3D thread. Post your face, your ass, dick, puss, feet, hands, body minus face, I really no longer give two fucks...

3D thread. Post your face, your ass, dick, puss, feet, hands, body minus face, I really no longer give two fucks. I'm just making it 3D. Get the fuck in here.

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Do this one

I'm going to assume people are simply figuring out how to post selfies of themselves, scandalous wanton selfies that 3D will lay bare, the base representation of ourselves.




Wtf lol

this pls





!u but gud pic so fuk it



Disturbing in, disturbing out.

Done over and over, sucks. Nope.
WTF is this?? No.
Anime produces interesting results.


tahts me drawn as a black person

do it now

There has to be better than this! Someone take a full body nude I will 3D it!

You stupid fuck

everyone can use that website

no one is posting a nude so you can jack off your little faggot bent dick

I'm clueless as shit, what website does these 3d renders?

This real time operation has a limited lifetime.
It will expire soon. Give me something to render.

This pls

question, what are you using/doing to get this effect?



I give up. I wanted ppl to post bodies bot no go so fuk it. You can all do it yourselves now.
Posting your renders would be cool though

Pls this