Would you take care of this precious female?

Would you take care of this precious female?

She would have been good looking but laziness and poor choices ruined her chances. Sad!


wouldnt even shit on this face, looks like a pancake


Sure, i need another pig in my farm

>my child is my world

every. fucking. time.


I can't even take care of myself

Hey, she is atleast happy.

I bet that pig has a nice fat ass, I'd fuck her from behind.

That feel when even this bitch wouldn't lower her standards for you.

That's probably the best she'll ever look. Godspeed OP

>AKA - no one wants to date me because my child takes up too much of y time, so if you show me smallest bit of attention I'll suck your cock.

idk, I don't usually like giving pigs a bath after they roll in the mud.

What they really think, pic related

Google images needs to be recalibrated

Better take her to Golden Corral first.


Pretty cute and probably has a nice fat ass
I would

Imagine her dancing? Get low get low


95℅ chance the kid is black


Her tastes disgust me more than the fat
Would not

She looks Australian

Now that, children, is a MySpace angle. What lies below the line of the angle would make every dick shrivel for 20 square city blocks (in her orbit)