What is humanity's greatest invention?

What is humanity's greatest invention?

Our humanity.

Sup Forums

A brain

Tbh probably the Internet. Everyone is now connected, you can have a video chat with someone on another continent.

The rule of law is humanity's single greatest achievement ...




anime girls


In size, technology, and possibly significance

Sliced bread.

Calculus doesn't mean shit. You want real innovation then let's talk about the calculator. Not only could it do Calculus but it could also do any other math function that you desired!

At least until we develop catgirls for domestic ownership

is today opposite day? I see. God's greatest creation was humanity

The alphabet.

It enabled the ability to program the brain. The literate mind even thinks within the alphabet's parameters. Thus, information becomes easily transferred to one another.

Teh internetz of course! Lolzor what else?

sliced aint shit

are you actually retarded?



Smexy anime fanart



Sliced bread

I like this answer.

jet fuel can melt steel beams

Fat shaming

If you count math as an invention. It's math.

Nerve gas

The cube
>Praise the cube
>Desire the cube
>Get right up in that cube, twist it's squares like the bitchy cube it is
>Stalk the cube
>Kidnap the cube's mother
>Fuck the cube's mother
>Produce cube baby
>Cube baby is not as hot as the cube
>Sacrifice the cube baby on the doorstep of the cube
>Take photos of the cube
>Watch the cube
>Always watch the cube
>Break into the cube's home
>Burn the cube's home
>Kill the cube's family
>Find devastated cube
>Rape cube
>Mentally break the cube
>Enjoy cube sex slave for life
>Bury cube once dead
>Find new cube
>Repeat until insurmountable depression drive you to suicide.


instant food

Culture, clearly.

Are you my cube mommy?

Donald Trump.

steel beams


This. You have your shit together.


The double sided dildo

That's concrete with steel re-bar hanging out of it...
But yes, steel beams are one of the most important inventions ever.
I'd say steel in general is the most important invention. Almost EVERYTHING we love relies on it. Cars, weapons (even in ancient times, army of 10,000 with steel weapons and tools could smash an army of 30,000 with bronze, or 50,000 with stone and wooden weapons.
Our internet relies on steel... all of our modern buildings, especially anything taller than 2 or 3 stories...
Even medicine is fucked without (usually stainless) steel.
And none of this is possible with iron either. It HAS to be steel.

fml kek



You are correct my friend

Fire, enabling us to cook and scare away animals, and to show just how smart we really were, to control the scariest force of nature. It saved us into buying time to become Farmers, and Farmers into Medieval People into Pioneers and stuff, and then into Us. And here we are on Sup Forums, reveling in our Ancestors Victory over nature, Fire.


the lighter

america obviously

Interchangeable parts or the printing press. Anyone who says different is a derpshit.

The A bomb dropped on Hiroshima, or crystal meth.
Ya know, whatever you prefer.

The ability to produce an electric current



Is that Hitlers overweight cousin, Fatler?


Feminine Penises.