This is not checkmate

This is not checkmate.

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it's called 'the fool's mate'

Bishop kills blue pawn on the left


Your king is trapped dumbass. Have you never played checkers before??

You can't faggot.

>This is not checkmate
Learn to fucking read.


There's a difference between check and checkmate, faggot.

A bug. Totally a checkmate.

Cant do it man

Your king and rook can switch places if they both havent moved yet

yes it is

It's black. And it's blacks turn.

what? ... blue is the one in check...
Not him, but how the fuck does rochade even work? Isn't it... that a pawn can only do it to another pawn? Maybe your chess app doesn't realize that, and is therefore saying it's not mate.

The pawn might be able to capture the queen through en passant?

first, there needs to be no piece between the king and the rook

second, you can't castle when checked

therefore, sir, you are an imbecile


Bishop is in the way, and you can't castle out of check.

Sorry, I meant en passant when I wrote I think you're either trolling, or your chess app is going to let you take the queen en passant.

Is it because it is suicide chess?

Rochade is castling, and as
says, it is impossibile to that there.

a bug

because you can press ''undo''

The game thinks you can Rochade that's why it says check.
You can't though, cause Bishop is in the way.
Therefore it's a bug, since it's obvious checkmate.

King and Queens started on wrong squares lol, how noob are u OP?

This is check and mate, castling is not allowed for several reasons:

King is in check
bishop is in the way

Also, its a curious way to set up a chess board. You are actually playing as black, but the pieces look white. Perhaps this software has got the graphics for the king and queen reversed. If this is the case then it is not mate.

you can't rochade if you are in check,if the move would put you in check or if during the rochade king would pass a check.

Blue pawn can take the red queen.
Look up en passant

Its not checkmate

troll, lrn to chess

I am aware this post is a troll, but assuming the graphics reflect the proper pieces then this is checkmate unless you can offer up a move by white. This ball is in your court.

It is checkmate

En passant

En Passant only among pawns, methinks

Your development is that of a beginner. Don't get discouraged.

yes I think so too. It is definitely checkmate. The app is just stupid.

Just don't ever play chess

He is right, capturing en passant is only a pawn on pawn thing. Not even applicable in this position if the queen was a pawn.

En Passant is only used where one player advances their pawn two spaces from their starting position on the 2nd row, and then sits directly next to a pawn of the opposing colour. Then the opposing player has the opportunity in the next turn to take that pawn using En Passant. If he does not take the pawn in the go immediately after, he loses the ability to do so.

En Passant cannot be used using or against any other piece than a pawn.

RE the app, not had a proper look, but it looks like check mate to me.

Not a checkmate. Pawn next to queen can take the queen.

Played chess for 8 years faggots and am best in my country. For all you retards that is mate and not a check or imaginary thing called checkmate unless OP plays a dumb variant.

Thats not how En Passant works...

U can switch the rook and the king. Forget what the move is called

Jesus christ you're all clueless about chess. its just a bug, its checkmate. Castling is not an option as you cannot castle out of check. its also not a fools mate, whoever said that,


There is a piece in the way. Also you can't castle out of, through, or into check or checkmate.

ITT: retards that can't play chess
it's checkmate, is this a troll post?

Troll, or dimwitted. Take your pick.

Checkmate is short for mate.

No its not

mate in 1

pawn b8

Fools mate doesn't have a specific move order. Any series of moves where the queen is allowed to mate like this can be called fools mate.

More generally, the term Fool's Mate is applied to all similar mates early in the game. For example, in 1. e4 g5 2. d4 f6?? 3. Qh5#, the basic Fool's Mate pattern is the same: a player advances his f- and g-pawns, which permit the enemy queen to mate along the unblocked diagonal.

Sources: Wikipedia

This is chess not checkers dumbass

>This is not checkmate.
Your first premise is incorrect.

shit i mean pawn takes rook king takes queen king up king side rook side eventual rook king checkmate

you can't mate in 1 from there

Are you trolling? King and Queen are on the correct squares....

Well I googled for a chess puzzle and the image was labeled 'mate in 1'...

In traditional chess, this would be checkmate.

If this is not checkmate you are playing something different. faggot

OP does play a dumb variant.
Check the initial positions of the Kings and Queens.
If you were the best in your country you would've noticed that.

What are you talking about? The queen's dress has to match her shoes e.g black queen black square.

Are both of you color blind?

Go back ( I know you can on that app) and give us all full game transcription.

Move the king diagonally back so it's in front of the pawn and you're safe. The knight can only move to the dark square and pawns can't a piece directly ahead. I'm not a chess fag and I know that much.

The black queen is on the black square, the white player just moved his king and queen.. Once we have a full game transcription we will see.


King never moved.

All these fucks with their rambling. Who has the highest elo here?

Just checked with my chess engine. its a mate in 4 not a mate in 1.

King and Queen are changed, probably a visual bug from the game. Queen must start on her colour and king on the opposite.

That makes more sense... No idea why the image was labeled that way.

I am probably like a 1200 ;_;

En passant only works with pawns

you're right. I see why people are confused. The bottom of the screen is black and the top is white, even though the white is brown and the black has a whitish tint. Its the app. Both kings and queens started on the right squares.

blue = white, red=black. faggots

Dubs and the only thought out reply I've seen. Well done faggot.

...for you...

Move knight below king

>"blue = white, red=black. faggots " said the faggot with the blue and red chess pieces.

Black king to b8
White rook to c8

that's Displacement chess

like this?

Dumbasses move the knight right below the king. The original was why isn't it mate, it's because you can move the knight to take the bishops

Talking about white side it was the one in check

double dubs :-P

That's the queen dumbass

And OP is asking how it's possible it's not a checkmate. Again, learn to read.

Lol love this

you're either don't understand the game or you're trolling. We're assuming it is white's move here first of.
If it was black's move then Kb8+ forces a draw.

Blue is in check not red

NO no no, its much simpler then that. See you forgot about the rule I just made up that prevents you from doing this. Also there are the rules of en-passant and castling which I am allowed to misunderstand as grossly as necessary to prevent mate, and in fact achieve a checkmate in response.

the knight can't take the queen, which the thing checking.

retards, retards everywhere..

Lol if it's whites move it's even easier, white pawn to b8, become queen

seems to me like white can move king to the white square above/right

is this correct?


The king is the one with the cross, not the ball

You'd just take it. Do you really think you're smarter than my chess engine. Infact B8 categorically loses. Here's a repost of the solutions. for you dimwits