Fuck up the poll Sup Forums

Fuck up the poll Sup Forums


Vote superior.

Other urls found in this thread:



Holy quints




Voted twice.

what we voting for Sup Forumsros?

Inferior obviously

This is now a get thread

mfw not enough people here for ''inferior'' to win

Superior to make them all look like the psychotic gyno-supremacists they are


Superior, you fucking retard.
He's banking on feminists voting to show that they view themselves as equal and not superior.

reading that guys tweets, he is obsessed with eating and pooping...

No fuck you, inferior

how is it looking? i have no tweeter




like I have a twitter, Onions fans are 13 yo emo grrls who would drink the poisounous coolaid if he jizzed in it

get this going! vote superior

The idea is to fuck it up, idgaf if superior or inferior wins, faggot


74% equal. You're failing.

I voted inferior but /b's influence doesn't spread far enough to fuck this poll up

problem is, b doesn't have twitter

Yeah I had an old account from 3 years ago that I had to reactivate and recover my password for just to vote in the poll.

If inferior wins, it will fuel feminism even more

If you vote inferior, they'll just say it's "trolls". Vote superior, you morons.

This thread was just started way to late to have a meaningful effect


superior! much funnier


can you post an screencap of the poll?

bumpidity bump

Never had twitter account, so can not see the results, let alone vote

Here you go

Superior: 11%
Equal: 77%
Inferior: 12%
it ends in 4 mins.

Meh, the idea was gud, but the timer fucked us in the ass.
Abandon ship.

thnks, over and out!
time was an issue ...


observe em

Hey l-look guys they voted equal in a poll
This proves they don't want special privileges