Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

My dignity not to play this shitfest game

So edgy.

Dota 2


I play him all the time when I'm trying to take the Frozen Throne

Dota 2




Genji is the new main you beta fuck, do you even tyler1?

Shittiest game ever why the fuck do you ask faggot questions like this?

U know it bby


Eyy,I play Smite too! I main Huskar.

They gifted me this skin for her for my birthday
Haven't stopped playing her since

then Naut
then Corki
then ...


like any sensible person, I main Teemo

So Swain is a thing now, Who are the cheap bastards who play him??>

Zed main here. Although I'm partial to Brand as well, and Tristana is a close runner up.

I AWP and sometimes entry

ppl still play this shit game?

only weebs

YOU TOO !!!!

and twitch

rylai's+liandry's for life



lol yes, i had a fuck around match the other day where i built on hit items like rage blade and lich bane, got a zzrot with boots of swift, and built a hurricane and did better then most of my team

i main soraka and nami
anyone from dimond want to duo with me? :3

I really like the neon pink.

"can anyone carry me out of bronze"

Go play Dota pls

sona, and sona only

You'd have to pay me to play that mess.

cant even camera lock in that game :c

What skins do you have? If any.

Hi started playing a few weeks ago and now im in the promos for bronze 1. Are there any guides or shit to tell me how to play lol/mobas? Like how to become good at adc?

Way too many edges itt!

Sup: Thresh, Blitz, Brand
Top: Gp, Garen, Jax suck at top tho
Mid: Yasuo, Ahri, Velcrow or Xerath
Jungle: Jax for fun, Vi, Lee, The Blob or Amumu cause I am a loser
Bot: Jhin, Varus, Trist

Gold I trash

soraka grill gamer here. Anyone from high elo want to duo with me.

DJ, Pentakill and Heartseeker

JANNA main her

Where's the uncensored version of this

ahri, because i fap to her

Watch Twitch and Youtube videos of lcs players. Specifically ones who play the role you want to learn. Video guides and mobafire help too.

lol all these support-only girls here. Learn to play the game.
My mains are cait, ashe and jinx :P plat 5.
Any high elo people here want to add me? Im a girlll


AP Teemo top

otp Sona XD. Add me on euw if you want to duo with me. Gold 1 +
Ign: missgoddess

that bulge where her pussy is...

zzrot is underrated, especially on support champs
but yeah
on-hit teemo used to be the most effective build once upon a time I always played him shrooms though, even before they nerfed the shroom limit

Also Rubick

Tracer, Zarya, 76, and Reinhardt

What's your first item on Gangplank?

recently broke up with my bf ;(
soraka, janna and karma are my mains. Add me on NA

He's boring as fuck fam

Yes you can, its not very well done though. Double click your Hero's portrait or type in a console command.
I suggest the console command cuz the other one is ass

talone madlyfe 2016

Pugna and Lina are my go-to guys
Roadhog and Genji are among my most played as well

Nice fucking set man. I got the golden staff of Perplex myself

cutie trap girl here. Unlike all the other fake girl gamers here i main jungle shyvanna.

>recently broke up with my bf ;(
open bobs slot

Sup: Try Leona, Alistar, Zyra
Top: Try Renekton, Dr. Mundo, Irelia
Mid: Try Annie, Anivia, Viktor
Jungle: Try Kindred, Diana, Shyvana
Bot: Try Caitlyn, Twitch, Miss Fortune

Even if you can't afford all of them, a lot of them are kinda cheap

It's just the way you play him. I play him semi carry. Play defensively till you have both Ag's and bloodstone. Then you can be very aggressive, and be one hell of a pusher.

I like the gold staff, but I really like the effect on the Fanto set better imo. Will admit gold be pimpin

kek forgot a name

That shit's on point

it's just an icecream bro
but it's much better quality

Cheers, anyone you recomend? Also lcs?

I uninstalled this shit yesterday. Enough is enough, its irredeemably bad now.

Triforce>Ionian Boots>Stattik>Phantom Dancer>Sterak Gage

hey, that's the nge anime

Fuck you weeb trash

You'll be back. They always come back.