if someone could find a video of one of her gangbangs it would be greatly appreciated
Nathaniel Sanchez
would annex her sea access if you catch my drift here comrades
William Barnes
Whenever i see an attractive slav girl i automatically assume she's a degenerate whore
Carson Bell
Preferably when she's still wearing her braces
Henry Martin
He's an actual cuck or her pimp
Jayden Thompson
Christopher Lee
>She looks like angel
Angels and Demons are almost alike in appearance. They're not meant to look innocent or sweet. More closer the Lovecraft fiction if anything.
Daniel Jones
You assume correctly.
Jaxson Parker
Whenever i see an attractive girl i automatically assume she's a degenerate whore
Gavin Stewart
Requesting the pic of that Russian whore singer who likes to get naked on stage and everyone's trying to reach out to her while that one dude just stares at the camera "this isn't sports".
You're probably thinking of Tove Lo. She isn't Russian, but she is just absolutely fucking awful and needs to be liquidated.
Parker Nelson
My homie knew a chick. And then some day as I was watching porn I saw her there, she was even in one of Pistoletov's videos too, truly the world is small.
Daniel Flores
why does he do the dance?
Zachary Collins
You can't explain Pistoletov with logic.
Jaxon Diaz
>2016 >not keeping a steady stable of multiple broads
Finland, are you okay, bruv?
Adam James
Not yet. Remember, that club stuff are private parties with double anal for funsies. But we'll see some eventually. I don't think Legal Porno's videos are all that fun though despite being so hardcore. I wonder why.