Hello Sup Forums! I'm just putting a survey here. This may be a weekly or monthly thing, depending on feedback. Anywho...

Hello Sup Forums! I'm just putting a survey here. This may be a weekly or monthly thing, depending on feedback. Anywho, I'll begin.
1. What time do you sleep?
2. What's your favourite food?
3. Do you browse any other boards?
4. What's your favourite show?
5. Do you have a partner?
6. How often do you leave your house?
7. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?
8. PC or Console?
9. Are you a newfag? (be honest) If not, how long have you been on Sup Forums?
10. Would you like to see more survey threads?

1. Around 3-5am.
2. I don't really have a food that stands out to me.
3. Not consistently, I do nosey round others from time to time though.
4. Right now, it's New Girl. Simple and light hearted.
5. I don't.
6. Everyday usually.
7. Around 8.
8. I don't really game, so PC is preferable to me.
9. I wouldn't say newfag, not oldfag. Been here around a year.
10. Sure, it's better than a trap thread.

>I go to sleep at 12am-4am

>Chicken Parmesan or basically any Asian noodles dish

>Sup Forums Sup Forums /wsg/ /o/ Sup Forums /gif/ Sup Forums

>Top Gear UK maybe, at least it used to be

>No partner

>leave the house everyday even if I don't have anywhere to be

>I would guess 6-7 at least because even if I go to sleep late I sleep in.


>started using Sup Forums in 2009 so compared to other oldies, sure I guess I'm a newfag

>only if we get to see the results, so many surveys end and nobody but the survey starter gets to know the results

>Orange chicken and rice
>Yes, /his/, /lit/, /soc/.
>A young doctors notebook right now.
>Not currently
>Everyday, if only for a short time
>About 7
>2 years
Sorry did this on mobile, it was a bitch to type

Also, would op be willing to show us his answers?
I'm kinda interested

>12am-1am summer but 3am-4am for the rest
>I like pizza
>i just float around when im bored
>whenever i have work so like 5 times a week or so
>7 hours maybe because i wake up late
>both are fine

I second this.

>whenever dude im neet
>only the best ramen
>i shitpost Sup Forums daily
>western television digusts me
>im definitely an oldfag ive been browsing since IDs were removed

Ok, I might as well post my answers.
1. Really late. Around midnight to 3 am.
2. I like pizza, tacos, pasta etc
3. Not often. Sup Forums is primarily the only board I browse.
4. Don't watch to much television. I guess a generic answer would be walking dead, as of now.
5. Currently, yes.
6. Daily, about.
7. 3-4, generally. Some days, 5-6.
8. I prefer PC.
9. Been here almost a year now, so I suppose I am.
10. If you all want to see more of them, I guess. I like making them, anyways.

1. 2:00-5:30 AM
2. Top Ramen? That's what I eat most. Best tasting, probably a good steak. Medium done or so.
3. Yeah. I browse b, wsr, x, r, wg, aco, qst,
4. I don't really watch shows or anime can't get myself to sit down and look at something silently for that long. I'd choose Rick and Morty, I guess. Although I don't even like that much.
5. Nope. Never been in a relationship.
6. Once or twice a day, for about 10 hours tops of time.
7. Maybe 6-7 hours
8. Console fag. PC is better, but I just haven't got one yet.
9. Debatable. Been lurking since 2009, posting since 2012. I'm a newfag to some.
10. Definitely. I think this would be a very interesting addition. It feels new. And having a an area recorded to people's surveys would be very cool, in my opinion. Hell, I'll come back and post every time I see this if you keep it up. I really like it, OP.

Thanks for the feedback guys! I might as well continue, considering the general feedback was positive. Thanks again. See you next week!

>1. What time do you sleep?
3 AM - 2 PM
Half of that time is spent trying to be asleep, so 6 or 7 hours of sleep in an 11 hour period.
>2. What's your favourite food?
Fresh Fish or Crab Cakes
>3. Do you browse any other boards?
/hr/, Sup Forums, and rarely a few others
>4. What's your favourite show?
Don't watch television other than sports, so the NFL
>5. Do you have a partner?
>6. How often do you leave your house?
couple of times a week
>7. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?
>8. PC or Console?
>9. Are you a newfag? (be honest) If not, how long have you been on Sup Forums?
Been coming since 2007, so whatever that currently is called
>10. Would you like to see more survey threads?
I like these better as pictures, but a combo of pictures and words would be good. Problem is it takes time to fill out and thread is kill

Will you be posting these a certain day/time each week? If so, when?

Every Tuesday, around this time.

>weeknights 11ish weekends 1ish

>dragon roll sushi

>Sup Forums /gif/ /wg/


>no ;-;

>at least once a day for an hour if im not wokring


>would love to pc game

>been here since i was in 6th grade. now 20 y/o

>no fuck you and your gay surveys you fuck


>1. What time do you sleep?
Due to my work schedule, normally around 4AM
>2. What's your favourite food?
Ramen, I suppose. Specifically the creamy
>3. Do you browse any other boards?
I used to browse Sup Forums a lot, not so much, now. I visit /gif/ to fap.
>4. What's your favourite show?
Don't really watch TV, so I can't say. I waste all my time on the computer, instead.
>5. Do you have a partner?
No. I'm an introverted fat fuck. I have a rather low libido and it's not even something that comes across my mind a whole lot.
>6. How often do you leave your house?
I go to see one of my friends a few times a week. I go to work 5 out of 7 days. Pick what you want.
>7. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?
Sleep around 4, wake around 13.. 9 hours.
>8. PC or Console?
PC. Really it's a Mac with an upgraded GPU. That I can't fucking install Win10 on without a secondary computer.. Working on that.
>9. Are you a newfag? (be honest) If not, how long have you been on Sup Forums?
>10. Would you like to see more survey threads?

1. Attempt to sleep at midnight, errynight
2. I have a preference to italian foods
3. Really never
4. Really have no single answer
5. A girlfriend of 1 year and 7 months
6. Pretty often, atleast once a day
7. 6h average as of the end of the last spring semester
8. I wish PC, but console
9. I've scrolled "the chan" for... almost a year now
10. sure

Thanks, OP. If we see this thread again, should we respond the same as before, or should we avoid it to legitimize results? Does it matter?

I fucked it, sorry.
>9. Are you a newfag? (be honest) If not, how long have you been on Sup Forums?
No. Been browsing since 2008. I'm 21, now. Feel free to work that out.
>10. Would you like to see more survey threads?
So long as they're decent, I enjoy them.

1. What time do you sleep?
2:00 AM - 9:00 AM

2. What's your favourite food?
Fried potatoes

3. Do you browse any other boards?
/vg/, Sup Forums, /sci/

4. What's your favourite show?
i don't have one

5. Do you have a partner?

6. How often do you leave your house?
when i...go to the university, go to practice my programming skills, go to the store, go visit a friend

7. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?

8. PC or Console?

9. Are you a newfag? (be honest) If not, how long have you been on Sup Forums?
since 2005-2006

I think I'll have different/more questions next time.

Sounds good, OP. Excited to see what will come of this. Keep it up! :)

Thanks to everyone for participating in this thread. I enjoy making them, and you all seem to enjoy taking them. I'll continue next Tuesday. See you then!

See you, OP!