First gf is gonna break up with me

first gf is gonna break up with me

ITT: Feels. feel Sup Forums..

Other urls found in this thread:

It's called grow the fuck up. Jesus Christ you're pathetic.

No this is an exaggeration so I will stop being mad.







Atleast you had someone to love



How do you know she is gonna break up with you, OP?






i dont get this one

Anyone lurking or am I just bumping a dead thread?

If gf gonna break up with you, make sure you're the one who knows when the last time you have sex is, one of you knows, the other only finds out later. Don't be the one to find out "that time" was your last

is upset about her brothers death,I have no clue how to comfort her and she's being distant. I panic about it ever 10-15 minutes and feel like I'm about to puke. I'm deeply in love with her and I feel useless since I can't help in any way

Dad desperately tries to spend time with his son. But his son just ignores him instead.




go put your dick in some strange slizz

I'll help maaann

The ending always get me

either your super late bloomer or young... go learn algebra really well

learn to code/engineering/business master tier


all the bitches in profit

literally 100% cchance youll find someone better for you. youll always love your first love, but more will come.

A lot dont get to experiencce what you did



This one kills me

Alright, thanks.


Gf is*


I've dumped everything, sorry mates.

Can confirm. 37 yr old computer programmer just got dumped by my 25 yr old gf. Once I lose a tiny bit of weight and buy this house its open season on hot college chicks.

Too fucking much, user


makes me tear up every time. fuck.


surprised this one wasn't posted yet

You guys in here need to man the fuck up. Your identity can't be so tied to another person. If she wasn't attracted to you, wasn't in love with, treated you like shit, dumped you, then it is her fucking loss. Don't be a bitch all your life, learn your lesson, become a better man, and move the fuck on.

Are you a man? Because women are attracted to men. There is literally a 95% chance your neediness and clinginess is pushing her away. Stop it. Be a man.

>says the guy who deals with all his problems by drink
>says the guy who was probably given fucking everything to succeed
Faggot, if you don't like the thread, there's the door.


Hey, I remember that.


> projecting this hard
Bitch I grew up in a trailer on a dirt road. I have had my share of relationships end in disaster, and I am stronger because of it. I have also fought my way to earning a decent living.


I'm not even bitching because I'm upset, I only join these threads because I need a reason to cry.
Relationships aren't much, I agree. But there are many other reasons for these fags to be upset. And again, if you don't like it, or you're "too tough" for these threads, then



Well fuck me for trying to make you guys a stronger person. I have had my share of feels. I am going through it right now. But seriously, sniveling like a prepubescent girl will not help you in the long run.

It will only serve to make you less attractive, less successful at your job, and generally not fun to be around. So go ahead and wallow in your shit, I will keep pressing forward, put my head down, and get the things i want out of life.

Life is too short to wallow in self pity.

This one is long as fuck, but still entirely worth the read. Hope you see it OP.

Just to let you know i wasn't posting these pics because of this feels thread.
I'm posting these pics in order for you to harden the fuck up.
What you're fucking 16 and the first piece of pussy you ever got is going to leave you?
Big fucking whoops, there are people out there who have it MUCH worse than you, start acting like a fucking man and grow some balls.

Jesus fuck user, it's his first relationship. Stop being an edgelord and let the man be sad.

Its fine, user. People always leave.

Not even talking about a relationship, you idiots.
I've been pushed to my edge over fucking medical bills. Try dealing with leukemia at age 22, while still trying to work a deadend job and support someone else.

If it is his first relationship, he should learn this lesson now. Cut her loose. Dont talk to her. Move on and become a better, more attractive person. Otherwise you are ceding power to someone who flat out doesnt appreciate it. Which is a huge waste of energy that could better spent on self improvement and then finding a new person who likes you more, and makes you happier.

> literally nothing in the OP says this

If this is OP, then that obviously changes the situation. This is quite the different scenario...

i did
im reading everything.

I'm not OP. I'm not here for relationship shit. I know how to handle those. I just don't know what to do about the rest of my issues.
>mfw looking at my bills

thats not OP.
I'm op.
thats me

You need to cut her off. Tell her you dont see her as a friend. Never talk to her again. Or if you are capable, become a better version of you (dont speak to her at all for a month) and reintroduce yourself to her and do literally the opposite of whatever you have been doing to be her best friend.

She wont respect you any other way. And it might not work, but you will have your self respect.

Stop your fucking Bawwing this instant. I am not here to comfort you, or to help you cry. I am not here to listen to your story and say, "there there, everything will be ok." So stop your fucking crying.

You want to know why I don't care about your sadness? Because you shouldn't be sad. And I know, I know, this is serious shit, and its important, and you don't know what you're going to do now. But at the end of the day, it is the same shit that all of us go through.

For the past month I have been down and out. Over some broad that knows I love her, but doesn't love me. She thinks of my love as being awkward. And she still wants me to be her best friend. On top of that, I am a failure in pretty much everything I do, and I have yet to do anything my parents can be proud of. But you know what?

I am fucking awesome.

Now, I will admit that I haven't held a dying man in my arms, or any serious fucking shit, but its all the same. People go through shit every day of their lives, and this is what life is. Go grab a beer, pop a top, and toast that you are still alive. Give a toast to those who aren't. Those that died so you could be here now. Gave their lives so you can hate yours.

You are fucking awesome. But, you don't want to admit it. You go through shit day in and day out, and you live. You, are alive. The world cannot beat you. It cannot destroy you. There is no shame in defeat as long as the spirit is not conquered. So don't fucking give up. You are a good, decent person, who is in hard times. You deserve somebody. You deserve a hug. You deserve a kiss at night. You deserve a friend. Don't you ever fucking think differently.




Start fucking acting like it.

Here's one that always gets me OP.

Break up with her first you cuck. If it's going to come you are better off being in control.

It's going to hurt like holy hell for a while Sup Forumsro. I hope you become a much stronger person afterward and don't shun out everyone or change your lifestyle like I have.

I'm this guy by the way.