
I know it's too early to celebrate but there's no way we will lose this now.

LGTSS: >merklel


why does britain want to leave the eu?

You're going to ruin your economy. For that I am sorry. I hope you guys realize how badly you fucked up. Hopefully you can fix it before it's too late like LeBron did.

oy vey!

>only Jews care about their money becoming worthless

same reason people want Trump to be president

muh borders
muh sovereignty
'they need us, we dont need them' mentality

Poor people are stupid

small price to pay vs cultural enrichment

To be fair, I would never want to be a part or have any attachment to the European continent in any way, whatsoever.

you just ruined your economy

congrats I guess

Well, you are just a shitty chink desu. No surprise there.

Yes because all the pakis are coming from the EU

short-sighted populism

Tough luck redditurds looks like we wont be culturally enriched after all

France, Germany, UK, Ireland, and maybe Italy and Portugal are pretty okay. I guess Spain for the women food and soccer. Hell all those countries should just form their own club.

Again, how will leaving the EU lower the number of Pakis and Indians?

Couldn't care less who it is as that gets kept out as long as the net migration total goes down

It won't though, the poles will just get replaced by asians and at least the poles go home after a few years

Is immigration really the main reason why the majority of Englanders want to leave the EU? I haven't really been following along

What if Brittan becomes a US state?

It would be no worse than the deal we have now

Isn't Canada a member of NATO though?

>as the net migration total goes down
As long as you're willing to pay the price for it, more power to you.

Have you figured out how much money you already lost from currency devaluation? Hope it's worth it user.

>defending Europeans

Remember: you are on a website populated mostly by 14 year-olds

it's amazing how much todays left despises white working class, which they supposedly so loved last century.

makes you think.

Could care less more to life than money

someone please explain how this is bad for the british economy?

I Don't think the Brits are going to create a bunch of trade barriers.

Pretty sure the money saved from leaving the EU will go back into the economy.

What is so bad?

besides having to set up visas for workers to enter britain, which i understand lowers incentives for businesses to expand to the UK.

other than that I don't understand the stay vote.

>Premier league would take over MLS
>MLS would be forced to downsize and have 4-5 teams based on region.
>these teams would be composed of best players from MLS squads in said regions
>would probably be mid-to-bottom of the table most of the time

I would still be okay with this

Apologize for what? This is the death of uk

this is mindblowingly true

It's now official, UK has voted to leave and Remain can't catch them.


And now Fuck Off.

I hope this makes the EU tremble...

Let's see which consequences this will have on British sports.

Depends on what sort of trade restrictions the EU puts on UK exports, it could put off a lot of international firms if they don't have access to the single market

>implying it isnt all part of the plan

>tfw america takes over and makes UK great again

Took some generic Viagra about 2 hours ago.

My vision right now is all tinted blue.

>more to life than money
Then why are you whining about immigration? I thought it was about jobs being lost to foreigners.

I'm really disappointed in Britain. They chose division and xenophobia over a more united and peaceful world.

>Could care less

Fuck of Yank.

so sad ;_;

would the EU act out of spite?

because they would only fuck themselves by restricting trade with the biggest economy in the euro area.

>implying the right give a fuck about poor people

Protip: No one cares about poor people.

As if America would give up their sovereignty and allow other countries to make laws for them.

It's hard to create a more peaceful world with Syrian rapists flooding into your country

So who will be the next country to leave the EU?

Greece? Spain?

Sure those countries have their benefits and are fun to visit.

But all I ever hear is how corrupt and dysfunctional the European governments are. If I was British I wouldn't want to deal with that clusterfuck.

>Britcucks celebrating the fall of the pound

We don't know, they could potentially as a way to dissuade other countries from leaving, but most likely Britain will be allowed to trade on exchange for taking on some EU laws, like the deal Norway has

>someone please explain how this is bad for the british economy?
The UK alone isn't going to be able to negotiate the same favourable trade deals as a member of a 500 million strong trading block. Negotiating these deals also takes time, a long time.


Why don't you fuck off to leddit so you can cry with all your cretinous libtard friends?

Yes, its very short sighted low IQ shit. UK isnt even getting Syrian refugees really.

Germany still has a larger economy than the UK

Apparently conservative estimate is 7 years


It's couldn't care less, not could care less. Only Americans get confused with such simple things.

Netherlands, Denmark, Czech Republic.

I just hope this happens... we might do well with an economic union, but this political union failed.

England are going to win Euro 2012 now, they'll be so hungry to win it

Only redditors invade Sup Forums so they can preach their globalist ideologies


Germany sell to the UK lots and lots of things, they're not going to want to fuck that up.


Very conservative indeed. It took Russia almost 20 years to join the WTO.

NATO is like 90% an American organization.

doesn't it allow britain to take control of their own monetary policy?

I thought all countries in the EU had no control over monetary policy and that was handled by the EU who serviced the whole area as a whole?

>all these edgy teens thinking this is good
You basement dwellers shouldn't discuss anything outside of anime and porn
Good for me though, I'm moving there and now my $50k in savings won't take such a bit with the conversion rates


Wales will go farther than you. You will probably lose to Iceland.

Fuck off we're full.

dumbfuck here

tell me whats going, my grandma is happy but i dont know why

No UK is part of the EU but not the Eurozone they have control over monetary policy

how would these chart look with football fans... man united fans remain? man city fans leave?

>doesn't it allow britain to take control of their own monetary policy?
They never joined the Eurozone so they never lost their ability to make monetary policy.

>I thought all countries in the EU had no control over monetary policy and that was handled by the EU who serviced the whole area as a whole?
Again, only the ones that joined the Eurozone. Monetary policy iis controlled by the ECB in cooperation with other EU institutions.

Sorry reddit but you lost

This is true of the countries on the Euro. Britain made the extremely wise decision to keep the pound, even though I'm sure the same people who were bitching about that are now despondent about this.

oh ok. Being part of the eurozone seems totally retarded.

adopting the same currency in exchange for giving up one of the most powerful tools your government has to influence the economy...

They'd get video games the same day as us and the Jacksonville Jaguars, they would be so lucky.

oh shit, i forgot


Yeah, I think the only reason a lot of countries agreed to it is because their currencies were in the shitter at the time

Congrats UKland. I'll miss the banter we had, for you're no longer liberal cucklords.

I'm slowly packing, it's a done deal

>hurt reddit xD
Hang yourself you disgusting NEET

Only reddit thinks the EU is a good thing it's clear as ever that Sup Forums is flooded with you cretins

Liverpool and Manchester were very remain

Sunderland massively leave but Newcastle very remain which is funny as they are next door to each other





You had a good run but every empire has an end.

>Both the Euro and the British Pound are crashing in the economy versus all foreign currencies


>mfw brexit wins because all the remain voters are in France for the Euro.

Its more likely to be the other way round desu

thank you based Britain . People voting not politicians . Lobe it

One should always have a healthy supply of Swiss Francs or Japanese Yen for such occasions.

I might still make some money out of this. Thanks bongs!

scotland didn't qualify