This is a secret tktk (tou kaugh tou kose) will this stop the auto spamming bots?

This is a secret tktk (tou kaugh tou kose) will this stop the auto spamming bots?

Post the best bois

I'll keep posting some shit since I have over 2k dank mei meis



Don't usually post in these threads but might as well since it's a secret


That's the spirit, fight the cancir b0ss


Well I'm done boys, been up for 40 hours straight and I'm dying on the inside

must be nice to have something inside that can still die













fucking sauce!!! what the fuck happened here? how was it done? how can I do it?


I believe it's along the same lines as "elephant toothpaste".

Satanic trips checked


Oh lord... my sides...

standing room only