So how long would we last if the sun disappeared...Let the responses begin

So how long would we last if the sun disappeared...Let the responses begin....

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18 minutes

Quick guess. 8minutes. The last of light will end reaching us, starts to get really cold after that. Also, the centre of mass of the galaxy would be around jupiter and then the planets would go out of whack. since sun was 98% mass of sytme probably go and leave solar systme. It'll get cold anyawy.

3 years

I'd say somewhat more than that because earth's ability to retain heat. But I woudlnt know for how long.

oh yeah good point. Not long. humans go bye bye quickl withough some tech. Only some species around thermal vents survive for maybe years

The first day would be no big deal...
Gradually though night would take over.
99% of people would die in the first month or two.
After a year or so...

The only survivors would be:
1) Deep Underground away from the elements
2) Nuclear powered
3) Grow own food
4) Have air filtration
5) Have water filtration
6) any other needed things

A few generations may live on after the death of the sun, but most everything would die because temperatures would drop to colder than pluto.

you know overnight you usually go about 12 hours without sunlight right? Do you usually die 8 minutes after sunset?

Vsuace already discussed this.
Whole video about it.
Its called "what if the sun disapeared"
Educate yourselves

>air filtration
not going to do much good when individual elements start freezing out of the atmosphere.

>water filtration
replace that with recycling and it might help.

Honestly though, a nuclear power source big enough to sustain an underground population, keep them from freezing, and provide enough heat and light to grow enough crops to feed them? that's a bit of an ask.

protip: earthquakes will become really common as the top of the crust cools, bad time to be underground

not sure if troll

I ate a whole bag of pistachios and I feel like I'm dying

Take Millions of years to reach roughly -400f....End of first week -100F...Get to Iceland fast....Or nuclear for heat....Many underground cathedrals aka mines available (salt mines for one)....But would be 2012...Most wouldn't get an invite...

You're such a fucking retard man. Seriously, I had no clue there was people this fucking stupid ahah! Can I ask your age?


also what is this

Yea that might explain 20% of this troglodite's stupidity, where did he get the other 80%? Also, how much fucking effort does one have to put in to be this fucking downy?!

this scenario ignores celestial mechanics.

the moment the sun disappears the earth would go off balance.

even the best astrophysicists can only speculate as to what would happen

but you can expect polar shifts and disproportionate gravitational pull throughout the earths surface caused by increased planetary "wobbling"

uninhabitable for humans even underground

this faggot is right.

its on youtubes.

fucking newfags.

This is more of a matter of heat, not just light, we can most likely survive for a while in near total darkness (moon would provide enough to an extent) but I doubt we would last long with no heat.

since the sun would expand to a red giant before imploding we would be vaporized in mere minutes

There's a species that lies deep in the ocean, at the bottom, these creatures hang out by volcanic vents and can withstand the oceanic pressure. They will definitely be the last thing to survive, in a million years we will have humans all over again from them.

You dumb fuck where do you think the moon gets its light

the centre of mass of the galaxy would be around jupiter

Are you talking about the Earth's oblateness???

Most likely crashes between plannets as they form new orbits around each other. Huge explotions and debree that could erradicate us if for some reason the earth didnt collide with another star.

Are you actually autistic?

no fag.
its a hypothetical spontaneous disappearance of the sun

we all know what a supernova would do.

> Also, the centre of mass of the galaxy would be around jupiter

Also, everything in the solar system would be moving away from each other so fast that Jupiters gravity wouldn't matter.
tl;dr: cold, swift death


that's... that's not how it works...

THAT KIND OF IMPORANT things missing

like if it burned out vs blowing up what would happen would be diffent lol


It would get cold and dark pretty quickly.

Again, the point is that we are talking about fucki mng heat, not light. How does that change the fact that we would fucking die without the heat of the sun? Even by your rules we arrive at the same outcome, even if we can see even less than I thought.

given current velocities they'd probably just all sail off in different directions into space. I doubt there's enough mass remaining to pull teh inner plannets anywhere, but if the orbits were just right some of the outer planets might hang around together

op probably meant if it just poofed out of existence

But if the Earth keeps twerking why would it matter about the sun?

the question is moot... the sun dont just poof


You would die. Trust me I'm a Doctor.

What a bunch of fucking idiots. We don't even need a sun.


Explain my good man. What conclusion did you draw from the sudden disappearance of the sun? We're all ears.

I poof on ur mums ass m8

Wow. What a fucking loser you must be.

check em

Just think of the effect of the discontinuity from the loss of the Sunday gravity. Also the new geostrophic balance.

You do know the heat of the sun is still present right? The sun doesn't disappear from the solar system just because we can't see it.

Nah, nigga. You said that the moon itself would provide light for us. The moon reflects light, it's doesn't generate light you fucking idiot.

Okay, if it takes the light and heat from the sun 8 minuets to stop reaching Earth, what if we just travel away from the sun at 8 minuets per hour? We'll always be keeping up with where the warm is, so we'll never run out of sun.


Dam ;_; gg based user

u talk like a fag

> 8 minutes per hour

"We don't need a sun"

Plants do, and without them you would have no fucking clean air first of all

Most species would go extinct, even if by some reason we don't, which is unlikely.

Wasted quints

Yeah lol

I took a shit like 5 mins ago, I feel better now

not really, i believe that has to do with rotational speed and gravitational pull, like on some of the moons.

i mean rapid, uneven, nonsequential movements of the earth that would make standing on the surface an impossibility.

i think it would be very unlikely that the planet could encounter another star and be pulled into orbit and included in the new system.

Maybe a month, at very best

Solar energy isn't the main source of inner earth proceses, radiation is, so energy would be released anyway

>Im gonna call this guy a loser even though I browse Sup Forums too!

We're all fucking losers budy, tell me something I don't know

I release energy on ur mums ass m8

But what if someone unscrewed the giant spotlight on the moon's surface that gives us the light?

What does Moot have to do with the sun and us dying?

What the fuck is 8 minutes per hour

Idiot plants work off of any light. Stars provide light, photosynthesis can take place, even with low light intake FAGGOT!

Thank god you're ok user

But if all these losers are winning then the competition is throwed as hell that means swoop in for the kill anons

It's the reason Jupiter can heat its moons, but we don't have the mass to keep us very long.

the speed of time

Without the sun acting on the moon via gravity, is it reasonable to expect the earth to pull the moon in, from our gravity?

thank you for your concern. truly, God is with me

We could just switch to geothermal energy, use the energy to power uv lamps to keep SOME oxygen production. 99 percent of humans would die and the survivors would be something like astonauts

Re read my comment again dumbass it applies to both of your comments.

>durr I have no reading comprehension techniques.

Okay let me dumb it down
We would die either fucking way.

>8 minutes per hour

lol, you almost had it son.

lol wut

The moon stays in orbit because of its lateral velocity.

The Earth is pulling it in, it is falling at freefall speed right now.

It is just going sideways so fast that it misses.

The moon was once much closer. Earth would definitely pull it back.

Read a fucking book you Gook!

only thing I pull back is my dick outta ur mums ass m8


Gravity is a myth

No one wins in Sup Forums
If you're in this shit hole, you've been lost for a while

80% of the oxygen produced doesn't come from trees. It comes from plankton.

Using some other form of energy, geothermal or nuclear, Humanity could survive below the surface for a long time.

Good one, I don't know that gravity moves at light speed tho... But I agree, the after effects of whatever happens to earth when it's no longer on orbit would probably wipe us fast.

This one and is more on the lines of what would happen if the sun's light stopped reaching earth. While I can't provide a timeframe atmosphere would be gone and oceans along with it not long after, it isn't just light for warmth and photosynthesis that we need the sun's light for given stopping reactions (eg ozone cycle) in the upper atmosphere would alter equilibrium and lead to the atmosphere outgassing until we are left in a similar state to Mars... Esentially terraforming in reverse...

it's not a big deal. with electricity we can grow plants even without the sun. as a race we will pool our funds and create a ship, travelling to the next solar system and find a new home planet.

We have come this far as a race, we shouldn't rely on some stupid star to keep us alive.

Oh boy, you and I are gonna have a good chuckle about this when we're older. I meant to reply to this dummy

Disappearance of the sun would cause a fucking ice age you flamboyant cocksucker

What about creating an artificial sun?

Indefinitely. Ronald Reagan's star wars program would be initiated igniting Jupiter and mass migration to Wolf 1061c would proceed.

only flamboyant cocksucker I know is ur mum m8

only mum i know is ur mom m8

>Gravity is a myth

>Gravity is demonstrably not a myth

Corrected that one for you friendo, I wouldn't want people to think you were a fucking retard or anything.

Even during the ice age?

That dude is cool to watch

cheeky cunt