Add irissaa69 on snapchat and save the last snap on her story with phamtom, then post it so we can see her tits

add irissaa69 on snapchat and save the last snap on her story with phamtom, then post it so we can see her tits

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I think she made it so she has to add you before you can see her story

please guys, help a bro out. i have another one of her tits if you guys get this one


Her story won't show up. Why don't you just screenshot??

lets get this guys

emojis are in the way, that why i need phantom

Is it a vid or a pic? If it's a pic, I'm pretty sure it won't be able to remove the emojis

its a vid

Download snapgram from App Store and post pics here

already did, it still blurs it. phantom doesnt


What the fuck do you mean blurs it

phantom is the only thing that works

Added her and I have phantom but she hasnt added back

cool, post when she does

Post the blurred one then

Do you have to pay for phantom??

download azrecorder on android and record it and then screenshot it if your worried fam

no its free on cydia

Have snapprefs. I can save video but hasn't added me yet.

Where can I get Cydia for iPhone 6s? And how do I install it and stuff

She looks 40