What move can I make?

What move can I make?

I'm black

YOu got caught by one of the oldest tricks in the book. You deserve to lose

thats checkmate, you cant move shit

Call an invalid game. Queen starts on her own color.

Says it's not checkmate.
I can't see it either

are you mentally challenged?
the queen is on the right square

Nothing - that's mate. More importantly, how the hell did you get your knight where it is?


It's not checkmate pretty sure you can move the pawn to kill whites queen

Unless that's only pawn on pawn thing

No the game is programmed wrong. Light Queen starts on light square.

Castling in English*

>how the hell did you get your knight where it is?
Assuming bottom left is a1: b1-c3, c3-e4

Oh no nvm

Too bad the bottom left is h8, you retard.

He moved it in front of his Bishop's pawn before moving it to where it is now. Then, moved his bishop's pawn forward.

what are you talking about?
white queen started on the white square and dark queen started on the black square.

C2 was empty at the time.. Also, not C2. F7

Are you a fuckin moron? Or do you just not know which piece is the queen?

Only if you're the nigger.

And we're playing the not-the-nigger pieces.

The only H8 here is you.


That's mate brobeans

Brown Queen is darker than silver Queen. Brown square is darker than yellow square. Brown Queen should start on brown square.

You're thinking about en pesante
That works when:
a pawn moves forward two spaces on its first move, in a way that it is now beside another pawn. Said other pawn can now move to the side of the first pawn and capture it

optic is playing now btw