Rank guess thread

rank guess thread

bronze 3


Bronze 2

LoL is for faggots, play a real game.

damn im the shit

Guess mine ;)


what about me

fuck u :^))))))

silver 1

silver 1

lol no

be honest and tell us

Plat 4 right now

6 mastery on karthus seems pretty cheese in this meta. Was it hard to get it ?

Just started playing again after uni, so guess my decayed rank

Nah, Karthus has been my main since I was low silver and I just started playing him again. Seems pretty strong now.

I usually Ban out Zed/Fizz/Vlad and not many other champs scare me as Karthus. Especially since I can just take Exhaust and play super safe if need be.

plat 3


Oops I'm retarded
I meant close