Hello again, friends

Hello again, friends.
I am returning for my third day of cultural experiment. I am hoping to find those that had posted in my previous threads in this forum, but new ideas are welcome in addition.
I am here to obverse and research your culture, and I will exchange answering a question of yours for a question of mine.
I have made questions about your biology, for your sleep and body heat effects, but now I feel I have made better questions. I have spent more time on this site and have found a great many unusual ideas, specifically violence.
My question is what purpose does it serve to rewatch violent images? I mean offense and do not suggest doing is wrong, only having curiosity. Is it purely for love of violence, or instead to reinforce a disgust for violence? Or instead does it serve as an informational warning? Please explain your own interest in this, and I will answer a question of yours.

Other urls found in this thread:



i believe we gave you the name ata, last night, did we not? do you like this name?

you posted just at the right time, is this a coincidence, or are you tacking me?

We had decided on that, and I do find it nice.
After my studying I inquired about the word I recalled to the friend that told the story. Atalanta was a story from your ancient Greek ancestors, a powerful woman who defied her King father by holding contest for a mate, but could not be defeated without a clever trick from another hero.
I am unfamiliar with tacking, but I'm glad you found me in the depth of this forum.

Bump because interest

double bump

on with the answers to your questions. for your reaserch, alienbro, or Ata if you like.

>what purpose does it serve to rewatch violent images?

we humans live to cause trauma onto others, i personally believe, and this has more to do with our psychology than our culture, although the two may be tied together. for us to cause pain onto others, we must live through the trauma ourselves. so i believe us humans rewatch violence to traumatize ourselves, furthering our instinct to hurt other humans. hope this makes sense.

>Is it purely for love of violence?

you're on the right track. we we're born violently, and many of us will die violently. either through automobile accidents, murder, or suicide. we are naturally belligerent creatures. and we have trouble keeping our composure with one another. let alone another alien species. but it's manageable.

this is the third day in a row i have spoken to you after all, and i want to keep this going, if you are able, to prove that we can be sophisticated, to your species.

You aren't a fucking scientist.
Any answer you get will always stem from our primal instincts.
Write that down and get the fuck off my board.

How was your day Ata? Anything interesting happen since last night?

Fuck you dude, he has a right to be here just like anyone else, and you. this isnt your board.
Go to /hm/, fuck off ,leave this thread, and go jerk off to some traps or something, fag.

Thank you for sharing your ideas.
Please do not feel judged. My kind experience hormonal responses, and while I am not believing we experience the same emotions, I have sympathy for the trying to control urges.
In my culture there is a separation of thinking and doing, and one is not held guilty for urges if they are prevented from being made into actions.

Hahahaha jesus christ what a response.

We live to cause trauma to each other? You are delusional.

It's way better than all the other daily shit posted on this board, get your panties out of a twist friend


>he has a right to be here just like anyone else, and you. this isnt your board.
That made me laugh so fucking hard though.

Everyone who posts after me is an autistic faggot baby.

You are correct, I am not a scientist. I am a laborer and an artist. Our facility has less than ideal numbers, so I was permitted to join the experiment, and even given personal allocation. I chose this site so I could converse with a wide variety of people.
I am sorry if I have offended you, but your response is noted in my research.
I performed my duties and continued my studies. This was informative but not exciting, though I prefer that.

kill yourself, faggot.


Alienbro.. i have to warn you that the poster from is sorely mistaken. He is attributing response to a cynical outlook of self because he does not understand the science behind it.

As you hopefully learned, our brains are chemical computers; signal intensity plays a major role in how we process information. One of the major chemicals in this process is dopamine. Dopamine is used to send signals through neural circuits in the reward center of our brain, along with other parts. Low dopamine leads to lack of motivation and sadness.
Evolution has given our brains a tactic of signal excitment when faced with scary, horrifying, or threatening situations in order to make influences to run or fight more imperritive. A side effect of this is it does feel good to have our brain signals amplified.

Humans watch violence for the same reasons they put themselves in dangerous or seemingly dangerous situations, like roller coasters (machines that move the body over rapidly changing vectors). Although some things might not be consciously pleasant, we gravitate to them because it feeds our brain.

Nigga fuck off, you queer nigger

Personally, i don't believe humans will ever achieve peace on earth without some sort of awakening. we just aren't conscious enough. and therefore, we are all delusional.

these is my thoughts on it.

Note my response as correct.
New people will never be welcome here, especially those who don't want to stay.
Also artists are fags.
If you are dumb enough to respond to this, tell me about your "experiment".

We are all being faggots here my friend, this is Sup Forums we are in.
You you have autism and are a gay nigger faggot king from outer space, and love daddy dick because you are a fuckboi secret skeleton, if I am understanding.
>pic related, it is you sleeping as a skeleton being spooky

Sounds kind of dull honestly. That makes me wonder though, do you have anything you do for fun? Activities or games outside of the usual that you get enjoyment out of

Yes, it is scary to realize we are nothing but computers.. that every thought and want we have is just a line of code being shaped through countless programmed functions to produce a processing action, thought, emotion, or memory formation.

But it is true. You are nothing but a machine. We know this because the will of a person.. their values, their motivations, their strengths or weaknesses.. they can all be altered through changing brain chemistry.

We aren't machines nerd. We are chemical meat-chines.


Each in the experiment were allowed to choose a way to experience a part of human culture, and whether to pretend to be human, or under anonymity reveal our foreign being. I chose this place, it is anonymous, has great cross section of the populous, and has deniability.
I am asking and returning questions to see how your kind responds.
This is sad to me, and I hope you find peace, or at least reconcile your inherent violence.
This is very informative, you have my many thanks. I am understanding this, and can relate to it.

someone explain the military-industrial complex to alienbro.

human society needs wars to sustain itself. we will evolve and grow from war.

Do you understand what i am portraying for you, Ata?

we're just made to kill each other.

How are you able to pretend to be a human without being caught? If the government got their hands on one of you I feel like it wouldn't end well

>we are all
Yeah, thanks for speaking on behalf of every single human being.

All (an alien) need to know about us is floating around from low-earth orbit, to the surface/s of our planet.

For crying out, we're beaming SETI signals into space using giant satellite dishes, let alone broadcasting the latest pop hit as we speak.

This isn't a confirmed fact, only an observed notion.

There is much I do for fun. As a laborer I often have leisure time, or have unused limbs during work, so I have hobbies. If I am not crafting, I enjoy games. Many board games I have shown I have found very pleasant. I have enjoyed card games though it is difficult to discern the cards apart, and the secretive nature is a bit foreign to me. I have found chess to be fun, as the pieces are easily discerned and tiny pieces of art.

>your kind
We aren't a kind, why don't you talk like a normal person; you aren't above us.
This place is full of kids btw, your results will be bias to a young mind. Not a complex, aged and sick mind - the one you are probably most interested in.


You are welcome.
Our species began the process of metacognition about 2-3 millinea ago. We are currently undergoing a metabiology.
It has not been in favor of lifeforms to understand how they function, as consiousness seems to be merely a bioproduct. Evolved responses that created the functional outcome all lifeforms have had in the realm of modifying our behaviors. It has only been in the last century that we have begun to truly understand our bodies.
Due to the complexity and relative unimportance, the average person does not know much about their own biological functioning, just as I would assume you might not be able to name and identify every piece of a ship's powerplant... leaving that job to the engineers.
The our new computer assisted communication and memory has greatly increased the understanding of those interested in using it, but still many are ignorant of these things.

Thanks for the fucking beautiful picture alienbro

This isn't a confirmed fact, only an observed notion.

It is actually a confirmed fact. Mental arousal across our segmented processing areas has been intensely studied and create undeniable results, in addition to outgroups not having such traits and responding as theory would suggest.

>tiny pieces of art
That's actually a really cool way to think of them





and fucking weep betafag.

We only pretend to be human to interact online. On this site all is declared false, so I have deniability. We are not psychically close enough to human shapes to pretend to be them, so we try to stay in hiding.
Also, congratulations on your triple get.
I have seen much interplay with humans and war. It is frightening to me, but I am understanding it is the end of an evolution on a violent planet.
Much of this information lacks context. It is written to be understood by other humans who are understanding much already.
I came here to acquire first-hand account directly from you. I find it to be more understanding then still data.

Its to kill the nerves associated with loss. Especially the worst types.

Personally, I find pleasure in being in the shoes of the protagonist as he is kicking ass. I my head, I often play a scene of an even more elaborate ass kicking, why the opponent deserves it, and how smart I think I am. Sometimes I am dumbfounded at an act of mercy or compassion or some other act from the protagonist; this has the effect of influencing my behavior and fantasies and improves, I believe, the disposition of my being.

Now answer this alien, what causes one charged particle to move to or away from another charged particle?

Can you kids come up with anything other than hate speech? You're one step below a fat momma joke. Fag fag fag fag fag. You fuck off. You neck bearded edge lord. We can all bitch and moan as much as we please. Fag fag fag. Traps fag fag
Do you see how retarded you look yet? Fag fag day nigger fag. It's like Xbox live in here.

we cant be saved. only observed. and that's what Ata, or alienbro is doing. he's taking notes.

you don't give chimps a machine gun, because then it becomes the dominate tribe among other chimps.
you give the chimp a sharpened stone, and see if it can make better tools with it.


You're a troll. That reads PKD. A bit too much. What does the scanner see? Does it see clearly or darkly?

Is this bait? You're on Sup Forums quit crying


You have my many apologies if I have offended you. I was told this was an appropriate term, "your kind" and "my kind". I was told "you people" could seem derogatory, and "humans" would be bad for many reasons. I personally find the word "ilk" to be pleasant and accurate, but I was told by my tutor that it is outdated. What way should I address you to show respect and kinship?
It was accidental, but I am very glad you enjoy it.
You have my many thanks, I am understanding this. I will keep this in mind when making questions in the future, though I am still interested in the way a real human makes ideas about a subject, as opposed to what it saved in a library.

>it is the end of an evolution on a violent planet.

I would not say it's the end of evolution, as much as it is a change in the medium of evolution. As i had stated one rotation ago, we control our enviornment to the point were we cannot physicially evolve further.. instead compounding expieriance of trial and error is passed on as education, science, and knowledge.

I do not know about where you come from, but our planet has been 2 billion years, I diverse and crowded places, competition for rapid improvement has been a staple of evolution and thus part of our biology.
As an apex predator reaching a maximum of their population limit, competition against other invididuals intensifies. Barriers of language, region, and subspecies genetics make individuals less empathetic to other groups. This dissassociation creates a "them and us" .. we are not unified as a species.

Military industrial complex is simply the evolution of competitive traits using knowledge and manufacturing as apposed to physical improvement.
We have come accross luck that the greater ability to cause destruction leads to less use of violence, and we are currently in the most peaceful era of our history.

Did your species ever have competition in this regard? If so, did you also reach a point where engaging in such competition meant doom for all?
You should learn about nuclear proliferation and how our most violent creations have created the most lasting peace.

Please fuck off.

>June 2013, Daily News
Both sources come from .com domains, and one of them is know for specifically tailoring their entries to a specific audience. What's fun about this, is that all anyone has ever known or wrote about is "War, war, war"; the two of you are not trying to kill one another in sport or in passionate furor. Not yet, at least.

So, in a world that has yet to actually not stumble upon itself like meek children, prone to swinging fists because someone is trying to drink from their watering hole... how is anyone to know, or consider, that human beings are capable of existing without a Pyrrhic game of shoot-me-first?

With regards to 1. “It is scientifically incorrect to say that we have inherited a tendency to make war from our animal ancestors.”
2. “It is scientifically incorrect to say that war or any other violent behavior is genetically programmed into our human nature.”
3. “It is scientifically incorrect to say that in the course of human evolution there has been a selection for aggressive behavior more than for other kinds of behavior.”
4. “It is scientifically incorrect to say that humans have a ‘violent brain’.”
5. “It is scientifically incorrect to say that war is caused by ‘instinct’ or any single motivation.”

You make the mistake of assuming that human societies rely on war to sustain themselves, rather that considering that human societies warred with one another because they could not meaningfully co-exist in their given states. Unify a bunch of human beings under an equally organic system, and you will see that there's less reason to antagonize than become co-dependent.

The only time anyone has benefited from war mutually, was in the last 100 years. Technologically.


You should have no concept of the word anonymous unless god is real and from your mom's ass.

That is an interesting understanding, you have my thanks.
It is my understanding that charged particles create atoms, electrons and protons? We are taught the energies are natural but unstable, and automatically seek balance and ending. Unlike forces converge to end each other, like forces repel to dissipate. Am I relating this correct?
This expresses an interesting idea, one that I am understanding. In my culture it is taboo to bestow great power to you that is unfamiliar. It is the idea not to give knowledge, but to show how to learn. Is this a shared belief?

Sure is a lot of hate in this thread, the past two nights were much more productive.

Dear ayleeon diarrhea, today a human was angry at me for existing, my hormonal responses concluded he was a faggot. End.

Go back to /x/ you nerd nigger

no u

We pursue violence for the /k/ube my friend. Ave Nex Alea

That's cause there's a shitload of butthurt skeptics trying to 'expose' OP, even though it's a waste of time. And what if OP is actually a human? It's encouraging us to think. I see this thread as a mental exercise.

Op I hate your space alien faggot nigger ways. Go back to the moon bitch.

kid's were all just kids. and we are like 12 years old, thinking we know everything. even when i state my personal beliefs on this board, someone will come across and say i am wrong, even if i hold it to be true, without the proper Technic and evidence to convince me. initiating a conflict that does not get resolved.

>It is the idea not to give knowledge, but to show how to learn. Is this a shared belief?

yes. we want the fruit of knowledge before we grow the tree.
which is not possible and why we cannot advance as a society. there is a divide.

We have a different word for it, one without touch, but the term "anonymous" was told to us by a human friend, it is how I learned of this forum.
This is a difficult thing for me to explain. My kind experiences competition, but war among our own kind has been very rare. I have just conversed with a friend, and if I am understanding you call a thing "ego", it is self and acknowledgement of one as individual. We have this, but we also have acknowledgement of the group... we cannot find a word of yours for it.
Our home is dangerous, but not having the great flow of resources. Alone one will die, and only by group dedication and planning of resources can all be kept safe. It is a belief of ours that an ally is more important than materials. Sharing is a way to strengthen your own chances, at least from my home.

Ata, don't mind the people insulting you. That's just how people are on this board, as I'm sure you're aware. They especially like targets who won't fight back.

I agree with you 100%. Some people just can't into suspension of disbelief I guess.

If trips you kill your whole race by not doing anything. Please alien bro?

>in this forum
>this forum

Firstly you are responding about war to a statement that was about arousal from viewing violence and how it exists on a neurological level.. completely independent of the concept of war and competition.

The assumption that humans use war for benefit is both flawed and correct. Benefit for whom? The victor obviously, it is simply an advanced form of sexual selection following the evolutionary process of pushing the outgroup from the gene-pool or (mainly since the start of civilization) acquiring resources for themselves to ultimately produce more healthy leniage. Many animals fight this way with all other's of the same species, but since we have evolved as group members, we can allign ourselves with others and share benefit as long as there is something we compete against.

None of this, however, is directly related to our enjoyment of violence outside of the realm that things like that excite us because our brain is wired to be prepared for such situations accordingly.
The fear of negative side-effects of actually committing violence usually prevents them from happening. Viewing it or pretending (like in videogames or sports) gives us the rise without the danger.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
People will never fucking learn. lol

This picture is very pleasing to me! I am understanding the object was a great many weapons before crafting, but now it is beautiful. I have great desire to experience that object closely, but I thank you for the image.

We're fully aware, some of us who have been in these threads all week might just like a change from the usual bullshit. Like this user said 688454825 it's encouraging us to think. If other anons don't like it, they don't have to be here.

This post offends me but I have been warned of fishing with bait. The new cache of images I was allotted included a defense to this.

I believe the word you are looking for is something between 'kinship' and 'hivemind'.
On our planet, we have had an abundence or resources and abundance of competing life-forms for such resources. Additionally, the early onset of canivorus lifeforms meant fighting for survival was a key necessary component. Once terrestrial life rose, it was not uncommon for two or more species needing the same resources began to deplete local quantities, forcing a more aggressive evolutionary tendency early on.

Atoms are made up of protons neutrons and electrons. An atom has a stable number of electrons. If an atom has less electrons than it prefers to have, then the atom is positively charged and vise versa.

I was a bit excited for this thread alien bro.


>a change from the usual bullshit
>Sup Forums
Perhaps you would be more comfortable on a different board, perhaps a different website.


I am understanding also that life on this planet has a very quick pace in the metabolism. With so many resources it was encouraged to consume in quick succession of intake. It is all much faster than my home.

A: Well, i like to think that life is fragile and can end at any moment with no warning. and sometimes violent images remind me how carefully i need to take my life, or just to spend every moment wisely.

Q: Are you a boobs or butt person?

Ata, will you attempt to return tomorrow? i want to continue this discussion but do not have time to stay.

I wish i could talk more about my species psychology, and hope i can answer questions for you later.

I'm one of the many nihilistic people on this website and wouldn't mind sharing my thoughts on humanity, or at least, me personally.

Yes, those are the words. Some atoms achieve perfect valence fields by trading electrons, and this makes them beautiful but charged, they are called ions if I am understanding.
I was understanding you meant particles not belonging to an atom like the lightning bolts from the storms.

I will attempt to return but I may have duties in the night this next time.
Thank you for your idea, you have my thanks.
Unfortunately I do not understand the question. We do not have a proper analogy for either of those bodily parts, and I do not experience attraction to the sexual parts of humans.

Can you please describe your physical traits? What are you made of? Are you made of multiple small components with their own coding and production systems, or are you one single life unit? What do you look like? If that is hard translate, simply summarize your external shape and any structures that might exist, similar to our limbs (if any).

The word most like what it seems you'd be describing, would be called "collectivism". There are two general forms, "vertical collectivism" and "horizontal collectivism". The former deals with hierarchies, things like social ranks that put value on those at the top as opposed to those at the bottom. The latter is more decentralized, and is essentially the interests of the group, with all components regarded as equals (mostly).

The context of my post included the distinction between war/competition and mental processes. My response was appropriate, in that you are similarly suggesting what I was putting forth to about claims on human behavior/s and societal dealings.

>None of this is, however, directly related to our enjoyment of violence outside of the realm that things like that excite us
Okay. This means that
>human society needs wars to sustain itself. we will evolve and grow from war
wasn't something that needed to be mentioned alongside
>we're just made to kill each other
>since we have evolved as group members, we can allign ourselves with others and share benefit as long as there is something we compete against

>The premise of human society needing wars to sustain itself is fallible because it relies on the next premise
>The premise claiming that we will evolve and grow from war is followed by the claim that "we're just made to kill each other"
>Assumptions are being made on what human society is, or how we are made, let alone to kill each other
>Assuming that humans are humans because "there has been a selection for aggressive behavior more than for other kinds of behavior" is not valid given contemporary lenses
>this goes for human societies as well

The entire thing, in argument form, cannot be necessitated by . is not completely sound, nor a confirmed fact. It's conjecture and opinion with reference.
You may be preaching to the choir now, just saying.

I am a single physical unit. I was actually given permission to share a crude drawing of my shape, if you give me a moment I can retrieve it.

ata, (alienbro) drew a basic diagram of what he looks like.

i saved it for future reference like tonight.

if you wont be on tomorrow night Ata, what about the night after? how many of these posts are you panning on making

It's good for a laugh.

I think the second term, horizontal would be more accurate. Those of us that display better aptitude at planning and coordination are assigned as overseers of groups, but are not regarded as more important life.
Here is my attempt to draw our basic shapes, my apologies for poor penmanship. I have omitted certain limbs to allow better view of core shaping.

Q: what is beauty considered in your species image? is it similar to our definition?

I am understanding I have a small number of nights left before the experiment if finalized. There will be a labor project I must attend after this, however I will try to obtain permission to continue here in my leisure time, for my own personal notes.
Thank you for keeping the drawing, had I known you had it I would have left the trouble of transferring my copy.

I can see how the high gravity from your homeworld has effected your evolution. That is not an unfamiliure and I do not believe humans would be disturbed upon visualizing you.
Is multicellularism common? Are we strange to be made out of meat?

I also hope you are enjoying the simplicity and effectiveness or our common digital drawing programs.

Hello Ata, welcome back. I was the person who was asking you all technological questions last night.

How are you feeling today?

Nah I'm good here, thanks though.

I believe it is entirely out of morbid curiosity. We humans are curious beings. We want to inherently know everything, see everything, etc. I suppose you are refering to rekt threads, so ill take that as a frame of reference. Stuff in rekt threads is vile, inhumane, but also deeply interesting. It is not something we see on a daily basis, and so it interests us. There are of course individuals who find pure enjoyement in these threads, but that might be another topic for another day.

If you dont mind me asking, what lead you to start this 'experiment' of yours, Ata?

Beauty is very important to us, but it is used by use to describe objects. Your kind find beauty in your bodies and that is interesting to us, expressing powerful sense of individualism. We find beauty in shapes and connectivity. There are beautiful elements, I am understanding you call them Noble Gasses, is this correct? Their valence sets are beautiful. Also, I have found a thing on Earth that is the most beautiful, I have never experienced a thing like it. The Bismuth crystals that grow on Earth are greatly beautiful to me, the shapes are very pleasant. I have never crafted art as beautiful as this.

How did you learn to type in English?

I have two questions: how can I make contact with some of your kind, and what do you look like?

Somebody give this guy LSD

I am well, you have my thanks for your interest.
I was asked by my overseers to join a cultural exchange, and was given a degree of personal allotment, and I chose this forum to find more information directly from your kind.
You have my apologies, I am fearing I misunderstood your question. Our bodies are made of great many cells as well. I was understanding your question to ask if an individual was made of a colony of smaller life forms.
In truth I had great trouble navigating the MSpaint program, it was foreign to me. I would have preferred to make a simple crafting of our shape, but this would not serve for this device.

We live with human friends who help us to hide and continue our labor. They have been teaching us what they can and learning in return. My tutor has been very welcoming to me.
I cannot make any contact beyond these posts, this would be dangerous for us. These following posts are images of a crude likeness I have drawn of my kind.

i made this Ata. if you can, please keep it. or remember, you are our bro here on these forums.

alien, or possible troll.

>We live with human friends who help us to hide and continue our labor. They have been teaching us what they can and learning in return. My tutor has been very welcoming to me.
How do I become tutor?