what is this on my ankle? shit doesnt want to go off i put vaseline on this, i rub on in to get rid of teh dried skin its still there
i dont even move with shoes often

It's cancer


shit got rubbed raw man, gotta wait it out

Super aids op, get that checked out.

looks like a brain tumor

I have seen this before, this is AIDS trying to escape your body, you are pretty much dead rbo


thats zika virus

This is probably a good reason to wear shoes more often. Especially if outdoors. Looks like you picked up some kind of irritant. Does it itch?

Does it hurt ?

Also, don't put fucking Vaseline on shit like this. Petroleum products can exasperate skin irritation. Get some aloe Vera gel ya fuckin dipshit.

doesnt hurt , ocasionly itch
it was worse before alot of thick skin like on elbows (something similiar) rough feeling

clearly lupus you stinky nigger

What do you think could cause it?

Looks like internal bleeding. Did you twist your ankle? Did it get hit by something? Drank a pill that raises blood pressure? Anything can rupture a blood vessel and it doesn't need to be a big one too.

If it turns purple soon it's okay and it'll go away by itself. If it doesn't go to a doctor.


>teh dried skin

Also I just realized it might be the skin itself... So is it?

OP, do you scratch there often?

That sounds like eczema.

that is cankle my friend

this is cancer :)

i rub it ocasionly with those brushes for skin that you use on heels

u think i should put my feet in warm water

Eczema 90% sure.
I have it, it can be a pain in the ass to get rid of but its not serious.
Go see a doctor for advice.

i have the same thing only its not red, feels like really hard skin and has the same ridges.

got it after i started working a job where i was walking all the time.

Cankle in ankle???

There are no documented cases!!

Sup Forums strikes again!!!!

OP is ded

This. Trust me I'm a doctor.

In all seriousness..... It looks like MRSA. I would rush to the ER as soon as possible

Do you have a hibbit of sitthing on your foot?
I often put my foot under my ass, sit down and i have this.
Thes is from rubbing your skin to the chair too much(in my case)