Continuation of >>688401976

Continuation of Just a place to chat and have fun, y'know?

You can ask for advice but studies show we suck at it.

Also, I'm best bully. Scientifically proven.

Other urls found in this thread:

Matilda Still a Shit

also, Pls come back Thicc Reimu



hey you fucken losers
ready to get bullied til you cry like a bunch of faggots?
fuck you

Also scientifically proven that armpits > feet

Matilda still a shinier shit than Pz.IV

Welcome back meowbot.



A nice relata/b/le poll.

Give it your best shot. You can't kick a man down the stairs if he's already at the bottom

No Panzer IV is Glorious, Matilda is Untermensch

go meow yourself faggot
i can agree
whatchu want serf?

hey blue fucker fuck you im not obese

how about i cut your entire body and only leave the torso and the head




-Sweet Roll

Fucking lol'd

By the way
Who ever gets the most votes is destined to bully the rest in the way described
It's a fucking game of fate don't take it lightly
Then why are you getting so angry, you autist?

try me shit for brains
get the fuck out with the shy shit
only cause i agree that hey are nice
only armpits im ever posting

(Basically, this means, vote for Horns.)

cause im an autist thats why
gosh its like you answer your own fucken question yet you still ask it
fucken mongoloid

Scamper off ye little wanker

I am gonna get so much lunch money

Now, Im genuinely confused here.

Do the arrows signify the way it needs to be pulled, or what?

That's an offer I'd have to think about first.

Hey, you should go and eat all of Thicc Reimu's food. I hear its good.

PzIV is a shit

Not shy stuff, just making myself known while expressing concern that this thread is just going to be a continuous roast

-Sweet Roll

>goes to eat her food


go hara kiri yourself you waste of oxygen
sucking dick?
well hmmm doesnt really say much
and dont worry im getting sleepy
my reign of terror shall be done in less than an hour



You can try
Yo mama sooooooo nasty, they used salt instead of sugar when they baked her.

Plz commit sudoku lol k thx bye.
(Plz tell me i'm your whore(also Seija be my mistress))


You ain't getting mine. I got my army of duckys right here.

-Doc Gold

>this faggot thinks he is cool because he uses a one letter signature
sorry fuck face i already got me someone to be a huge homo with
also who the fuck is seija
some wannabe mistress??
or just some spermless fag like you?

So can I go ahead and start flipping everyone now?

You've found my weakness! With no picture, I cannot flip you!
Masochist huh, perfect.
You're first Thicc Reimu

Oh no! My pic fell off!

-Doc Gold

What is that supposed to mean?



Wait a sec
Bitch is broke as fuck

>sorry fuck face i already got me someone to be a huge homo with
Considering the flamboyant faggot you're that doesn't surprises me.

-Joni (is this better, fag?)

>this bitch right
i swear you get more autistic by the second
yeah that actually is you worthless pond scum

And give me your hat

Everyone here is a fucking virgin faggot


This was a trap! ATTACK, DUCKYS!

-Doc Gold

>worthless pond scum
Like.. a toadpol or something? If you used comma's, what you say would be more clear, maybe even more offensive.
I still love you, obesse Reimu.
Learn how to impersonate me.


step on a rusty nail
no one loves you

Well I didn't flip it because it was obviously a trap. I'll wait for your true face to show.

Means do so at your own risk! First your lunch money, though.

ITT we attempt to bully each other, and miserably fail.

Except me. I can actually make an intelligent comeback.

ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ ɯɐ I ǝsnɐɔǝq

At my own risk? Will my arms be broken or something?

I swear this user's desktop resolution is 800x600 or something.

Broken arms? Nah that's too cruel. Your head may meet the floor quite rapidly, though.

don't have anything good here

-Doc Gold

until next time degenerate sacks of pure vitrol
if you play counterstrike and dont suck ass post your steam so i can carry your ass
if not fuck you and goodbye

i am noticing a severe lack of the armpits i described

this good enough for you seija

-Doc Gold

Just by seeing CS:GO on someone's steam account my opinion of them falls. Little better if it's CSS but still a minus.

Fuck how did I forget you. Just because that poll made me a little happy it doesn't excuse you from the flippageddon. You'll get yours.

I set up the whole scheme for the armpits tbh
But no armpits means no lunch money

I was a Nova IV before I got new internet. Now I try to play with 600 ping. Still topfrag on community.

But I'm a ninja. not only that, but a space pirate ninja. My "stay on your feet" skills are top rate.

Post Doc from RvB.

also i guess i can post one more armpits since i like to be nice once in awhile
also fuck you blue man, go back to your group
hur hur csgo is for autist
get a better taste in games schwein

Aaaw, what is it? Ran out of insults? Why don't you try and question my sexuality or maybe suggest that i should kill myself or something? Maybe even inault my bloodline, i don't know, go ahead tho.
Fuck, fat Reimu left.


i don't breathe oxygen you bloated retard
>hehh hehhh blu men grope orindial insult




This thread is lame

Or I'm just bored out of sheer depression

same diff

suck on my shrine maiden testicles little j
and im just about to leave
>cant even type properly
this retard even numbers his picture
cmon man its like you tattooed autist into your forehead
>this nigger using an oxymoron

Wait, what if I have CSS, CS 1.6, and CSGO? Im I clear?

You never fail to disappoint me, Doc.

>blue man group joke

Only I make fun of blue man via his affiliation with men in spandex

I couldn't even drown an orphan in your gene pool

Its a bunch of people "bullying"

The professional (me) hasn't stepped in. It's ok to be bored.

Then either admit the superiority of feet or stop being a bully.
Also my faggot friend in a tiara cut out my internet during Sock Rebellion, sorry.
Yeah, a numbered picture is so much worse than

Holy shit what is that

Shit, I flipped it reflexively

That is some wtf on a level you don't find even in Gensoukyou

awwe you actually read the name of the file
must have taken you a whole 2 seconds!
nice to see your brain can work that much
*breaks your knees

Yeah I played 1.6 so I can't complain there

+1 armpit

But you see my feet all the time

All our threads are lame.
Bored, what are you guys wearing?
>tank top
>3 scarves


See =/= smell + taste + feel, nigga.
Feet are so much more than looks, same with armpits.

Don't feel like making another one so I'll repost this.

You had to ask now

I have socks on
Just socks

got some rvb doc pics
also found this abomination

-Doc Gold

Wowee, you sure are a gigantic retard desperately trying to disguise yourself as an ironically gigantic retards to fool slightly less gigantic retards.


ok now im super tired
later spineless amoebas
hope you dont suffocate on your own excrement next time im back which will be a long time from now

I will sodomize you with that fucking whisk, you pudgy pussy.
Have a good rest

Goodbye. Have a good one.

My eyes. They burn. We all know O'Malley looks like Dr. Evil.

What about Hotline Miami? Is that a good one?

Until we have VR smellatastyfeely units that'll have to do.

Imagine the porn games we could play.

Ye I played 1 and 2. Played 2 first cuz I'm weird. Good shit.

At that point, it's no longer a game.
It's real Waifu business.
I'm going and goodnight, though.

have a real one to relieve yourself from the burn

-Doc Gold

Hestia or Lilly?

gnite Mad Hatty

Thank god.

Obviously Lili. She is tied with Aiz.

That's.. lewd. Fuck, i hate being on mobile internet and no wi-fi for fucks sake.


I'm back

Hello again

-Sweet Roll

Hey back nice name

Lilly and Ryu for me
Somehow I often end up liking a minor character a lot, and then there's a lack of fanart of them for me to fap to.


Bully mode is disengaged

A cat shirt
Pajama pants that are too short
a cap

Or that's what you think

Hi back, i'm Joni.
Flip my shit up fam.
Is it a shirt for cats?


Welcome back, friend
Couldn't sleep?

In bed since my typing on mobile is shit ill be nice

No, it's a cat riding a unicorn.
>pic related

Still bored.
Someone give a topic.


Zimmerman telegram

I got nothing, so here's something lewd

That cat needs flipping
The one on the unicorn
The flying one's cool

Is it me or you have slim arms?
Post armpits.


I have really slim arms man. I get that alot.

Its why I play soccer and not football.

Its one of my many cat shirts.

*sigh* Reimu needs to come back so people can stop seeking their daily dose of armpits from me.

Very original


I prefer normal conversations over people one upping each other with insults

-Sweet Roll

Uh, it's called football not soccer, mate.
You brought this upon yourself.
Fight me.


I don't understand why people like armpits.

Hiya back,

you scared my friend?

It's a kink, they're like... better than feets, i mean, they're nice and soft and all but, c'mon man, armpits.


I don't even wear armpit-revealing clothes. I have to get naked to show you my armpits.

It's more of a touhou/Reimu joke than a fetish. If I were to name something good about armpits it's the way they lead into the breast, which isn't so much a plus to armpits as is it for breasts.

I don't understand foot fetish but there's a lot of it on Sup Forums.

Im not going to lie, I'm a boob guy myself.

Its just a bit wierd. The armpit is a natural human weakness.

It could be either.

Where's Reimu?



-Sweet Roll


Hello there, scrumptiously-baked morsel of sweetness.