Seattle Mariners @ Detroit Tigers GAMETHREAD

Iwakuma vs Fulmer

7:10/4:10 start, free game of the day on

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Nice image of both the Mariners and tigers. You do know not everyone is a Mariners fan right?

Also, based fulmer.

Maybe you should make team's gamethreads then BUDDY

Is it so hard to just put the logos of both teams as the image?

Seattle fans have been easily the worst all year. You should be ashamed the leafs and jew york fans acted better.

sure just let me go into microsoft paint and create an image that caters to your autism


What a shit OP

I just looked and found one on google in about 10 seconds.

cool i'll be sure to use that one in august

Glad we sorted that out. I'm not upset anymore. Let's have a good game

Guess who's back, bros?

And probably starting in a day or two?


Check this newer Based Brad image

It's okay i didn't mean to be rude. sorry. lol they just showed the seager dinger where Verlander flipped out

Bartender is back!

I actually mostly don't care but just seems nicer to both fans to make it easier to notice in the catalog. Although, I usually just type in "tigers" to find it

ayy lmaooo


im ready for another cerebral win tonight boys

Holy fuck is Fulmer based


>High fastball

I have "seattle" and "mariners" filtered to show up as the first post in the catalog. its helpful

>its a DHL day

>this june

Man I hope the injuries get better and some Dipoto trade magic gets us back to May style baseball

I still believe, and how great would it be if Bartender of all people is the spark that lights us back on fire?

I'm sure they will work it out in practice

>Michael Fulmer


>posting a tranny

based brad



Based brad is easily the best meme in baseball

dgaf if tranny,(not true by the way) still easy on the eyes, and who are you to bitch? you posted a faggot

This is digusting

10/10 in Seattle

tfw no memeable manager anymore

Holy shit look at this based brad

>Based brad is easily the most forced meme in baseball

And if you are into things Based and things meme? Pic related my man, pic related

why is ausmus cerebral

>liking toys past the age of 10







its a collectors piece

>DETROIT -- When Brad Ausmus was a player -- which wasn't that long ago -- the mental aspect of the game always came pretty easily.

>"I always enjoyed the cerebral part," Ausmus said. "It was much more difficult to hit -- that was the part of the game I didn't really enjoy."

This is where the meme was born. Brad has always been known as an intelligent man. You could say, he is the most cerebral of them all.

Holy fucking shit based leafbro and


Why don't you guys ever meme brad this hard in the general. i was not prepared for this memery this series

your mom likes toys over the length of 10

>hates based brad
>is a literal child

makes fucking sense

>he doesn't have an ovipositor dildo that releases a dissolvable egg into your orifice

>posting in generals

we aren't gay. Brad and all of us are straight shooters.

General is for casuals and trannys

just short...



fucking goldsmith

Moya is a fucking G

>le 3-2 count but somehow get the out man

>hitting dinger on fulgod
kek no

What do you guys do while watching the game?

Practice my cerebralness

how is iwakuma doing since he joined the mlb ???

he's been good overall

Pretty good. He almost won the Cy Young in 2013 and the no-hitter last year was awesome. He struggled earlier this year but he's been better lately

and if you had to rank the current japanese pitchers? like a top 3? who's the best?

hello everyone, pls win tonight

There are only 5 aren't there?

Post brads or make new brads


Fucking aoki

not good

are you the same leaf that spams lions shit in /nfl/

>Stream froze right when the he hit the ball
>That beautiful sound

well like between tanaka iwakuma and darvish who is the goat so far

Dont worry seacucks, once fulmer gets taken out they will score some runs

>fulmers era over last 7 starts
this is really not good

>le pop up man

Darvish easily

Lets see how many (you)s i can get

Darvish. I haven't gotten to see Tanaka pitch that much

I have not seen tanaka enough to give a proper analysis on him. I think this season davish might be better then iwakuma.

tanaka is struggling ? he was by far the most popular pitcher here. i personally think too that darvish is a best, but i'm surprised he's first. too much pressure because he's pitching for the yankees ?


Tanaka's doing really well this season. He was good last year and elite in 2014. All 3 of them are above average pitchers in mlb

Sometimes it's easy to forget that #Mariners LF Nori Aoki won six straight Gold Gloves in Japan before coming to MLB.

what the fug

holy shit gibby that burn on mario

holy shit peanutbutters, shut up

Yeah I remember a bunch of people mentioning how good he was before he got here. I have no clue what happened.

most of the discussion around that trade was about his concussion and if it would affect him. Everyone knew he takes the weirdest routes

I've pretty much fallen out of love with him and have to concentrate to remember that I ever was

a few weeks ago (months?) I even used to find his pathetic steal attempt tootblans endearing

I think mario hates him and gibby knows it so he just fucks with mario the whole cast

so it's just a lot of guff with people talk about how based Japan and Korea are at basedballl


god she looks like a bitch

to the point she deserves to look like shes sitting next to her date constanza

Well considering how many Americans make the big leagues and don't perform well for long, or at all, that must mean we really suck at baseball by your logic

I'd bet an all star Japan team would compete would play about .500 ball against MLB teams, more so if the current MLB players from Japan were on it

m's get a base hit

beat him up PB