This is it faggots

This is it faggots,

If you can prove I'm NOT a genius (impossible), you'll win $1,000 USD in your paypal account. I am not fucking around here faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Solve P= NP

Answer me this simple question. What are "you"? Multiple answers accepted, and you can keep guessing. Good luck. Looking for the very basis.

Are you voting for Trump?

Who was phone?

I am not a millionaire
I am a genius

keep em coming these are easy

if you were a genius you would be able to crop an image fucktard

Nigga if you're a genius you could solve P=NP

I said im looking for the very basis user. Incorrect, but good try. Keep it going.

ok so i'm lazy but still a genius

shows how little of a genius you are that you think i'm wrong


If the universe could fit through a worm hole that could take it back to yesterday would that make the universe a older or younger? If so wouldn't that mean that if one technically existed the universe itself cold be a constant stage of loops and clips?

If you think that the answer to what you are at your very base is, is genius, then maybe you arent a genius at all.
I ask again. For anyone to answer. What are you at your very base.

You are not a genius, I don't have a pay pall account.

what a silly question. "when" would it get to yesterday? "after" it fit through the wormhole? you're thinking too sequentially. it's a silly question.

solve this


well, what do you think, if you're so smart?

You re so stupid ca NT even screencap something, than save it properly cropped in ms paint

bad math

It's 2 mothetfucker

for your information i copied the image and pasted it into paint after extending the borders. then i shrunk it down but didn't bother to resize the image, because when i looked at it, it reminded me of the american flag. it's the flag of my genius. and i had to leave it be.

288 deepshit

Are you calling it "sequential" because you can't answer it? I mean after all you are as you would say a "genius" if the question was so silly why don't you answer it? Other than trying to use this flimsy sentence as some sort scapegoat "Oh as OP I find this question boring and unethical. Let me drink my 5.00$ wine and use the internet to solve whatever questions these fags have." Now if you will please grace us with your endeavor and gorgeous boasting of how you're intelligent. Please answer my question. If you want me to be more specific and you didn't get my general idea then I can be more specific.

factorize 1-2sqrt(2)

Can someone easily just say that you don't fit within their definition of a genius, and thereby aren't one. I.e. You aren't a genius compared to Issac Newton, and he can be the minimum bar for comparison. And since you are trying to seek verification of your genius from other they can conclude that you are not as secure in yourself as you think you are. A true genius wouldn't need anyone to prove themselves otherwise.

What is the simplest way to dispute astrology?

>using "am not" when a true genius would use the proper contraction of "amn't".

If you're so smart then why did you make a picture that's tiny and looks like utter dog-shit, with all this nonsense white space. Not to mention it's in a png format which means that you could have had a transparent background instead of that white shit, but instead you decided to make the most autistic picture imaginable.

$1000 dollars please

Collection of cells? A man? A person?

ill do it for free

how many of these states are in the wrong place?

If you are a genius explain to me who you are. Not just i am me or I am a genius who are you what do you stand for. Who are you besides the name you were given.

If I tell you myself, theres no point. You need to figure it out yourself.
Second user was closer. Keep going. Further. Your base.


I am me


yes, i can't answer it

as a genius, i am constantly trying to raise my own bar, to see if there's any questions people can throw at me i can't answer. it's not validation, it's keeping fresh

you can read my biography when it comes out

you have no idea

seems like the real autism test is the fact that the 'study' had only 142 participants.

Where the fuck were these children? Under what circumstances? What the fuck is that legitimacy statement. Lmao.


sorry, can't factor a negative number

What color shirt am i wearing?

Yes you are "you" but im asking what "you" are at your base.
Oooo getting closer and closer user. I would've accepted that answer in the beggining but that only scrapes the tip of the iceburg of the answer.
Oh I do know the answer user.
Keep it coming. Im sure youll get it.

whoa we have a genius who's as ignorant as a flat tire
did i win your $1000 monopoly prize?


>Looking for approval and validation on Sup Forums

OP if you were a genius you'd be able to have your ego boosted by functioning members of society

You are on Sup Forums geniuses dont browse Sup Forums

he could be a genius, however he's already proven being a lazyfag, so i doubt he is a functioning member of society.
also, gj on feeling grand and bragging about wasted talent.