You jealous? You should be

You jealous? You should be.

Once you've come face-to-face with North Korean soldiers, you're not jealous of anything anymore.

I have no idea what this is.

Tickets to the best damn show ever. You wish you were as lucky as me!

Well congradufuckinglations... You were at the DMZ


I guess you prefer K pop over country then...

Yes, although Conway Twitty's alright.

No one fucking cares, degenerate

You just posted all the info for them online dumbass :")

At least 2 others do.

Never heard a black guy say he likes conway twitty

I just called ticket masters and told them lost my tickets. They told me if I found the old ones, they are invalid. Thanks for the free tickets OP.

Don't believe me? Check with ticket master faggot.


Go ahead, try bro

Sure bro thats not how it works

It is if yoy leave your info online dumbass


Fuck off I phoned and its still valid so haha bro. Continue being jealous

Either way. Still proves you're autistic

I phoned and its still valid. Nice try bro you just jelly

Nope, they don't, nigger.

Seemed that way.