Ask a fully submissive skinny gay bottom beta with no self esteem anything

Ask a fully submissive skinny gay bottom beta with no self esteem anything

When was the first time you got fucked?

When I was 20

Had you used toys at that point?

Got a boyfriend? If so, tell us about him. If not, why don't you?

Are you planning on suicide for being such lame shit ?

can i call you AIDS bag?

Not a constant one, I'd like a full-time dominant partner and not many are into this

Why is it you all go for old hairy dudes, i'm 21 and tall/fit and never get any action from you lot

Call me anything

do you talk with a girly lisp like a faggot?

post hands please

Who goes for old dudes?

do you have AIDS slut?


All the twinky lil bottom boys

What's your all time favorite fantasy?

I wouldn't hesitate a second

not OP but I only like other twinks, which means my luck in gay bars is somewhat bad =[

how many people have you let fuck you?

I'm into this. Where you from ?

Getting enslaved

Budapest, Hungary

be more specific.

Under 15

Figures you're accross the pond :/
Post more lewwwds

Total power exchange

Goddamn, you are a slut. How old are you?


What's your favorite color?

There are flights above that pond



still waiting for hands.

Have you ever been in love?

Not really

do you do drugs?

What's the closest you've ever been, then?

They cost money I don't have right now. Was planning to visit Cannes then train to Switzerland towards the end of the summer. You probably have a super cute accent too :3


What about me flying?

thats not him in the picture this is pasta newfreund

thats because every single one of you faggits is a squirmy little pussbag with your airhead shoved up your own asshole as far as you can fit it. real men like the vagin

Sometimes weed and I don't know if poppers counts as drug

>Ask a faggot anything
fixed that for you

show butt

would you do heroin if your master demanded it?

I probably would

dam right you sissy faggot

Why would a master do that? Does it make one more supple, obedient?

There's lots of direct flights to Toronto, I'm sure. Are you eager to leave your home country ?

Would you eat
Your masters shit?

shows complete control over your slave

To be enslaved yes

No I wouldn't

Do you like my cock?

Yeah I do

Yea, not really my thing. I'm dominant in bed, but that's pretty much where it ends.

What exactly on it?

What's your phone #?

Oh pity. I hate if it ends in the bed

what is the most amount of cock you sucked in one day/night?



you can do better than that...

I'm not saying it couldn't be bigger but still bigger than mine, and paired with a dominant personality that cock could be awesome

It was long ago when I was to decide how many cocks I suck a night

a lot of people do, apparently

Oh, if you just knew...
That dick would fuck your brains away...

how do you expect anyone to enslave you if you wont even eat their shit? what the fuck? poser

That's why I said I liked it

How does it feel to know that if we ever met you'd be over my knees for an hour crying as I spanked you knowing that as soon as I'm done punishing you I'm going to pump a load deep into you?


I think there will be plenty of room for psychology games then, right know I don't feel anything about it

Átjössz egy sörre?


Csepelre ;)

Messze van ls utálom a sört amúgy is

Tényleg ne vedd sértésnek de akkor ezek szerint igaz a sztereotípia


Azt, hogy a homoszexuálisok nem bírják a sört, és fordítva

Lehet h így van nem tudom, de ebben mit kellett volna sértésnek vennem?

ja nem is tudom igazán, errefelé kb minden sértés
Pesti vagy?


Do you wear panties? How big is your cook?

magyar vagy?

Not really. 4"

speak english you stupid faggot


de sokan vagyunk

Sry, we Hungarians seem to be a bit overrepresented here

mr and mrs jonah are at a picnic
They have 5 sons
each son has 4 daughters
each daughter has 5 children

How many people are at the picnic?

Two: mr and mrs jonah

nem az vagyok, akivel beszéltél, de mekkora arrogáns kötschög vagy, hogy pestiként szerinted csepel messze van?

Most így éjjel sörözni átugrani messze van, főleg úgy hogy nem szeretem a sört

én nem OP vagyok, de azért tényleg szívás kimászni

nyomj egy meztelen szelfit legalább akkor v vmi. nem kell rá arc, értelemszerűen

Ha valakivel eljut a dolog valameddig, akkor nyomok, addig szemérmes maradok