Why are the Irish so good at banter?
Why are the Irish so good at banter?
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This is downright hilarious.
>tfw you will never go home to your sexy wife
holy shit. the irish support are totally stealing the show thsi tournnament desu
Hon the lads
Fucking KEK
It's shat, unless you're an americunt
Calm down, Nazi. Of course ze Germans would know all about feces.
More Germans in the USA than Argentina. But trust classic lard educated amerifats to not know that.
Classic Nazi anger. Put your hand down, Hannes.
>DeNiggero reacting to a normal sentence like it's anger
Classic slave mentality
I think even if I were a black man in America, I'd still be thought of as whiter than an Argentine Nazi with a penchant for hating freedom.
>hating freedom
Most countries are more "free" than the US will ever be, the irony is that you faggots don't realise it.
Like with what? Please enlighten me on what I'm missing from my daily life. Please tell me Argentina is one of these "most countries" you're talking about. Maybe I can move there and learn how to draw swastikas with you, bruder. Maybe I can read some Borges to you at night.
So we're really just gonna act like Argentina was not a safe haven for Nazi supporters after the war? That's what we're gonna do?
the american is right, you can't even shoot up your school in Argentina
Top kek
its cause we're shite at everything else