government covers it up t-

Keeps retards like you behaving

What's on the other side?
Why does everything with gravity swing outward except earth's?
Think about swinging a bucket of water.


If you stand on the moon and you look at the earth, you will see it to be two dimensional (pic related).


But it's turtles the whole way down, man...

from my pov its flat
>end of story

So like everything that you swing creates a gravity, like carnival rides. So why wouldn't we be standing inside the earth and anything on the outer surface being flung off into space

you fucking cunt,
the flat earth theory is scientifically backed
there's flat-earthers all around the globe

i dunno. So do you belive earth is flat or?


*all around the plane

so why is it covered up

You think your government doesnt lie to you? you fucking retard

Thats because they are way too retarded to explain it
>flat earthers in a nutshell

>hurr durr why there are no other flat planets? how you know that other planets arent flat have you seen all the planets?
>*phew avoided that question*
>*eh i ignored the part that said all the planets we have seen are round*
>im so smart

Show them proof and they will be like
>hurr durr all the millions of pictures and videos of the earth and other planets are photoshopped
>hurr durr the curvature of the horizon when you use a plane is a trick of the eyes
>hurr durr someone posted equations that proves the earth is round?
>difficult words make brain hurt me no understand, i will say that thing is wrong because it is old!

>hurr why theres no pics of the edge of earth? DURR the government doesnt let you have them of course!

>oh look another retarded flat earther like me with no knowledge of science or anything made this cool pic/text that says the earth is flat
>omg it uses hard words that i never heard before i must post this undeniable proof on Sup Forums

Can someone explain this

Lets take a trip out to the ocean, or the american midwest friend. There are plenty of spots you can actually see it where the air is clear on a good day.

it is flat, it goes on forever, they are stopping you from exploring past the ice wall patrolled by military. land is precious, they want you to think there is no more left to find.

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yeah, there are morons all around the globe too but that doesn't make them any smarter especially when they use words that imply their arguments are invalid.

That teleporting tech they are using at the edges really aught to be put to better use.

So much effort

Easy proof, look at a tall ship go towards the horizon, at some distance you will only see the mast and nothing else, because it is on the surface of a sphere.

Carlos is the fucking picture

no real earth from space pics. realtime nasa feed cgi

i dont usually engage in such mindless debates, but it does irritate me to know that its 2016 and people still think the earth is round.

please observe this image and tell me how round this looks to you.


Couldn't tell if was bait, but earlier today I broke some shit down in some real simple terms. I'm talking wooden block with alphabet simple. Square peg in square hole demonstration simple. The reply I got suggested that it wasn't something to think about.

I now know how to deal with genuine flat-earthers who only tell themselves the earth is flat and aren't bat-shit bananas.

Because gravity isn't magnetism. It's the same reason atmosphere doesn't vent into space and leave Earth.

It's the same reason winds don't kill you (on average). It's the same reason air circulates around the world and doesn't stagnate and choke off over ~70% of all life save for the equator.

>Why does everything with gravity swing outward except earth's?

I honestly cant tell if this is bait, or someone so utterly fucking retarded as to think this is some sort of fact....

I have even less respect for flat- earthers than I do for people who believe a dude lives in the clouds

Deflect deflect. Answer the question. Why is every government on earth covering up it being flat?

no direct flights between southern capitals across water, actually further to flly on flat earth

no the government does lie, but WHY would they lie to you about the Earth being flat? What advantage do they gain from "knowing" the Earth is flat and the average individual "thinking" its round?

billions of flies find shit tasty is it actually tasty?

If your tiny flat earthist retarded brain couldn't comprehend the context of that example let me help you
Replace "flies" for flat earthers, "shit" with the "flat earth joke" (its way too stupid to be considered theory) and "tasty" with true

If the earth is flat, why can't I walk right off the edge? And whats on the bottom

you mean that bast planet-sized sphere with the shadows getting longer and longer from left to right, as it goes round an arc of the globe?

Yeah, that's pretty fucking curved...

Watch genius by Stephen Hawking.
Bodies of water are obviously flat right? So how about using a laser pointer completely straight at a point 20 miles away. Flat earth proven incorrect.

thats momentum you fuckface

the actual south pole station is only accessible via south america, you cant travel there any other way because the earth is not a ball its warm plate on a table full of ice, more warm plates further away been keot away.


Everyone flat earth video I've watched, and I've watched a lot at this point, all bring it back to God and how it is a conspiracy lead by Satan to bebunk God and make humans think they are not special.

you people are fucking retarded

Pretty curved if you ask me

If there are snakes, and they are on a plane, then the Earth must be flat.

No snakes = not a plane.

Am I the only one who paid attention in AP Retardology?

truth hidden in plain site, UN flag. same org that says we cant go to south pole. prison planet fuckers

If land goes on forever then how is it a precious resource?

Huh because the earth is flat dumbass, even sheldon knows that. Pic very related.

what the fuck is that?!

they dont want the population expaning. thats why they poison us and keep us debt slaves. we could all live off the land

then explain to me why we aren't falling of this planet.


everybody knows earth is a hollow sphere


they locked the gnomes down there in the 60's you lier

Because this shit doesn't sell itself.

its a document made by nasa on what would happen if the earth was flat and didnt rotated these retards couldn't understand that it was just a "what if" and now are putting it as proof

but if they locked up the gnomes wouldn't that mean that keemstar should have been gone as well?

"didnt rotated"

oh, okay. thanks

didn't columbus die after falling of the earth?

It's proof, ur on the wrong side of history

he's an "ambassador" allowed to live on the surface
essentially he a gnome house nigger


What possible drug did you take that made you think it was a good idea to even bring up this topic again?

have u actually been in the space to see that earth is actually round? If not u r talkin bullshit

hoket on foniks werkt fer u tu!

If someone says to me that earth is round, i would question that statement. In my view, earth can be round or it might as well be flat. So far im with flat-earth theorist because they have proven it to be more beliveable.

Of course the Earth is flat. If it was round, we'd all roll to the bottom and fall off.
> as demonstrated in this highly scientific simulation

How oblivious and retarded can you people get? please please please please PLEASE be bait

Could you speak plain english. You sound like a retard.

Then you sir, are among the most gullible of idiots a missing chromosome could muster.

because theyd have to explain how gravity would work on a disk and they cant.

bait me up

> obvious troll thread is obvious
> Poe the fucking shit out of it

then by all means explain it to us the reason of why they cover it up, if you are "so smart" you will surely have no trouble answering right?

He's speaking the truth the government is just trying to cover everything up but they ca-

Easier to convince retards it round than explaining that its a disk. Plain and simple.

I have something in me, that is called "free thinker". I don't go with the government official reports. They lie coz 1 % is behind the gov.

My apologies for assuming you had the mental capacity to associate the sarcasm with the progenitor post.


You are free to demonstrate as much idiocy as you wish. Carry on.

ITT: >newfags entertaining themselves by posting b8 and arguing that the earth is round even though we have proof its flat

Just shut your mouth or get to the point.

Anyone that believes the earth is round is a fucking moron. Don't believe everything the government tells you think for yourselves

flat-earthers are retarded?

that's a pretty controversial statement. you're really putting yourself out there with that one

I have IQ of 135. WHat about U?

but using two fixed points and shadows, and some basic mathematics a greek mathematician was able to calculate the circumference of the earth and was only off by a few thousand kilometers, this experiment has been able to be reproduced with complete accuracy, how can you ignore this, why would every single government conspire to do it? whats to be gained?

Even the window lickers on the short bus know the earth is round.
A genuine flat earther is something way beyond normal retarded.

No-one has ever been edge of earth. So no-one can't really say wether earth is round or flat. IMO its flat.


how so?
what makes it worth trying to convince everyone of "misinformation"?

No one has been there because it doesnt exist you retard

I can't relay on Greeks. Just look at their economical situation.

Ooo. How masterful, oh Great One!
It's incredibly silly to insist that only those who have gone to space have the capacity to testify to the Earth's shape. We just went through this argument last night about this, and it is absolutely clear that flat earthers rely entirely on two things to support their position: 1) the Bible. 2) wearing down the truth by making shit up along the way until even the most patient and caring give up in exasperation. It becomes clear there is absolutely no logic, proof, evidence, simulation, or testimony that could educate and enlighten any flat earther. Conclusion: mentally challenged, or troll.

no, it's not two dimensional, you're just stupid

the earth is hollow with a star inside.
