Greentext thread

>greentext thread
>bestof Sup Forums
Post pics share storys! Give me a good laugh faggots!

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No one?


Fuck off with these

C'mon faggots! Contribute








Get that shit out of here.


> when you download the image off Internet Explorer




Thanks user, have a fishy stick

>here's your (You)

Please don't



Thank you Immunity cat

Thank you inmunity cat

got an original for y'all

>Be 9th grade
>end of the year camping trip 2nd day
>campsite was really nice, one with nature n shit
>only downside was we had to pay for showers
>majority of the students, user included, just dry cleaned with baby wipes
>middle of the day and just finished a 10k hike with group
>suddenly my friends and I feel a shitspasm develop in our collective stomachs
>Head to restrooms and decide to play a game
> 4 of us were in the toilets, including user
>game was whoever could make the loudest exit sound and plop wins
>prize was $3, same amount for a shower
>in cubicles mustering up the chi I can gather and focus it all on my rectum anus
>friends start giggling as our token Asian friend starts screaming like a nigger at a zoo
>everybody was trying hard af
>Chi concentrated rectum at the ready
>"Okay boys, user is gonna do it"
>nothing but a weak squeak and soundless plop
>anticlimatic af
>friends laugh at my faggotry
>two friends, little boy and fat man,drop theirs
>rates both 6.5
>friend one and two are left behind as we wait for the sudden death match of the last 2 remaining
>suddenly hears knocking on door
>oshit.jpeg (hehe)
>teacher on the door was there oz he heard the noise that ear rapist asian friend made
>asks what are we all doing
>Teacher pauses, as the permeating smell of three shits worth of aroma finds his way into his nostrils
>"Just get out of here"
>"But Friend 1 and 2 are still in the toilet"
> friend 1 screams "Oii you dog don't dob"
>rushes shit (8 we agreed later on) and GTFOs
>Before we knew it, a crowd of 10 kids have all gathered in front of the mens toilet to see tf was happening
>Dumbfuck of a teacher forgot to close the door
>"Hey Friend 2, games over man come on!"
>Teacher knocks on his cubicle's door
>Crowd wants to get closer but the shitsmell omega barrier keeps them repelled
>only friends and teacher are immune
>"JUST HANG ON" friend 2 screams with a hint of pain

>teacher frozen af
>He's gonna do it
>Wind coincidentally blows harder
>trees sway
>Birds start flying in random patterns
>this is gonna be no ordinary shit
>The entry sound was like a fucking space ship starting lift off
>We can tell that the bast radius and damage from round 1 was chaotic
>Plop game, paintball pelets as fuck
>Paintball pellets ensues, teacher cringes and gtfos in disgust
>Tells us to leave
>"We never leave a strong man behind"
>Wait for his final form
>*TOOT* reverberates through the metal urinals and concrete walls
>If round 1 was a spaceship this would be the fucking death star revving up for hyper drive
>we hear Barrage after barrage of steaming meteorites until the splashing stops and the toilet becomes filled with shit
>Crowd whimpers, cringes and cracks up
>friends and I were silent
>Hears Friend 2's whimper
I mean I would too if I was Tongued by a Shit covered Poseidon
>Last Wave was the calm after the storm, just tiny ploops
>Wipe wipe, exits toilet
>This man is a hero, we all knew the true winner
>I almost had tears in my eyes
>Teacher is standing there arms crossed
>We hand over our $3 to fired 2, if only we had more to give to this god
>teacher walks away, no words said
>tells crowd to "go back to their site or else"
>Friend 2 tells us at dinner that his hole of champions may be suffering from anal prolapse
>Teacher calls our group from the front of the mess hall
>Tells us friend 2 clogged the toilets
>Tells us we can't attend the end of the camp activity (Scuba diving, forgot to mention we were near a beach)
>Hella worth it

To this day we still reminisce that moment everytime we're drinking on our porches

My fav

Personal fave

Oh my god, reading this with the morgan freeman accent


Don't do this



Holy fuck

>melted icecream streams down my wrists

Thank you inmunity cat

wow ok


thank you wise immunity cat



I'm no risker






RIP user

Is this a reprint

Autistic af
top kek af


This will become the next cancer


404 Thread is dead

Thank you Immunity Cat! We all feel your love.

Praise Immunity Cat


You mother is a man

thnk u cater

I am here to save the daaaay!








Pls no








I would recommend going here and read the rest, if you liked it:


plz no














I can't for the love of me, remember why i called it this


Operator, get me the number 911; I need to report a fucking murder.



Well, that wasn't a green-text. Sorry about that